Chapter 17: My Cheerios, Not Yours

Start from the beginning

All of a sudden, I decided it was time to put my plan to action. I quickly brought my knee up, making it look like a blur, and kneed him in his "ding-dong." 'Ouch! That should hurt! But he brought it upon himself so... I don't care.'

My unexpected action made him keel over onto my bedroom floor in what looks like...partially, kind of, eh...deadly pain. 'Hahahahaha! Okay that laugh gave me the chills. It was creepy.' I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down at Liam with a triumphant expression.

Liam's face was turning a light shade of red. 'I guess he is in some bad pain. Hmmm...maybe I shouldn't have hit him in his "ding-dong." Instead, I should've punched him in the face. Or slapped him.'

"Why did you have to do that Avalon?" I broke my chain of thoughts when I heard Liam talking, or more like wheezing. "Do you have an ice pack? I think I may need it." 'Okay. Maybe I kneed his man jewels too hard. Should I apologize?........ Naaahh.'

I squatted down right next to where Liam was lying in pain. Patting his shoulder with my hand, I started talking. "No. I think you'll be just fine. Soak it up and be a man." I gave him one last pat before standing back up straight and turning to walk out the door. Right before I left the room, I faced back towards Liam. "And you know why I did it? Because you faked helping me up. That's why. Nice way to treat a girl Liam Ross. Real nice." I scowled, shaking my head in fake disappointment, leaving him in the room by himself and his pain.

**30 minutes later**

Liam had came down around 30 minutes later with an intense expression on his face. On his way to the stool on the opposite side the island where I was sitting, his eyebrows furrowed. 'What's wrong with him? Maybe I hit his pride a bit too hard. Should I feel remorseful towards him? Well, it's like what they can't redo what's already been done, right?'

Deciding to break the silence, I spoke up. "So... Why are you here anyway and how did you get in the house?"

Liam shrugged his shoulders while getting rid of the serious expression on his face. "I don't know. My mom told me that your mom told her that I should come over here. She also told me where the spare key is to get into the house." He gave me a small half smile.

Finding his half smile cute, I slightly smiled back. "So you don't know why your here?"

Liam nodded his head. "Yep," he said popping the "p."

Feeling guilty about earlier, I asked him if he wanted to eat. He declined. But his stomach said otherwise.

I smirked. "What do you want to eat?"

Liam shrugged his shoulders again. "I don't know."

Rolling my eyes, I got up off the stool, I was sitting on, and walked over towards the fridge. "Well your hungry so just say something."

Then out of nowhere Liam screamed in a fake high pitched girl's voice, "CEREAL!" His response made my world come crumbling down.

I turned back to Liam with a serious face and pointed an accusing finger at him. "No! You will not have cereal! Well I mean, MY Cheerios. But you can have Honey Bunches Of Oats?" I said in an unsure voice.

Liam pouted, sticking out his bottom lip. "Can I have some Cheerios? Pwease?"

I tried looking everywhere except his puppy dog face. 'I didn't even know guys could have puppy dog faces!' Shaking my head, I said no. But Liam wouldn't take no for an answer.

When looked back to Liam, I found him looking in the direction of the cabinet where MY Cheerios were. He faced back towards me and squinted. I squinted back. I knew what he was going to do, so I quickly ran over towards the cabinet.

Right when my hand brushed against the cupboard's handle, I was picked up and put back down behind someone. That someone being Liam.

I stomped my foot in frustration. "Liam Ross, don't you dare eat my Che...." I didn't finish my sentence because I saw him open the cabinet and pull out my Cheerios. 'Nooooo!'

I tried snatching the cereal box out of his hand, but he kept blocking my attempts. 'Argh!' He opened the box and reached his hand inside. I heard the crumpling of the plastic bag that holds my beloved cereal. A second later, Liam pulled his hand out of the box to reveal a handful of Cheerios. I scoffed. I didn't notice what I was doing until I smacked his hand full of Cheerios. I'm guessing it was a surprise attack because Cheerios went flying everywhere around the kitchen. I started mentally sobbing in my head. 'Nooooooo! My lovely Cheerios! So. Many. Cheerios. Wasted. He will pay!'

Liam's mouth was gaped open widely. He was shocked by my sudden action. That will make it easier to snatch the box out of his hand. I took hold of the box and pulled it from his one of his hands, but one of his hands still held on tightly to the box. We began tug-o-warring the Cheerios.

"IT'S MINE! GIVE IT BACK YOU PIG!" I yelled, tugging the box with all my might. It was pretty hard keeping a steady grip on the cereal box without letting go since it was rectangular.

Liam smirked not even using one ounce of strength. Boys and their super strength. "Nope. I will not let go of the..." He was cut off by the front door opening. The next thing I know, my bum painfully came into contact with the wooden floor of the kitchen and the Cheerios box was flying through the air. The cereal was falling everywhere making it look like it was raining Cheerios in the kitchen.

Once the Cheerios box landed on the ground, I crawled over to it. Looking inside the box made many emotions run through my mind. Sadness and anger were the main emotions. I pulled my knees up under my chin, curling up into a little ball. Lowering my head, I made my hair cover my face. I feel so depressed without my Cheerios.

I didn't notice I was crying until I felt a small puddle of tears on my knees. A surprise felling of warmth enveloped me. Looking through the small slits of space between my hair, I saw Liam giving me a one arm hug.

"I'm sorry." He said in a baby voice, making a small smile appear on my lips. But he wasn't able to see it. Liam was going to a say something else but someone had cut him off.


'Well that doesn't sound good...'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There you have it my lovelies! Chapter 17!

So what did you think? Good? Bad?

Oh, in this chapter I kind of foreshadowed what I'll be doing for my next book! Can you guess what it is? ^_^

Well, thanks for reading!

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Bye, you BIG HEARTED people! :D


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