What's In A Name

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I wake up that Wednesday morning feeling refreshed and reinvigorated! Ready for a new day! Said nobody ever. I woke up pissed off, hungry and tiered. I managed to change and get my things in order but even the slightest squeaking of the floorboards seemed to aggravate me. I tried to not let it show. "Hello honey!" my mom said beaming brightly.

"Hi." i replied with a nod.

"Rough morning?" she asked putting some toast in my hands and kissing my cheek.

"You can say that yeah." i mumbled shoveling the food into my mouth. My mom only let out a small laugh and went to go grab her bag.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but today I can't take you to school." I nod slowly. Sometimes when she has to leave extra early I have to walk to school. It's only a couple blocks and I've done it often enough for my mom not to worry. Plus I have pepper spray.

"Ok I can walk." I tell her.

"Actually," She says digging through her purse for her keys. "Liam's picking you up." My stomach dropped and my head began to spin. Liam is picking me up?

"What!?" I practically scream. She found her keys and looked at me oddly.

"Yes. He's offered to start driving you again..." Now I'm in total shock.

"What?! When!? How?! I haven't talked to him in years!" I'm shouting again and my mom is pursing her lips and looking at me sternly.

"Now honey.." She starts but I'm shaking my head. No way. No fucking way!

"Momma please. I can walk. It's ok. I can walk." I tell her, but she's shaking her head.

"You're acting like he might kill you. He called last night and offered and you're taking him up on this. End of discussion." Now she's heading for the door but I'm not done.

"But mother! Liam and I... What are we going to talk about? What am I going to say to him! Why didn't you tell me last night?" I'm desperate now I want to get out of this. I can't. CANT. Go with him.

"End of the discussion!" She says again ruffling my hair as she walks out the door.

"But... Liam..." I say softly after the door closes. I feel sick to my stomach. I don't want to go to school. I could call in sick! But no.. What would i miss in my classes.. missing a day of high school is bad. The work just piles up on you and if i miss one day with my full schedule of AP and Honor's classes... Damn it. Maybe if I start walking now. Yes! That's what I'll do. I grab up my bag and begin to head out the door. Unfortunately for me a 1965 baby blue Mustang is pulling up to the curb. My heart stops. Liam. He's driving his dad's old car. It runs beautifully and Liam is very good with his hands. In the mechanical sense, not what you might be thinking. He puts it in park and his head dips down low so that I can see him in the open passenger window. He motions for me to get in. Crap. I finally breathe. I move slower than necessary turning and closing the door, making sure it's locked. Fixing my hair and walking slowly toward the curb. He reaches out, pulls on the handle and pushes the car door out.

"Sometimes it doesn't work." He mumbles. I nod and climb in closing the door behind me. He's staring straight ahead. He won't even look at me. He's clutching the wheel so tightly his knuckles have turned white. "Alright." he finally says shifting into gear and pulling away onto the street. He hurls down the corner hardly stopping to look.

"Liam." i say softly. He doesn't answer as he pulls a cigarette from his pocket. Jamming it between his lips he fumbles around for a lighter. "Liam." still he doesn't hear me. He finds the lighter and flicks on the flame. I'm afraid he's going to burn his eyebrows off. His hand keeps shaking. He hits the gas and barrels through a red light earning a couple honks and the stretching of tires. "Liam!" i shout at him. He stomps on the brakes making the car lurch forward. My seat belt catches, and presses against my chest. I loose the air in my lungs.

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