Chapter 73

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Connor's POV

I slowly woke up and came to my senses the next morning. I smiled at the body curled up next to me. Her hair was still messy from last night and it looked like she wasn't getting up anytime soon. I kissed her forehead. I knew she probably couldn't hear me, but I talked to her anyway.

"Take all the time you need, angel. I'll be waiting for you when you wake up." I said softly. I got up and I went to get dressed. As soon as I looked like my normal self again, I headed downstairs. I decided it would be best to check on the wolves. It had rained last night and they must've had to stay in the dog house. We usually let them in when it's raining, so unless Oreon let them in, they were outside all night. 

When I got down there, I noticed Oreon was waiting for me. He was leaning against the wall while fiddling with a coin. I was confused as to why he had the coin, but then I noticed it was my coin. I could tell by the soulless look in his eyes that something was wrong as he carelessly rolled it back and forth across his knuckles. I decided to be cautious. 

"Goodmorning, Oreon." I began.

"Mhm." He hummed like he didn't even care. 

"I noticed it rained last night. I hope none of you were caught in it." I said, trying to be friendly. 

"I got drenched." He replied, never taking his eyes off the coin. 

"I'm sorry to hear that." I said. He stopped messing with the coin when I said that. My LED went yellow as I noticed his body had tensed.

"Yeah, you aren't the only one sorry to hear something." He said. "Oh, uh, I believe this is yours." He said, finally turning to me and flicking the coin toward me. I caught it and looked at it. Nothing was different about it. I was confused, but I knew I had done something.

"Thank you." I said, trying not to sound nervous.

"You know, funny thing when you think about it. I just can't get the hang of those tricks you do. I try and try, but...heheh, I just can't get it." He said. I was even more confused, but the mixture of anger and smugness on his face was alarming. "Oh wait, huh, that sounds familiar. Don't you think so?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"I've tried my hardest with her and yet I come home and...I hear you two had plenty of fun last night." He growled, dropping the smugness and just looking purely livid with me. I finally understood what this was about.

"O-Oreon, I didn't know you were home." I said, growing fearful.

"I could tell." He hissed. "So, yeah. Funny right? I save her life, I take her in, I'm her very first friend, and yet the android who was against deviants from the start now magically only has to lift a finger for her to be all over him!" He said, his voice getting louder as he got up in my face. I backed up into the kitchen.

"Oreon, it is not my fault she chose me. I don't understand why either, but I care about her and if you care then you should want her to be happy." I said, trying to reason with him.

"I did everything right and you're the one that makes the screw-up, but no! I'm still not good enough for her! It's you, Connor! You of all androids that she could've chosen!" He yelled. I have to stick up for myself.

"What is your issue with me!? I said I'm sorry for what happened! I've been trying to make amends since day 1 and that's not enough for you! Listen, I can't control her! Don't go blaming me when it was her choice!" I yelled, my LED going red.

"I never should've let her become a cop. It's caused nothing but trouble." I was stunned.

"You're selfish. You'd do anything to hoard her for yourself. If not from me, from somebody else. She will never see you like that and that's something you have to live with." I said. That set him off. He punched me as hard as he could in the face. I stumbled back, gripping the countertop for support. I felt my nose start bleeding. He went to punch me again and I braced for the impact, but it never came.

Your POV

You woke up to the sounds of yelling from downstairs. I quickly slipped on a shirt and short to go see what was going on. You were stunned as you saw the boys yelling at each other.

"I did everything right and you're the one that makes the screw-up, but no! I'm still not good enough for her! It's you, Connor! You of all androids that she could've chosen!" Oreon yelled.

"What is your issue with me!? I said I'm sorry for what happened! I've been trying to make amends since day 1 and that's not enough for you! Listen, I can't control her! Don't go blaming me when it was her choice!" Connor yelled back.

"I never should've let her become a cop. It's caused nothing but trouble." Oreon hissed. You were shocked. Neither of them had noticed you watching.

"You're selfish. You'd do anything to hoard her for yourself. If not from me, from somebody else. She will never see you like that and that's something you have to live with." Connor said. You gasped as Oreon punched him as hard as he could. Connor's nose was bleeding now. Oreon went to hit him again, but you stopped him.

"STOP IT!!!" You screamed causing both men to look over and freeze. "You two are acting like children! Throwing fits and yelling at each other like idiots!" You snapped, glaring at the two. Connor looked guilty while Oreon looked at the ground angrily. "You should know better than to make him upset from what happened the first time!" You snapped at Connor who looked even more guilty now. "And you!" You snapped turning to Oreon causing him to look up. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Why!? Why do you act like he's some sort of monster!? We're all the same here! That's what we fought for! So androids could live in peace alongside humans and now your turning on each other!?" You said.

"I wasn't the first one to do that." Oreon muttered. You glared at him.

"Oreon, maybe you shouldn't stay here." He looked stunned.

"What?" He asked, shocked.

"If you're going to act like this, then you can't stay here." You said.

"(Y/n), why do always stick up for him!?" He yelled.

"Because I don't understand why you're still so upset with him! Oreon, it's not his fault you got shot! It's YOUR fault!" You said.

"How is him shooting me my fault!?"

"Because you started it! Connor would never have done that if you hadn't been attacking him in the first place! Stop blaming everyone around you and grow up already!" You shouted. "Oreon, I don't want you to leave, but if I have to make this choice, then I'm sorry, but I'm not going to make Connor leave again. He's trying to make it better and you're not trying at all. I'm sorry, but it's either you get along, or you can't stay here." You told him. He looked hurt and he didn't say anything for a moment. He turned to leave.

"Fine. I should've known you could never see it." He said sadly before leaving without another word. 

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