Truth or Lies

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"Quiet!" Dumbledore's voice booms over the unsetled students. Everyone shuts up.

"Will all prefects lead their houses to their commons please, and all teachers stay here for a quick meeting." I groan, and get up.

'Gryffindor follow me!" I yell. 

Hermione walks next to me as we lead the students to Gryffindor tower. Once we reach the room Hermione tells everyone to go to sleep. I then slump onto the couch. 

"Well, that was interesting." Percy says.

"Tell me about it." Hermione says tiredly.

"Well, you were there but if you want me too I wil-"

"It's and expression Seaweed Brain."

"Oh." We all start laughing at Percy's level of intelligence. 

"Why do you guys call each other that?" I ask.

"Call each other what?" Hazel questions.

"Seaweed Brain and that."

"Oh, I call him Seaweed Brain, because his head is full of Seaweed." Annabeth answers. It obviously dosen't satify Hermione because she digs further into the truth or lies that they were telling.

"But why Seaweed?"

"I don't know, because he likes the ocean?" Her answer is more like a question, making it even more suspiscious.

"And why do they call you Death Breath, what a horrible nick name." Harry points out.

"Ask them, they call me that." Nico answers.

"Because he is always wearing black." Hazel says. I feel like that isn't the answer and just a compound of what the reason actually is.

"I don't know about you, but I am getting drop dead  tired." Percy yawns. Hermione doesn't looked pleased that she hasn't got her full answer, but goes with it anyway.

"Yeah, your right. Let's go to sleep." We all get up and walk up the stairs and into our dorms. 


That prophecy got me shaken up. I wasn't able to sleep, and woke up at midnight. I groan as I realise that this is going to be a long night and sit up in my bed. I look over to Annabeth's bed, only to see no one there. What the Pluto? That's weird, maybe she is in the bathroom.

 I get up off my bed and walk towards the bathroom. The door is open and no one is inside. Where is she? I try downstairs but she isn't there either. This is getting very strange. 

I exit the portait hole and start to wonder the hallways close by. She isn't there, has she been kidnapped? No, she is the second best fighter I know, she  wouldn't be kidnaped that easily, especially without making a sound. 

I turn the corner and freeze, relief flooding me. I found her, just not how I expected her to be.

"Annabeth?" I ask, making sure it is her.

She looks at me with wide eyes, "Hazel!" She have whispers, half shouts.

"Umm...Why are you walking a dog in the middle of the night?" I answer, the first thing coming to my mind.

She presses her lips together, "I am not going to lie you, I have a dog." 

"Since when?" 

"I will tell you everything, as long as you promise not to tell anyone else."

"I swear on River Styx that I will not tell anyone." Annabeth nods her head in appreciation. 

"Walk with me, I promise I will tell you everything." 

So she did, we walked around the school and went outside, only stopping once to let her dog Bella do her business, than continuing to walk. 

'So you are telling me for the past 2 months you have been hiding her under your bed!"

"I never said it was easy." 

"Well, she is getting big and I don't think she will fit for much longer."

'Neither do I, that's why I have been looking for an alternative place for her to stay." 

I think for a while, "I could create one." I offer her.

"Oh my gods, that is a create idea. Thanks so much Hazel" Annabeth hugs me, tight.

"Where do you want it to be, somewhere outside, preferably." 

" to the Whomping Willow, not too close but not too far. That way no one will go near it." I nod my head, Annabeth can come up with some grreat ideas.

We head out towards the Whomping Williow. 

"Here will be perfect." Annabeth points to a part in the ground. I set to work and put my hands out, the earth obeying to my touch. I create a tunnel that leads to a room. I then create a hidden door.

"There, all finished." Annabeth hugged me again.

'Thanks so much Hazel" 

"You're welcome." My eyes nearly shut close. "I am getting really tired, can we go back now." 

"Sure." Annabeth puts Bella in her new home, then says goodbye to her. We head back up to the  castle and walk to the Gryffindor common room.

"Why didn't you tell us?" The one question I wanted to ask, did she not trust us?

"I am afriad if anyone finds out, they will take her away from me." I nod, understandable.

'Any idea on who gave it to you?"


We go into the dormetries and fall to sleep instantly, I don't know how she did this every night.

Have you ever got hit on the head by a thong/flip-flops?

It hurts, I had a bruise on my head for a week and had this  "Harry Potter" like mark on my head for a few days. 

Anyway, please comment if there is any mistakes, also vote if you like it :)

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