Chapter 112

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You arrived at your house. Connor grabbed your things and he began to head inside, but you just stood outside, looking at the house. It looked the same, but you could tell that it's was different. You could feel the change. Connor noticed that you had stopped. He let the wolves inside and set the bags inside, but then he came back over to you.

"You okay, (Y/n)?" He asked. You looked at him. Concern was written all over his expression. You smiled a little and nodded.

"Yeah, it's just...weird. Nothing's changed really, can kind of feel it, you know?" You explained. He smiled sympathetically at you and nodded.

"I understand but come on. It's cold out here. Let's go inside." He said. You nodded and you followed him inside, your fingers intertwined with his. You both headed upstairs and began to unpack your things. You looked at the room. There was still two beds and it wasn't very decorative. You thought about it. 

"Hey, Connor?" 

"Yes?" He asked, looking up from the spot where he was kneeling next to his suitcase on the floor. 

"I think we should change this up a little." You said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"This room. It is ours now. How about we actually make it feel that way?" You asked. He stood up and looked around. He smiled.

"I suppose we should add something of our own in." He agreed. You smiled.

"Great! I'm gonna go use the computer to look at some things. Can you put my things away too, please?" You asked. He chuckled.

"Okay." He agreed. You smiled. You kissed him quick.

"Thanks, Con." You said and then hurried off. You looked at decorations and paints and even new beds. You soon had everything planned out. You android half really came in handy for lightning speed measurements and planning. You smiled as the whole picture came together. That will look so amazing! I can order everything and then Connor and I can get to work tomorrow with getting rid of all the old stuff. I bet we can sell some of it. You thought. You were soon running through everything you could sell in your head. You decided it would be best to put the two beds in the garage for now in case anything ever happened. 

Connor came in eventually and he walked over. He wrapped his arms around you from behind the chair. You looked back at him and smiled.

"Find anything?" He asked. You nodded excitedly.

"I have everything all planned out and I made sure we have enough for everything. It's good that you've been getting paid now. Plus with my digging, I've found most of it on sale!" You said. He chuckled.

"You're amazing, angel." He told you with a happy smile. You stood up and he pulled you in for a quick kiss. You smiled at him.

"Thanks, Connor." You replied. "Now, let's go watch a movie. Sound good?" You asked. He nodded. You both hurried out to the couch and you saw Connor had already grabbed the pillows and blankets. Connor put in 'Fantastic Beasts' and by the time he turned around your were already buried in pillows and blankets. He chuckled. He came over and he slipped into the mountain of softness surrounding you. You smiled and cuddled up to him like a giddy child. He smiled and held you close under the blankets. You both cuddled together as the movie started.

You watched with Connor, the smile on your face never ceasing. You looked over at him. He did the same. He smiled at you, noticing how childlike you looked surrounded by all of the blankets. He kissed you.

"I love you, (Y/n)." 

"I love you too, Connor." You replied. As you watched the movie, you began to think about what it would be like having some of the animals as pets. Connor seemed to notice that you were thinking about something.

"What is it?" He asked. You looked at him.

"Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking. Wouldn't it be cool to have some of them as pets?" You asked. He looked at the creatures. He chuckled.

"I think it would be a bit of a challenge." He said.

"Yeah, I guess. But you know an animal that would be awesome to have as a pet?" You asked.

"What's that?" 

"A trico!" You replied.

"Trico?" He asked.

"Yeah! I was on the computer one day and I came across a video that was a 'Last Guardian' let's play! The animal in it is a species called trico! The main protagonist always calls them Trico, but I'd name it something other than it's species name. I don't really know what though." You said. Connor chuckled.

"Well, I'd have to see this trico in order to agree or disagree." Connor said. You nodded.

"I'll have to show you tomorrow! He's like half cat and half bird, but he acts like a dog at times and he's very loyal!" You explained. Connor nodded.

"Sounds interesting." He agreed.

"He's really cute! I would love to have one as a pet! I bet Galaxy and Bandit would love it too! They'd get along great! I'm sure of it!" You said happily. Connor chuckled.

"You think so?" He asked.

"Yeah! I wouldn't want it to be as big as it is in the game, but having it be a pet that's more, well, pet-sized would be so awesome!" You said. Connor nodded.

"I'll have to see what this animal is tomorrow." He said. You nodded. 

"I'll show you! I bet you'll like it! Plus the series I watched is really good!" You said.

"Maybe we can watch it together sometime." Connor said. You nodded happily.

"Yeah! It'll be so much fun! Some of the things a tedious, but it's worth it in the end." You said.

"I'll keep that in mind." 

Saving the Broken (Connor x Deviant!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang