"Oh my god." he mutters hanging his head and glaring at the ground.

"Harry! Eyes up and smile. Please." his mother begs. Harry mutters something and brings his head up flashing a winning smile.

"Amelia you too." my mother says. Slowly i smile as well.

"Oh, Amelia! Lovely name." Harry's mother comments.

"Thank you." my mother replies.

"There she is!" someone else shouts suddenly. An angry brunette lady and tall dark and handsome man storm towards us with four girls in tow and Louis who seems to be arguing with them. They blow through our parents and come straight for me. I'm so scared i take several steps back until i feel Harry place himself in between me and this furious mom. "You ruined their graduation with your filthy speech!" she shouts at me.

"Mom! Stop it!" Louis shouts at her tryign to get through his dad.

"Quiet!" she shouts back at him before trying to pull harry away from me.

"Hey! Back off of my son!" Harry's mother shouts at her now standing in between Harry and the women.

"And stay away from my daughter!" my mom shouts appearing next to his mom.

"Oh my god." i murmur.

"What is wrong with you! So what she said fuck you say it all the time!" Louis yells at her. She turns her furious glare at him.

"Don't talk back to me!" she snaps. "You and that boy! Always hanging out and getting into trouble and now this girlfriend of his and her graduation speech!" she screams.

"Girlfriend?" Harry and I protest at the same time.

"We're not going out." "I would never." Harry and i say in unison.

"Maybe if we all just calm down." Gem says quietly moving closer to her mom.

"I am going to have a talk to the principal at this!" she continues to shout.

"And do what? I've graduated you want to expel me from a school I've graduated from!" i spit out. I shouldn't have said anything but angry people make me angry. She turns toward me again and looks like she wants to bite my head off but a small voice stops her.

"Stop it mom." we look down at the smallest daughter who looks about as pissed off as a five year old can get while looking so fuckin adorable. "I want to go home." she whines stomping her foot. I don't know if she's doing this for our benefit or if it's because she's really tired.

"Alright sweetheart." Louis' mother says, her attitude doing a complete 180. With one more glare at my family and Harry's she moves toward her daughter picks her up and the whole family begins to walk away. Excluding Louis who stares at Harry and I. Our mom's breathe a sigh of relief and back up off of us.

"You two okay?" Harry shrugs.

"All bark. No bite." the parents chuckle.

"Hey s-sorry man." Louis stutters out his hands shaking. "Sorry Emma." he says meekly.

"Oh yeah no it's cool. Your mom seems... Nice." Louis starts laughing and Harry snickers next to me.

"Um i should go." Louis says pointing at the disappearing forms of his family.

"No wait stay! Pictures!" my mom exclaims.

"Oh no it's fine. I mean my mom just screamed at your daughter i really don't.. Oh ok." My mom doesn't listen to Louis' protests as she drapes Louis arm around my shoulder.

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