Chapter 11: Liam Payne's Mystery Girl

Start from the beginning

“Oh, you’re everywhere!” the other girl says. “All the Directioners are talking about your date with Liam. You’re so pretty by the way! Please can we have an autograph?”

I sign the piece of paper she handed me with her pen.

I just signed an autograph!! All because I know One Direction!! That's sort of cool if you ignore how strange it might be.

“Thank you so much, Danielle!” The two girls squeal between themselves over the piece of paper with my improvised signature, I don't really have an official one.

I take the moment to glance over at Eleanor who looks just as confused as me. I feel famous, haha, but I still don’t understand.

“So, how do you know I’m from Boston? That’s actually quite personal…”

“We don’t really know, but One Direction fans find out about EVERYTHING, no matter what it is. Rumor has it you were at some party recently, I guess people who had talked to you there are like insiders.”

I look down at Eleanor and tap her with my foot. She looks up at me and I mouth Christina! Her jaw drops and she nods quickly. She then mouths I knew it. 

I had told Christina about Boston and meeting Liam, and then there's the pictures she posted. Could Christina the insider? ... I’m gonna have to talk to her…

“Ya know, you and Liam make a really cute couple!” say the girls giggling.

“Thanks,” I smile. “But I’m not dating Liam.”

They laugh. “Sure, sure… Anyway, we have to go. For the record, we’re big fans and it was great meeting you! Paynzer forever!”

They wave and run off to another group of girls who then take a picture of El and I as I sit down onto my towel.

... Paynzer?

“That was crazy!” Eleanor says to me once the girls are gone.

“I know right! They didn’t even believe me when I said I wasn’t dating Liam!”

We just kinda sit there a moment.

“You’re a celebrity now…” my friend says breaking the silence.


“You’re a celebrity! Everyone knows you, maybe not everybody knows your name yet, but they will. You’re going to have people come to you asking to meet One Direction.” continues Eleanor. “They think you’re Liam's girlfriend!”

This starts to become troubling again.

“Those were nice fans…" I say. "But what about the mean ones?”

I look at El.

“I don’t know… We’ll just have to wait to see where this goes.” I get out my phone once more. “I have to talk to Liam.” I say as I text him.

Me: Liam… we have to talk.

“Who were they?” says a familiar voice from behind us.

We look up to see Cody staring down at us.

“Hey Cody!” I say with a smile.

“Those were some of Dani’s fans.” says Eleanor jokingly.

“Fans, huh? Haha, fans of what, your weave?” I laugh as he playfully messes up my hair and drops himself between Eleanor and I.

“Wait, so you haven’t heard?” I say to him. “I‘m dating Liam Payne from One Direction!” I wink to El as Cody turns his head quickly to me.


Eleanor giggles.

“Oh yes!  We are MADLY in love!” I continue. His jaw drops. All of a sudden Eleanor bursts out in laughter.

“You’re joking.” He says all pissed off but smiling as he punches me softly in the arm.

“Well duh, what would I be doing dating a guy like him! But check this out…”

I show him the article on my phone.

“Danielle has fans now because of one date with Liam Payne!” explains Eleanor. “They are kinda creepy as a matter of fact... They know her name and where she’s from, they even wanted her autograph!”

Cody looks surprised but also seems to be amused. "You know Liam?" he asks.

"I thought you knew!"

"No, you didn't tell me!" he says.

I then explain to him how I met Liam. 

“So, do you want a picture with me?” I ask Cody as a joke.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Danielle Peazer, Liam’s girlfriend! EEEEEEEE!! Yes! I would LOVE a picture!” he screams imitating a fangirl.

I take a pic with him using his phone.

He then starts screaming like a little girl over the photo. Eleanor and I are dying of laughter while the people on the beach just stare at him strangely.

“Haters gonna hate! Mhm, they just jelly that I know you...” Cody says about the beach people while snapping his fingers in the form of a Z. (He’s kidding of course.)

Haha, he’s so cute. I can tell he still likes me and I feel awful about turning him down. At least there’s nothing awkward between us just like I had wanted. I hope it doesn’t bother him still that I’m not interested… I can’t dwell on that though or else I’ll become paranoid when I see him.

“Hey, do you know how to surf?” Eleanor asks me randomly.

“No, but I’ve always wanted to learn… Why?”

“El and I could teach you sometime!” Cody smiles.

“That’d be sick!” I say to them. “When?”

“Not today, we don’t have our boards and the ocean’s kinda flat. I’ll text you on a good day.” he answers.

"Sounds great!" I smile at him.  

The day goes on perfectly as we chill on the beach, listening to music under the warmth of the summer sun.

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