Chapter 46

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You opened your eyes. Darkness greeted you. Nothing was around you. It was freezing, but you saw a glimmer above you. You were about to swim up to it, but a blast knocked you around underwater, sending you tumbling. You were sent deeper into the darkness instead. You looked around, a hint of fear creeping into your body. You couldn't breathe. You were an android, so you didn't need to, but the urge was now undeniable. You swam upward again. Your head burst through the surface and you instantly tried to take in a breath. You took in more water than air. The water sent you into a hard coughing fit causing you to fall back under the water. You cried out, but most of your cry went unheard, the darkness silencing you.

You couldn't tell, but you blinked hard as your tears mixed with the pitch black and ice cold lake water. You suddenly felt something tug on your arm. You looked over, seeing a darkened and blurry figure beside you. You surface again, coughing violently as your savior pulled you toward the shore. You went nearly limp as they pulled you onto the bank next to them. You slowly opened your eyes, seeing a drenched Connor beside you, his breathing just as heavy. You frowned a little for a moment, slightly confused, but touched that he saved you. Then, it turned to rage. He's just trying to get cozy with me again. You got up quickly and yanked off your jacket. He looked alarmed.

"(Y/n), you'll freeze if you take too much off." He warned.

"Oh yeah? Why do you care?" You snapped. He flinched.

"(Y/n), I didn't-"

"Enough you two. Now's not the time for this. We need to find another place to stay." Markus said. You nodded, grabbing the chance to avoid talking to him.

"Yeah. Markus is right." You said. Markus looked a little unhappy with you, knowing you were just trying to avoid Connor.

"There's an old church nearby. It'll be a good temporary base for everyone for now. Let's go." He said. You followed your friends, Connor trailing behind. You risked a glance back at him. You saw an overwhelming amount of guilt in his eyes as he kept them trained on the ground. You felt bad for him for a moment, but you pushed it aside. He's done nothing to deserve your sympathy. You reminded yourself. He did just save you from freezing and drowning in the river. The other voice contradicted. You pushed that voice aside. I can't trust him. Not after what he did. You kept walking, following your friends to the church. 

Soon you started to shiver, your temperature dropping to dangerous levels. You wrapped your arms around yourself. It's s-so cold... You shivered violently, your body starting to lock up. Then, you felt something heavy around your shoulders. You glanced behind you, seeing Connor had given you his coat. You were about to refuse his help, but he cut you off.

"You're freezing. I didn't save you to let you freeze right after." He said. You sighed and let him give you his coat. You muttered a begrudging 'thank you' and kept walking in silence.  

Once you arrived you gave Connor his coat back and went to start some fires to warm yourself and others up. You soon spotted your friends. Jaden was with the others and all the animals were okay. You ran up to Bandit and he leaped at you, tackling you while licking your face to warm you up even further. You smiled and hugged the worried wolf, assuring him you were fine. Your friends rushed up to you, asking you if you were alright. You told them you were fine. Then, Dell spotted Connor. Jacob did too. They glared at him. You noticed.

"Guys, stop. He's not worth it." You said. It was just loud enough for Connor to hear it. He saw him flinch as if your words hurt him. You didn't care. It's nothing compared to the pain you made me feel. To who you caused me to become. You can take it. You thought coldly.

You walked over to Markus. He looked at you and nodded to you. You nodded back. It was a quick and simple greeting, but it was enough.

"Markus, we can't trust him. He's betrayed people before. He'll do it again." You insisted.

"(Y/n), he could've shot me before. He chose our side. He's where he belongs now. What happened between you two is unfortunate, but I need you both to work for the same side together if we're going to win this. If you don't want to forgive him, then at least accept him into our ranks." He said. You sighed.

"Fine." You agreed.

"Thank you." He said. You walked over and you watched as the church slowly began to fill up with android animals and humans alike. You saw Jax and Fang. Jax had a damaged leg. You walked over to him.

"Jax, are you alright?" You asked.

"I'm good. You?" He asked.

"I'm fine, thanks. What happened?" You asked.

"Running and got a shot to the leg. No big deal. I'll be fine. It's not even that bad. It was more the shock of it all. Tucker helped me out." He said. You nodded.

"How's Fang?" You asked.

"Not a scratch. Had a small flight lesson, but he's perfectly fine." Jax replied as Fang nuzzled your hand gently. Jax's eyes suddenly locked onto somebody else. "It's him. He's here?" You turned and spotted Connor again. You sighed heavily.

"Ignore him. I don't want to talk about him right now." You said. Jax nodded. Then his eyes lit up.

"I can help you keep him off of you." He said.

"By doing what?" You asked.

"Making it look like we're together?" He said. You rolled your eyes with an amused grin.

"You're just trying to get me to kiss you." You said. He chuckled.

"Just an offer. I thought you'd say no anyway." He said. You chuckled.

"Nice try Jax, but I don't think I'm letting anyone into the relationship zone anymore. Sorry, pal." You said. He nodded.

"Yeah, I understand. I gotta go. I want to check up on my friend, Zora, anyway. I'll see you around, kay?"

"Okay. Later, Jax." You replied.

"See ya." He said and left. You sighed and sat down by yourself. You glanced over at Connor. You frowned. Where do I go with you from here?

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