And So it Begins

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I wake up on Saturday wishing to rewind time. I squeeze my eyes shut and pull my covers up over my head. "Please god." i whisper to myself. I wait. Nothing happens. I sigh and push my covers up off of me. I run my hand through my hair which is still damp from last night's shower. I glance at my books on my desk with a strained groan. I haven't touched them since yesterday when i went to the movies with my mom. I actually had a good time. Harry, Zayn and Louis were nowhere in sight and i actually liked the movie we watched. Way better than Love Me To Death according to the reviews. I pull my feet out from under my sheets and feel the chill immediately. All i want to do is curl back up in my bed and read books all day but i know that homework is important especially if i want to get out of here. Get into a good college and get a good job that I'll love. I run my hand through my hair again and touch my dresser looking for my glasses. Finding them i push them up onto my nose and heave another heavy sigh. I push myself up off my bed. My feet touch the cold unforgiving hardwood floor sending shivers up my spine. I make my bed slowly carefully. Then i walk through my hallway toward the kitchen.

My mom's already gone. She's always gone. I sigh as i make my way toward the kitchen. Grabbing a box of cereal off the refrigerator, not bothering to check the brand, i grab a bowl and the milk from the fridge. I pull out a drawer grab a spoon and shove it back in with my hip. Carrying everything toward the living room I set everything down on the coffee table and sit down on the couch. I grab the remote and switch on the news before pouring myself a bowl of whatever the heck this stuff is. Cheerios. Good enough. I pour the milk causing some of it to splash out and onto the glass counter. I shrug and pick up my bowl. I can clean it later. I lean back in my seat and watch the news not really absorbing any of it just sort of watching. Slowly i spoon cereal into my mouth careful not to spill or drop anything. The news is telling me about a high school party they had to break up because the kids got too rowdy. A video pops up. It's blurry and most of the kids are unrecognizable but I catch a glimpse of curly dark hair, swirling black tattoos running up the length of another guys arm, and the faded denim jacket that looks so familiar it can't be anyone else's but Louis'. So that's where they were.


I woke up in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar blanket covering me. I bolted up and immediately regretted it. The pounding headache hit me like a fucking truck. I groaned into my hand and heard a low chuckle. I peek through my fingers at the curly haired boy sitting on the couch across from me.

"Shouldn't have had so much to drink mate." Harry said his voice sounding deeper than it usually did.

"Shut the fuck up." I groaned flopping backpack down onto the floor. He was quiet which was surprising. I heard someone lightly snoring and I rolled over onto my side. Cracking an eye open I saw Louis' messy hair spilling all across his face and into his eyes. I closed my eyes groaned and sat up again pulling one knee up I placed my arm on it and ran the other through my hair. "How the hell did we get here?" I ask looking around Harry's house. Harry lives in one of the worst neighborhoods in town. There's a passed out alcoholic on every corner and a drug deal happening in every alley. The houses are in shambles and it starts with the rotting base moving toward the water stained graffitied walls, and ending at the roof which leaks often because tiles are missing. It's all his mom can afford and where Harry's dad grew up. Or so he says.

I've never met the bastard myself. He never seems to be around when we're here which is surprising. His mom however is a ray of sunshine. Constantly smiling though I don't know what she has to be happy about. Harry puts on his best face for her. It's the only time I think I've ever seen him smile at something that wasn't sexual or alcohol related.

"You would remember if you weren't such a fucking lightweight." Harry grumbled flipping through his book.

"I'm not a fucking lightweight." I growled running a hand through my hair.

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