Chapter 4

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You woke up the next morning feeling much better. You got up and went downstairs. You saw that Nelly was making something. You were confused. You walked over.

"Hey, Nelly. Why are you cooking? We don't really need to eat." You said. 

"Oh! I know! You see, I've taken up the job as a baker! I can make cake, cookies, brownies, cupcakes, and all that stuff."

"So you own a bakery?" You asked, stunned.

"Oh no! I don't own a bakery! That would be amazing though. What I do is I go out every day in the van I have and I set it up as a makeshift goods stand! It really works! People LOVE my baking! Maybe one day when we're free I will be able to open a real bakery." She said the last part kind of sadly. You understood why it would sadden her. It was kind of a hard dream to reach. 

"Well, I bet you'll get there one day, Nelly!" You encouraged. She perked up again.

"Thanks (Y/n)!" She said happily and went back to her food. 

"Is everyone else asleep?" You asked.

"Nope! Claira left to go buy you some more outfits! Trust me, she knows everybody perfect wardrobe just by looking at them! She's AMAZING with designs and clothes and all that stuff!" Nelly said. You nodded.

"So she wants to be a designer?" You asked.

"Yep!" Nelly replied.

"Roxy is clearly the musical type." You said.

"Yeah! She goes out every day and plays her own songs for whoever will listen. People really like her! She's really good!" Nelly said. 

"Jaden?" You asked.

"She wants to work with animals! She has a job at a shelter right now! We're happy for her!"

"What about the boys?" You asked.

"Oh! Well, Jacob is working as a waiter at this fancy restaurant. Dell is working with him since the two of them are basically brothers. Oreon wants to be a surgeon, but he can't exactly get that job right now, so he looks after the house during the day! Right now he's out with Claira! Today is Claira's off day, so she doesn't have to go into work. She works at a fashion company, but she's a low rank right now." Nelly explained. You nodded. So that's everybody then. You thought.

"Thanks for the information, Nelly." You said.

"Of course! Feel free to browse on the TV or play some video games! Roxy and the boys love video games so they got a few. We all enjoy them! Anyway! Claira and Oreon should be back before noon! I gotta get going! See ya!" Nelly said, taking her finished baked goods and hurrying out of the house.

"See you tonight!" You barely got the words in before she was already out the door. You chuckled. She was definitely the most energetic. You assumed Roxy either tied with her or was a close second. You sat down on the couch with the long coffee table in front of it and grabbed the remote off it. You turned on the TV and decided to find out more about what everyone was interested in. You went to Netflix and turned on a dessert show. You happily watched a few episodes. Then, a recommended show caught your eye. You selected it. It was a cop show. You were extremely intrigued by it. You ended up watching episode after episode. 

It was around 11:20 when Claira and Oreon returned. They noticed you watching the TV intently. They walked over and saw you were watching a cop show.

"You like this stuff, (Y/n)?" Claira asked. You turned, slightly surprised by her voice. You had only just noticed the two had returned. You nodded, blushing slightly. 

"Huh, maybe you would make a good cop." Oreon said. You looked back at the screen.

"I don't know. I've never done anything like that. I'm just a home care android." You said.

"You think Roxy was a rock star before she deviated? No way! If she can rock a guitar like that then you can be a great cop if you put your mind to it." Claira said. You weren't sure. You were always so helpless and you didn't know much besides what the show was telling you. Oreon sat beside you.

"Believe me, Claira hasn't been wrong with any of us yet. You can do it." He said. You smiled and nodded.

"I guess I can still try." You agreed. 

"That's more like it!" Claira said. "Anyway, I got the perfect outfits for you! I'll go put them in your closet! You can try them on later for everyone! It'll be like a mini fashion show! I'll have to get my camera!" Claira said. You and Oreon chuckled at her excitement. 

"Trust me, she's done it with all of us." He whispered. You giggled, believing it 100%.

"If you're okay with it at least." Claira said. Oreon gave you a look that basically told you 'don't say no, or we die'.

"I can't wait!" You said with a smile to her. She seemed pleased. You both giggled as she hurried up to your room. 

"You've made her your friend now." He said. You laughed. 

"Well, I better gain some friends if I'm gonna live here, or we might have an issue." You replied. You both laughed and once you calmed down he sighed happily.

"You know, it's been awhile since somebody like you has been around. I'm glad you're staying with us, (Y/n). But, I'm gonna warn you up front, it's never dull around here." He said. You laughed. 

"I can believe that." You chuckled.

"So, police work? You sure you want to go into that? I mean, it's risky." He said.

"Yeah. That's why I'm not sure yet. They could probably easily figure out I'm an android." You said.

"Well, there's that too. I meant that being a cop can be dangerous." He said.

"Well, being a surgeon it's exactly a risk-free job either." You pointed out. 

" know about that?" He asked.

"Nelly told me everybody's interests. I was curious." You explained. He nodded.

"Fair enough." He agreed. "Although you have to be crazy being curious about us." You elbowed him playfully. He chuckled. "But that just makes us crazy too." He added. You nodded.

"True." You said. He laughed.

"You're really something, (Y/n)!" He said. 

"Look in the mirror lately?" You asked. He smiled.

"I think you're gonna fit in perfectly here." Oreon said. You smiled back at him.

"I hope so." You replied. Then, you went back to relaxing, Oreon joining you. You felt happy. You had never been happy before. This was finally your chance for a new start.

Oreon Status: Friend

Saving the Broken (Connor x Deviant!Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα