Chapter 147

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You and Oreon headed out to find Vinnie and Dagger. Hanna and Red were also still at New Jericho. Connor and Hank had stayed back at the station to try and find out where Mace and Madusa had gone. You had never heard of Madusa, but Zyra said that she had looked into them when Jamison was asleep one night and she found out her original name was Polly. Apparently, she changed it once she got together with Mace. 

Connor had wanted to come with you, but you had said it would be best if Hank had him to help research. Hank had agreed and Connor gave in. You knew that he wanted to be with you, to help you and ensure your safety, but you had told him that you trusted Oreon and that you'd be careful. He'd given in and had kissed you on the forehead before you left.

You and Oreon arrived at New Jericho and you spotted Markus talk with North, Simon, and Josh as usual. You and Oreon headed over to them. They spotted you. At first, they smiled, but they noticed your serious expressions and they knew that something was up.

"What's going on?" Markus asked.

"We found Jamison, but...we were followed." You said. They all looked stunned.

"Jamison was shot, we have his android granddaughters, and we have a couple of leads." Oreon said.

"You think they're here?" Josh asked.

"They're androids and I know Vinnie is still here." You said. 

"Yes, I've seen Vinnie around, but why him?" Markus asked.

"They've been around for years. My parents founded Jericho, Markus. When they died...the only surviving androids that remembered them are the few names we have and Zyra told us that they weren't friendly toward my parents because they were human. We have a feeling they might know something we don't." You explained. They were all stunned.

"It really was your destiny to be tied into all this." North said. You looked at her. You knew she was right. There as no escape for you. Not anymore. 

"Yeah." You agreed.

"I saw Vinnie head up to his room." Simon said. 

"Lead the way." Oreon said. You all headed up to the second-floor rooms and Markus knocked on Vinnie's door. 

"Vinnie? Dagger? Are you there? We need to talk to you." He called. 

"Just a minute!" A female voice called back. After a moment the door unlocked. Markus was about to walk in, but Oreon stopped him.

"Hang on, how do we know that it's safe?" He whispered. They all nodded and you and Oreon got your guns at the ready. You were about to go in, but Oreon went first. He went in and you saw Dagger sitting on the bed. Her back was to you and she was brushing her hair. Her hair had perfectly evenly distributed stripes of deep shiny black and bright blood red. It was hard to tell which was her actual hair color.

"Dagger, is it okay if we talk to you?" Markus asked.

"What about?" She asked, not turning around. Her hair was already brushed through all the way, but she just kept going. You knew something was up. 

"Dagger, we know you were around when my parents were killed. Care to explain why you weren't friendly toward them?" You asked. She paused.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She still didn't turn around. 

"Dagger, don't play dumb." You warned, raising your gun. In a second she whipped around, gun in hand and aimed at your head. Oreon was fast and pushed you out of the way as the shot fired. Luckily, you being shorter gave him an advantage. It only hit his shoulder. You fire 4 times, taking out her arm and both of her legs. She fell to the floor with a grunt and North was able to get the gun before she could. 

Dagger looked up at you, trying to push herself up with one arm. You glared down at her, your (e/c) eyes boring into her ice-cold light blue and almost silvery ones. 

"Now, I'm only going to ask once. Where's VInnie?" You hissed. She glared at you, pure hatred in her eyes.

"Kill me you hybrid bitch." Oreon grabbed her by the back of her shirt and pinned her against the wall.

"How about we do something even better?" He growled.

"Oreon!" You snapped. He looked back at you. "We'll take her to the station. We'll see if you can stay stubborn." You said. She glared death at both of you, but then her eyes darted over for a split second. You whipped around and shot 3 bullets into the closet behind you. The doors were thin and you heard a loud thud. Dagger looked shocked.

You opened the door and Vinnie was on the ground inside. You'd shot him twice in the chest, but you'd missed his heart. You grabbed his arm and tossed him out of the closet.

"Markus, Josh, you mind helping me with him?" You asked. They nodded and grabbed both his arms. You all headed out and you told Markus to get Red and Hanna as well. They said they'd bring them to the station once they'd gotten them.

You and Oreon made it back and you both brought them to the interrogation room. They were placed together and you made sure neither of them could move their hands. Vinnie glared at you through his Harry Potter copycat glasses, his faded blond hair falling into his mucky greenish-brown eyes slightly. Dagger did the same, only her hair wasn't in her face.

"I'll ask you both, what happened to my parents?" You said, your voice even but deadly.

"Why the hell would we tell you?" Vinnie growled under his breath. 

"Listen, we have both of you, so I think you know exactly what I'm implying if you don't say anything." You hissed. They both looked nervous. Oreon was there too and Connor and Hank were in the other room once they'd seen you both come back with the two of them.

"Androids can't feel pain." Dagger said. 

"Which pain are you referring too?" You growled. They both looked scared now. You weren't joking and you weren't hesitant.

"What the hell are you planning to do?" Vinnie asked.

"Oh, nothing much. Let's just say one of you can stay powered off for however long it takes." You said, arms crossed and waiting.

"You wouldn't." Dagger hissed.

"Really?" You asked. You walked over to Vinnie and you powered him off without a second thought. Dagger looked terrified as she watched you do it. "You were saying?" You asked. Oreon didn't look against this at all, but you could feel Connor and Hank's gazes boring into you through the one-way mirror. At that moment, you didn't care at all. "Now, you can start talking, or the next step is we erase all his memories of you. What's it going to be?" You asked. 

"NO!" She screamed.

"Well then, care to explain, Dagger?" You asked. Tears rolled down her face.

"W-we made a group because we thought all humans should be replaced by androids! W-we t-tried to attack some humans, but soldiers caught us and took us to Cyberlife! A man said that he'd let us go if we helped him find your parents! W-we tracked them down, but that's all! The only other thing is we found evidence of a deviant in the house, but that's all we did!" She whimpered. 

"Who was he?" You growled.

"H-he never told us his name! I swear that's all that happened with Vinnie and me! T-the others were more involved!" She said. 

"How involved?" You asked.

"They were the ones that spied on the house. Vinnie wanted to keep us safe, so we retreated to an abandoned house once we had the chance. We came back to Jericho once everything was over, but we left a few years later to try and get away from everything. We stayed in an apartment for a long time until they started hunting androids. We went back to Jericho, knowing it was the safest place. That's everything, I swear!" She said.

"Do you know why they wanted my parents?" You asked. 

"Something about them being experts on androids and leaders of the early revolution, but clearly that didn't pan out." She muttered the last part. You left and Oreon powered Vinnie back on before following after you.

"So what now?" Oreon asked.

"We'll see what Red and Hanna have to say. I have a feeling we're missing the two most important people. I bet somebody can tell us where to find them."

Saving the Broken (Connor x Deviant!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora