"Oh, you should be." She says, her grin grows wider. I laugh at her, smiling widely. "I am."

"Now, let's go to the kitchen!"

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Before the clock hits five, we already on our way to The Queen's suite. We knock on the door and the door flies open within a second. Queen Alessandra looks at the both of us with astonishment written clearly on her face. We give her curtsies, smiling at her. "You both arrive a minute earlier. It's not like I mind." She smiles.

"It's better to be early than late." I say, smiling at her. She opens the door wider and take a step to the side. "Come in."

She closes the door and walk to the bed where three dresses lay on the bed in front of us. All of them look beautiful. Much more beautiful than the dresses she wears on any other day which are already beautiful enough.

"So, you both tell me. Which of these should I wear tonight?" She asks, facing both of us. I hold out the dress in front of me one by one, looking at them with Lily by my side.

The first dress is a white strapless simple, floor-length gown. Light pink flowers cover most of the dress's skirt. The second dress is a royal blue color. The dress is sleeveless and fall to the floor elegantly with a slit that would reach mid-thigh. And the third dress is a black dress. The upper body and the sleeve are made of lace and the lower part of the dress hugs her thigh and flares from the knees to the floor.

I knit my eyebrows as I try to choose the best dress to wear tonight. I ask Lily about her opinion, but she's just as confused as I am since we thought all of three dresses are amazing.

"What is King Carlton's favorite color?" I ask, putting back the dress I was holding onto the bed carefully. She thinks about the answer to my question and smile. "He actually loves the color black and blue."

"Hmm, okay. That means we're down to two dresses." I put a finger on my chin, thinking about another question to make choosing the dress easier. And then one question pops inside my head. "What's His Majesty going to wear for tonight?"

"He's going to wear a black suit, I think." She stops for a second, thinking about what King Carlton will wear once again and nod her head, bringing her attention back to me. "Yeah, he's definitely going to wear it."

"Then you should definitely wear the black dress!" I say too excitedly. The Queen stares at me and I feel my cheek turning red as I look down my shoes. "I'm sorry if I'm being to loud." She laughs and smile. "It's okay, dear."

"We better prepare your bath now." Lily suggests. I nod my head at her. "Yes."

After The Queen finishes her bath, we quickly and gently lather her in a rose scented body lotion. After that, Lily works on her makeup as I do the hair-styling.

I curl her hair with the curling iron and put her hair into a bun, pulling some strands out from the bun and some strands of hair frame her face.

I put on a pair of diamond earrings to her ear and a simple diamond necklace. Lily slips on a black stilettos to The Queen's feet. We stand beside each other, admiring our work.

"And, we're done."

"Thank you, Anne, Lily." She puts on her crown carefully on her head and smile at her reflections. She rises from the chair, facing the both of us.

"Lily, you can go back to your room now."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." She curtsies at Queen Alessandra and leave the room. A knock on the door make my head automatically turn at the door.

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