Chapter 53

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"(Y/n)!! (Y/n), can you hear me!? Get up! GET UP!!" You opened your eyes as Jaden shook your body. You coughed.

"I'm fine! Help the others!" You shouted. She nodded and hurried off, trying to help the scattered animals. You ran to Markus.

"Markus!! MARKUS!! GET UP!!" You screamed. He looked dazed, but he was alright at least. He got up.

"(Y/n) are you okay?!"

"Yes! We have to help the others!" You yelled. He nodded. You both split up, saving people and protecting them from the soldiers. Just then a bomb went off. You shrieked. You fell to the ground. Your ears were ringing from the explosion. You wobbled as you got back onto your feet. You saw androids scrambling to get away from the soldiers. There was no way out. You had to help as many people as you could. You quickly helped people to safety. Bandit suddenly charged a soldier, barking at him. He stood his ground, growling. He aimed his gun at him. You ran in to help the brave wolf. You knocked the soldier over before he could shoot him. You grabbed his gun and aimed it at him.

"Leave before I change my mind about sparing you!" You snapped. He raised his hands in surrender and hurried back over the wall. You and Bandit protected the others and he went around snatching guns away from the soldiers. He also protected the animals. You saw birds distracting them as well, swooping in to claw at their helmets and peck at them. He was strong enough to break the guns in half. You were proud of him, but you couldn't focus on him at the moment. You heard a shriek. You turned and saw Simon had been pinned. You ran over and kicked the soldier off of him. You grabbed him and glared at him.

"Move it! Now!" You growled. He quickly scrambled away. You all did everything you could, but you were surrounded. You all stood together. This is it. You thought. It's either time to die or time to win. You watched as Markus suddenly kissed North. Damn. Well, now or never I guess. You thought, but that seemed to change the soldiers' minds. You stared at the couple as they shared their moment.

You looked back at the soldiers. Some of the soldiers had lowered their guns, but the other still looked ready to attack. Suddenly, they retreated. You were shocked. What? You thought. They hurried away and you smiled, overwhelmed with joy. We did it! We actually did it! You thought.

You saw North hug Markus happily as victorious cheers burst out among you all. He laughed breathlessly.

"We won." He whispered.

"I knew we could." You said. He looked at you and nodded. You grinned a bit with a chuckle. You looked around and then, you spotted him. You were stunned as you saw Connor him leading androids toward you all. You couldn't help pull a little smile. 

"Well, even I have to admit I'm impressed with that one. He actually pulled through." You said. You all went over to meet him.

"You did it, Markus." Connor said.

"We did it." He countered. "This is a great day for our people. Humans will have no choice now. They'll have to listen to us." North walked up to him and hugged him again. 

"They want you to speak to them, Markus." She said. They kissed again and you rolled your eyes. 

"Should I find a room yet, or what?" You said. They both looked at you, unamused. "Just saying." You chuckled. You walked up with Markus, but you stood back next to the others as Markus spoke to everyone. 

"Today our people finally emerged from a long night. From the very first day of our existence, we have kept our pain to ourselves. We suffered in silence. But now the time has come for us to raise our heads up, and tell humans who we really are." You had been listening, but then you began to wonder about where you would go from there. I have nothing to do now. I'm not really needed here. What am I going to do now? You remembered something you had seen awhile ago on the walk with Connor. You thought about it. Should I really do that? You wondered. You wondered what it would feel like. You felt your body drain of emotion. The fight is over and I have nothing left to offer. Maybe it's for the best. You thought. You nodded. I've made up my mind.  

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