Chapter 100

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Connor's POV

It was really dark. I couldn't see anything no matter what I did. I could see my body, but that was it. There was just nothing. I was kind of scared. I didn't understand what was happening nor did I remember. I was so confused.

"Hello?" I called. Once I did, a woman appeared to me. I was kind of weary at first, not having the best experience with randomly appearing woman so far.

"Don't be scared. I'm here to help you." She said. I looked around.

"Where...where are we?" I asked.

"It's a place for those who have a choice of where they want to go. A world between worlds as many would call it. We call it the void between life and death."

"Life and death? I'm dying!?" I exclaimed.

"No, Connor. You're not dying. This is why you have come here because you can choose where you want to go. We expect this place to be much more active now that androids are free." She said.

"What? Why?"

"Oh, some plan Collin has. Options for androids if they choose the afterlife. I do not live in your world so I have very minimal details." She explained. I nodded. I trusted that whatever Collin was doing was good, so I didn't question it.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is (M/n) (L/n). I believe you may have heard my last name once or twice." She said.

"That's...the name (Y/n) used when she first joined our investigation." I said.

"Then you probably understand who I am." She said.

"You're her real mother." I pieced together.

"Yes. I am." She confirmed.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I said I came to help you. I thought it would be best if it was me instead of her father." She said. I nodded.

"But...why am I here? What happened? I don't remember what happened. Can't you tell me?" I asked. I didn't understand why there was this gap in my memory. I only remembered heading to Cyberlife, but I couldn't remember anything past that. I felt my head spin a little. It was starting to get to me.

"Are you alright, Connor?" She asked.

"My head hurts. I just...I don't understand." I said. She frowned.

"I can't tell you anything that will affect your decision that you don't already know. It's the rule. I'm sorry, Connor, but I can't help you there." She said. I nodded, understanding why that would be a rule.

"But...what's this decision you keep talking about?" I asked.

"Connor, you have a choice. You can either return to Earth and live your life, or you can come with me and this exact version of yourself will never be retrieved by the mortals on Earth ever again. You will have officially died." She said. I was shocked.

"So...there is a place androids can go?" I asked.

"Yes, but it's every androids choice whether or not to go there. Many have already gone." She replied.

"Where would (Y/n) go?" I asked.

"Humans and androids come to the same place. They basically become real humans after death." She explained. I nodded.

"I guess that makes sense." I said.

"So, do you have your choice, Connor?" She asked. I groaned, trying to understand.

"I don't get it! Why am I here!? What happened to me!? What's even going on!?" I shouted, confused and distraught. (M/n) sighed.

"I can't tell you everything, but I can tell you this. It's a bit close to bending the rules, but it will be a minor thing." She said. I listened expectantly. "All I can tell you is that the choice you made before coming here is what brought you here in the first place. But I can also tell you that many of your friends miss you dearly and they're trying to stay hopeful while Oreon and Jaden try to fix you. They want to bring the real you back, but it's your choice whether or not you want your body to respond to their efforts." She said. "Think hard about the choice you make, Connor."

I took in her words and I did just that. If I made the choice to come here, did I want to die? I wondered. But if the others want to come back, maybe there's more than just one reason to it. They haven't given up...maybe I shouldn't either. I thought. I told (Y/n) I wouldn't give up. I've done enough bad things already. I won't mess up again.

"I've made my choice." I said. She smiled and a door appeared beside her.

"Take this. It will take you home." She said. I smiled.

"Thank you." I said. She smiled.

"Don't thank me. It was my pleasure to help. Good luck Connor and please...take care of my daughter." She said. I was about to leave, but I stopped and gave her a hug.

"I will." I said. She hugged back.

"Connor, you're a great person. I'm glad my daughter chose you. I hope that you both can enjoy your lives. My daughter doesn't remember anything about us. I hated watching what they turned her into after the accident. I just hope you can give her what we never could. Take better care of her than we did. You can do that for us, can't you?" She asked with tears in her eyes. I nodded.

"I will take care of her for as long as it takes. You aren't the only one I've promised that." I said. She smiled.

"Thank you, Connor." She told me.

"Heh, you're welcome." I told her. I gave her one last strong hug before we separated. I waved goodbye to her. I looked at the door and I opened it. I was nearly blinded by the light shining through it, but I took a deep breath and went through.

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