Chapter 23

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Soon enough you arrived at Hank's house. The doors of the taxi opened. "You have reached your destination. Thank you for travelling with Detroit Taxis. We look forward to seeing you again soon." The automated voice said. Connor stepped out and held out his hand for you. You gladly took it and he helped you out. You didn't really need help, but you were glad he had offered.

You both walked up to Hank's door. Connor knocked on the door.

"Lieutenant Anderson?" He asked. Nothing. He rang the loud, and rather annoying, door bell. "Anybody home?" He called. You were confused.

"That's strange. His car is here." You said. "Come on, let's see if we can find another way inside." You walked around and looked in through the windows. Connor followed you doing the same. You saw a dog in through one of the windows and you smiled. Aw! He's cute! You looked at the dog for a bit before going back to searching for a way in. You suddenly saw Hank passed out on the floor. You were shocked.

"Hank!?" You exclaimed. Connor looked in and his face fell with concern. "We gotta get in there." He nodded in agreement.

"Stand back." Connor said. You took a few steps back to give him some space. He broke the window and rolled inside. You climbed in after him. You tumbled, landing a little sloppier than Connor. Then, the dog came over with a little bit of a growl. You knew the big dog could hurt you, but you weren't too scared of him. You chuckled at Connor's nervousness. It was adorable. He really doesn't know what to do with animals, does he?

"E-easy...Sumo." Connor stuttered. "I'm you're friend, see? I know your name. I'm here to save your owner." Connor said. Sumo looked at him and then he padded away to go eat some more.

"He's pretty cute. You should've told me his name was Sumo. I like it." You said.

"Yes, but we should help the Lieutenant." Connor said. You nodded.

"Right." You agreed. You both walked over to him. "How is he?" Connor scanned over everything.

"He'll be alright. We have to wake him up though." Connor replied.

"Hank?" You said, shaking him a little. Connor tapped him on the face a little.

"Wake up Lieutenant!" He said. You looked at Connor and shrugged. He slapped him and you snorted trying not to laugh at what Connor just did.

"It's me Connor! (Y/n) and I are here to help." He said. "We have to sober him up for his own safety. It may be unpleasant." Connor said as you both helped him up.

"Hey! Leave me alone you two!" He said, clearly still drunk.

"Sorry Hank, not this time." You said. You both helped him to the bathroom.

"Sumo! Attack!" Hank said. You rolled your eyes as the dog only barked. "Good dog." Hank said. Yep. He's out of it. You thought. Wait..he's OUT of it. There was a gun on the floor too. You began to piece it together. Oh my god. Is he can't be. You refused to think of such a horrifying reality.

"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting the night to go like this." You said, trying to forget about the conclusion you'd come to.

"I have to admit, neither was I." Connor replied. Connor held Hank up as you opened the door to the bathroom. You both helped him in and set him down on the edge of the tub.

"I don't need a bath, thank you." He said, trying to stand up.

"Sorry Lieutenant." Connor said, and pushed him back in. "It's for your own good." You turned on the water.

"AAAHHH! TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!" He yelled. You did and he took a few breaths to calm down. He looked up at both of you. "What the fuck are you two doing here?" He asked.

"A homicide was reported 43 minutes ago. I went to get (Y/n) and then we checked Jimmie's Bar to find you. When you weren't there was both assumed you had come home." Connor explained.

"Jesus, I must be the only cop in the world that gets assaulted in his own house by his own fuckin' android and partner."

"I don't know if that's true." You said.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" Hank asked.

"Unfortunately I cannot. I've been programmed to investigate this case and I can't do it without the two of you." Connor said.

"We are in this together. I have to give him that one." You said.

"I don't give a shit about your god damn case!" Hank said.

"Lieutenant, you're not yourself. You should-"

"Beat it, you hear me!? Get the hell outta here!" Hank yelled, but he stumbled a little Connor caught him and helped him sit back down. You both looked at each other. You shrugged, not knowing what to do.

"I understand. It probably wasn't interesting anyway. A man found dead in a sex club downtown. Guess they'll have to solve the case without us." Connor said. You got the idea.

"Yeah. Such a shame." You added. Hank seemed to change his mind rather quick.

"You know, it probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air. There's some clothes in the bedroom there." Hank said.

"I'll go get them." Connor said. 

"I'm gonna go check on Sumo. By the way, he's adorable!" You said. Hank chuckled.

"Of course you would be the animal type." He said. You giggled.

"Clearly you are too, or there wouldn't be a cute dog in your living room!" You replied and left. You pet Sumo as you waited for Hank. You could hear vomiting, but you didn't say anything. You understood Hank would probably feel pretty sick after all that. Connor came back out moment later. He looked around and he found a picture of a little boy. Cole. You knew it must've been him. Connor looked at you, but you looked away. Connor seemed to understand that he shouldn't ask.

Soon enough Hank came back out. You smiled. You got up and Sumo padded over to Hank. Hank smiled at the dog.

"Be a good dog Sumo." Hank said. Sumo barked a goodbye to him and went to go lay down. You chuckled.

"He's adorable." You said again.

"He's a good dog. I'll give him that." Hank said. With that, the three of you headed out into the night.

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