"Well if you go there, you're stuck with us." With that he walks toward his mom and his sister and waves goodbye.

"Sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Liam speaks up as he walks away. I glance at him.

"Well I guess it's more my fault then yours." I reply slowly. He shrugs.

"You still should have heard it from me first." Now I don't know what we're talking about anymore. Zayn or college. It could work for either one.

"Well I should go too, um I'll see you at diner." Liam mumbles stepping closer to me.

"Dinner?" I question pulling him in for a hug which surprises him but he rests his head on my shoulder and hugs me back tightly.

"Yeah I think I heard my mom just invite you guys out with us tonight." Of course my mom would say yes despite the circumstance and that's fine with me. I think it's time Liam and I tried again. For the third time. He's still my best friend. I can't imagine going on in life without him.

"Okay dinner it is. I'll talk to you later." He nods and let's go of me.

"Bye Em." I wave goodbye and watch him walk towards his mom who blows kisses at me. I wave goodbye and they walk away. Now it's just Zayn's mom talking to my mom. I wonder what their conversation is about. Us? Meaning Zayn and I? I turn to Niall ignoring Zayn.

"Niall can you.." I motion for him to go away.

"Really?" He asks quietly, in a sad voice.

"Yeah I'll text you." He perks up.

"Wait? Seriously?!" He asks. I can't help but smile at how excited he is.

"Yeah, yeah just go please. I want to.. I want to talk to Zayn alone." I glance at him and he's glumly kicking at the grass sighing.

"Okay you better text me though and you sure as hell aren't moving to America. You're going to Westwood." He commands hugging me tightly. Laughing I hug him back.

"We'll see." I reply with a smile. With one more hug he walks away from me. "Come here." I say lowly grabbing Zayn's hand and pulling him farther away from our families. They don't need to hear us fight if it comes down to that. I stand him right in front of me and let go of his hand. I haven't touched him since I shoved him away from me a month ago. I think I recall him standing in front of me his hands on my cheeks but I can't tell if it's something I conjured up or if it really happened. "You have to tell them." I hiss glaring up at him.

"I.. I can't." He stutters out.

"You have to! They'll notice. They'll ask questions." I whisper shout at him.

"Just tell them Zayn." He shakes his head fiercely. "Why not?" I demand.

"Because then it will really be over." He cries out. I stare at him for a minute.

"It is over." I force out harshly. Zayn winces and bites down on his bottom lip. I wish I could do the same.

"It doesn't have to be Emma." He starts again slowly.

"Yes it does!" I interrupt him.

"Do you have any idea how much that hurt Zayn!" I demand of him. Zayn licks his lips and shakes his head.

"No, but tell me." He says as an after thought when I roll my eyes.

"I don't have to. It should be written all over my god damn face." I growl at him.

"Emma! Zayn!" My mom calls out. I quickly turn my expression into one of complete joy.

"Yeah mom?" She's pursing her lips and Zayn's mom and sisters look a little worried. Glancing back at Zayn he sort of looks like he might cry or punch a hole in wall next to us.

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