Chapter 17

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You woke up the next morning with a smile. You hoped today wouldn't start off like yesterday. You got up and put on a new outfit. You had picked it out yesterday. You liked it a lot and you were lucky to find it priced at barely anything at all. You slipped it on and walked over to the mirror in your closet. You looked it over and smiled.

"Perfect." You said to yourself.

(It's that minus the earrings

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(It's that minus the earrings.)

You headed downstairs and saw Oreon on the couch, clearly thinking. You walked over.

"Oreon?" He looked up.

"Oh, hey (Y/n). Did you sleep well?" He asked with a side smile. You nodded.

"Yeah. Did you?" You asked. He shrugged.

"I actually stayed up a little later than normal, but I'm good." He said. You frowned.

"Oreon, you've been acting strange lately. Is something wrong?" You asked.

"No. I'm fine. Sorry if I worried you, (Y/n)." He replied You smiled.

"Alright. I'll see you tonight, okay?" 

"Okay. See ya later." He replied.

"Bye!" You called and hurried off to work. You met up with Connor and Hank. They both greeted you as you came in. 

"That the new one you got?" Hank asked, glancing over your outfit.

"Yep! Well, one of." You replied.

"Good pick, kid." He said gruffly before taking another gulp of his coffee. You smiled.

"Thanks Hank." Meanwhile, you saw Connor was blushing slightly. You wondered if he thought it was cute. You tried not to blush at the thought. You hung out with them for awhile before Hank got hungry. He asked you if you wanted to go with him to his favorite place to eat. You happily agreed. The three of you headed out together and Hank drove you all to his favorite place.

Oreon's POV

I didn't want her to leave, but I knew I couldn't stop her. I sat on the couch, deep in thought. I wasn't sure what to do. It was clear (Y/n) liked him. They were friends, but...I could feel it with every fiber in my body. He was dangerous. She shouldn't be near him. He could turn her in without a second thought. I hated the idea of losing another friend that close to me. No...she wasn't just a friend. I cared about her too much for that. It was my job to protect. I had to keep her safe.

I knew that I was right. I had to be right. Some people...can't change. He works for them. He doesn't work for the police, he works for Cyberlife. If he finds out she's an android, it's over. They take her and deactivate her. The thought of her being tossed away like trash both angered me and terrified me.

Suddenly, I heard Bandit and Flame pawing at the sliding glass door that led to the backyard porch. I got up and let them in. They were well trained, so they wiped their paws on the mat outside before coming in. I sat back down on the couch. They both looked at each other and then back at me. They came over and Flame gently headbutted my leg. I sighed.

"I don't know what to do you guys. Connor is working for Cyberlife. I know he dangerous, but how am I supposed to keep all of us safe when (Y/n) works with him? She's at the most risk here. And if they catch her he might probe her and find out that all of us are androids. All of it just makes me uncomfortable." I explained.

"Oreon should relax. (Y/n) is trust worthy." Flame said. Bandit nodded.

"No need to worry. (Y/n) wouldn't trust Connor if Connor not trustworthy." He agreed. I sighed.

"I know, but nobody can be right all the time. That's what worries me." I said. They both nodded.

"Oreon has reason to be worried, but Oreon has better reason to trust. If not trust Connor, trust (Y/n). She is trustworthy, right?" Flame pointed out. I nodded.

"Yes! Of course I trust her!" I said.

"Then trust her judgement." Bandit said. Flame nodded and then the tow of them went to go take a nap. I thought about it and sighed. Maybe they're right. I should relax. But I'm still going to keep an eye out. Guess I better start watching the news. I trust (Y/n)...but that doesn't mean I shouldn't trust my own instincts.

(Heya guys! Sorry this one is shorter. I was running out of ideas :/ ANYWAY! I hope yals are enjoying so far! The next bit of chapters are gonna go back on track with the story events in the game, so get ready to see what choices we're making this time! This is Spiritwing howling a goodbye! Author AHWOOOOT!)

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