Some things can seem hard at first but on trying you realise it was easy. I still can't believe how fast my friendship with Y'vania has grown. I thought it was going to be very hard because I always liked her in a particular way. When she told me that all we could be is friends I felt disappointed but got used to it with time and six months is what I can estimate to the beginning of our friendship. We annoy the hell out of each other but right now we are inseparable, sharing the most deepest of our secrets and having the privilege of knowing about everything that goes on in  her quiet mind and maybe someday each of us will be happy for finally achieving our dreams.


                Y'vania's POV

The next day

Why are some voices so irritating in life. Someone has to raise their ugly voices when all you want to do is rest.

"Dinner is ready."
"So what?" I ask rudely fighting the urge to open my eyes and end my beauty sleep.
"So what? You have to eat Y'vania."
"I'm not hungry Javi just go ahead." He laughs and sits on the bed.
"Are you still angry at me? I said I'm sorry I didn't mean it."
"Whatever. I don't care."
"So are we okay? You don't care about the pic?"
"I don't care whether you did it intentionally or not because you are not in my shoes you don't feel what I feel and no one is standing at your door ready to ask you questions whenever you get out." He sighs and opens his mouth to say something but then Daniel enters noisy as usual and talks something about food on the table and the big fat elephant not sensing it. He knocks on my room and opens the door starled to see me awake. I give him one cold stare and he starts smiling.
"I thought you're still sleeping."

"Am I the big fat elephant Daniel?" I ask without staring at him.
"Um..I didn't say its some other girl I found outside she-"
I punch him on his upper arm then go back to my sleeping position.

"Ouch! Is that only you or both of you punched me? I mean you and the baby." He says rubbing his arm.

I don't know why things can't go the way I planned.
Right now I don't know what am going to do. My plan was to come out a week after I get myself settled in campus. That's what I had agreed on when signed the contract and scholarship papers with Javier.
I was to go for a press conference planned by my publisher and that's where everyone was going to find out about me then I'd go off campus and study online for the following seven to ten months due to the baby after that everything will be ready and set and my campus life would go on as usual but somewhere in the plan Javier ruined everything.

As planned he traveled to LA a month before I did in order to settle everything including house arrangements as I had decided that I'd be staying off campus.

I still don't understand how things changed that by the time we landed at LAX yesterday evening tabs were already on me following Daniel and I and asking silly questions. Then Javier appeared out of nowhere and played knight in shining armour leading us to a limousine.

A freaking limousine and played cool like nothing was happening,taking us to some posh apartment that I had only happened to see in magazines.

I didn't want to raise questions there and then because I was hungry like no joke and very tired,slightly dizzy and nauseous.
After trying to finish my food I threw it all up and decided to sleep on a cup of tea. I asked Javier about the whole ' people staring at me ' thing.

and you know what he said selfvoice?

"Because you're YFS."

When I asked him how he winced and said,

"Because I leaked a picture of you,the publisher was nagging me

and stuff I didn't get to hear because I slapped him and went to bed.
This morning I tried walking around the neighbourhood trying to exercise my body as advised but I couldn't do it peacefully because some group of teenagers noticed who I was and started nagging me.
I knew right away that its not going to be easy. That and the fact that something strange is happening to me. I feel like someone is trying to take control of my body and my strength,I've been throwing up whatever I tried putting in my mouth and suddenly lost my appetite. As usual I blamed it on jet lag and weather changes but its going to the point of having doubts about my treatment.
Ever since I got treated I've been feeling weird but I decided I won't tell anyone or I'd ruin everything up. Part of me concluded that it was the angel in me but genius Y'vania kept on sending negative notifications that something else was up but as usual dumb Y'vania stood up and slapped genius Y'vania out of my head.

"I don't know what's happening to me but I know am not okay I can't just hate my bae just like that." I say climbing out of bed.

"Your bae?" Javier and Daniel ask at once. I stare at their surprised faces and smirk at their dirty thoughts.
"I mean food jeez why do I have stupid friends whose minds are always in the gutter?" I ask going to the bathroom.

"Oh we thought-"
"Shut up Daniel!" I shout because I know Daniel he's about to say
"We thought you're fucking one of us."
"Are we okay cupcake?" Javier asks.

I hate talking in bathrooms and toilets. Abuela says it's lack of manners.

I finish my business and get out flashing a big smile and staring at both of them.


"What? Did you just give birth in there?"

Daniel had to ruin it.

"Yes Daniel I did. Javier am okay with you cupcake stop pouting around."
He smiles shyly and gives me a hug.

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