Chapter 3

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You were in the basement with Oreon. Oreon carefully fixed your stab wound. It stung a little, but you could handle it. After he was done he helped you stand up. You smiled at him.

"Thank you." He chuckled.

"Enough with the thanking me already. I told you. It's really nothing at all." You hugged him.

"It's everything to me." You said. You pulled away and saw him blushing. You chuckled. He smiled at you. 

"Let's, uh, get back to the others." He said. You nodded. You both headed up. The basement door was hidden by a bookshelf since the door was next to the stairs that led to the top floor as well. The stairs had a dark brown neat railing and there was a wall separating the hallway to the living room and the hallway to the basement door under the staircase that led to the top floor. It was a clever design and the bookshelf looked normal there so it was a great way to hide the basement. 

The basement was a lab along with a hiding place if you ever needed too. It had the things you all needed to fix yourselves like replaceable parts and blue blood.

Dell was a tech android so he knew how to turn the bookshelf into a door. There was a button on the inside and a book lever on the outside. It was all very thoroughly thought out. 

You followed Oreon to the living room. Everyone was just hanging out. Roxy spotted you first. 

"Hey (Y/n)! You all fixed?" She asked. You nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good." 

"Sweet!" She said. You sat down in one of the chairs there. They had a large living room with a couch facing a hanging TV and chairs on the sides making a big U shape. A fireplace was under the TV. It was a very nice house. The kitchen was behind the living room, a counter also in the shape of a U had one side sticking out kind of like an island that made the two rooms more distinctly separate from each other. On the other side of the kitchen was a hallway with four doors, two on each side. You assumed those were either bedrooms or workrooms. You wondered what was upstairs. You'd find out later. 

"So, (Y/n), what's your story?" Jaden asked.

"My story?" You questioned.

"Yeah. How did you become a deviant?" Jacob asked. You shrugged. 

"He was attacking me so I tried to run away, but I was trapped. The other android, Jax, killed him before he could kill me, but the stab knocked my thirium pump loose and I powered down. Jax must've ran away, thinking there was no way to save me."

"So that's the android I saw then." Oreon pieced together.

"Oh, you poor girl. Well, you're welcome to stay with us for as long as you like!" Claira said. You smiled.

"That sounds nice." You said. 

"Well, we should get you settled in then. Oreon's the only one without a bunkmate. You can stay with him or you can stay on the couch if you're uncomfortable with that." Dell said.

"It's fine. I don't mind sharing." You said.

"My room's upstairs. Come on, I'll show you." He offered. You followed him out of the living room and up the staircase. There was another hallway at the top. Four more doors were there in a kind of zig-zag pattern. He went to the farthest door. It was on the right side of the hallway. You smiled as you walked in. There were two beds there. One had clearly been used and the other was still nice and neat. "Sorry about the mess. I've gotten lazier ever since I've been living here, heh." He said, scratching the back of his neck with an embarrassed smile. "So the walk-in closet on your side is, well, yours as you probably could've guessed. Up here, both doors on the left are bathrooms and the first door on the right is a type of workout room. We've kinda turned it into a type of training room just for something to do. Usually, only us guys use it. Roxy is the only girl that trains with us. In the downstairs hallway, both doors on the left are bedrooms. The first room is for Dell and Jacob. The second is for Claira and Jaden. The first door on the right is an office. It doesn't really belong to anybody. We just use it if we need to look something up or if we want to play games online, heh. And the last door is a bedroom for Roxy and Nelly." You chuckled.

"This place is amazing! I already love it here!" You said. He smiled.

"I-I'm glad you like it so much." He said. You sat down on your bed. He smiled at you. 

"Oreon, I really have to thank you. All of you really. It was horrible in that house. I...I was always afraid. It was so hard for me, but you just took me in without a second thought. You helped me. No, you saved me. I can never express how grateful I am for that. And I'll never be able to repay you for this, so all I can say is thank you." You told him. He looked stunned. He blushed a bit.

"It''s what we do. I was glad to help you, (Y/n). All of us are here for each other. And believe me, it's already my personal promise to be there for you. You've been through a lot, I can tell. I had it rough too, so I get, believe me, heh." You saw the glimmer of sadness in his eyes. He smiled at you again. "You should probably get some rest. I mean, I know androids don't really need sleep, but it'll help you at the end of a long day. Believe me on that one. You can get to know the others tomorrow." He said. You smiled back at him. You laid down with a friendly nod to him.

"Night Oreon." You said softly.

"Night (Y/n)." 

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