The Train

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When we all finally got all our things including the robes (which I adore, they are all black just like death and they are made super nice material and...I should probably stop now) we set out to Kings Cross Station. Now if it were up to me, I would shadow travel everyone there but according to someone(Annabeth) it would reveal our identities which isn't allowed so we all got back into the car.

"We are not flying again," I said demanding it.

"Yeah I think it would be...wise take the roads," said Annabeth. I didn't think it was possible until now...but I just internally face-palmed. Everyone else starts to laugh which makes no sense that wasn't funny at all, puns are never funny. They are worse than demons.

"Please no," I whispered.

"Yeah I have to agree with Annabeth on this one, we don't want to run into any...thunderstorms" Thalia killed me right then, everyone continued to laugh.

"Good point, we don't wont to get...wet...on this trip," that's it, Percy, Thalia and Annabeth are dead to me.

"If we take the roads our trip will become... electrifyingly good," Jason complied.

"Jason you just killed me," I responded.

"Really? Why I thought that these puns are-" Hazel started, but I cut her off.

"Don't you dare," I glared at my sister.

"Pure...Gold," she said grinning.

"You guys are all dead to me."

"Oh be quiet death breath," said Thalia still laughing.

"Um, are you guys done because we need to go," Hermione said awkwardly, breaking up our conversation.

"Yeah," then I quickly thought, "no flying!"

"Okay, we wont fly but get into the car or else were gonna miss the train," said Mr Weasly. We got into the car, taking the same seating arrangements as last time, which meant that I sat next to Jason. Don't get me wrong Jason isn't a bad guy but I would much rather sit next to my sister after I opened my biggest secret to him in Italy.


Will the Americans shut up!? The whole car trip they just kept on arguing and talking, and those puns outside made absolutely no sense whatsoever. These guys are so weird.

"What are they talking about?" Harry asked Hermione and I.

"No idea," I replied, and of course as usual Hermione has to be the smart one like always.

"Why don't you just ask them, that is how people normally find out information these days," she told us.

"Ok," I said and turned around to try and find an opportunity to talk but it was just chaos.

"Remember that time at Hover Dam with the.." Thalia was saying to Percy across the other side of the car.

"And Grover had a completely Grover like idea..." Percy concluded and then they both screamed "BURRITO FIGHT!"

Whilst this was going on Hazel and Annabeth were talking as well.

"I swear we are going to run into a big chunk," Hazel spoke worriedly.

"You will be fine Hazel just don't worry about it," Annabeth replied.

"But I am super nervous and they normally pop out when I fell like this." Pop out? What? That made no sense and also happening at the same time Jason and Nico were fighting.

"Come on Death Breath, people wont hate you"

"Easy for you to say, Sparky" Then he started to imitate Jason. "I'm Jason Grace Hero of Olympus, Praetor of Rome."

"Ex-Praetor actually," Jason said trying to redeem himself.

"Same-diff, Sparky."

All the commotion  was way to hard to understand, so much was going on. I turned back to my friends and shook my head.

"Well did you even ask them?" Hermione wondered.


"Well ask," I turned around again.

"Um... guys, what are you talking about?" They all stopped and looked at me blankly, like they forgot we were even in the car with them. The silence grew stronger until Percy broke it.

"Dam this is awkward." Thalia started to laugh and so did Percy but everyone else just looked at them.

"Everyone get out, we are at Kings Cross Station," said my father from up front. 

"Finally," I heard Ginny groan from the seat next to my father.


When Ron asked what we were talking about, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I completely forgot they were there. After much awkwardness we got out of the car. I looked down at my ticket and saw the platform 9 3/4 again.

"I guess this is were you show us where this magical platform is?" I asked.

"Yeah right this way," Harry said and he walked onto platform 9 and counted the brick walls until we reached the third one.

"Now all we have to do is run through the wall and we should be there," he said casually.

"What!" I exclaimed, "run through the wall!" I looked to Mr Weasly, considering he was the only adult.

"Oh yes it is perfectly safe, Harry will demonstrate," so Harry demonstrated. He ran at the wall at a fast past and just disappeared.

"That's not possible," I mumbled, Hazel obviously heard me because she whispered back.

"When your dealing with magic it is, trust me on that one," next Ron ran into the wall than Hermione, leaving just us six and Mr Weasly left over.

"Go on, don't be afraid," he said. I looked at Nico, and I think everyone had the same idea as me. If this wall is magic but it stops working when we get through the wall, so that we are stuck in the wall. Nico would be the one to send because he could just Shadow Travel out of there.

"Argh, fine" he spoke and charged at the wall. Once he disappeared and didn't reappear I declared it was safe, so I prepared to run at the wall. When I felt something grab my wrist. I haltered and turned to see Percy. I was about to asked what was he doing when he opened his mouth.

"Together." I nodded my head, and together we ran at the wall. When we went through, I was stunned it was a whole new place, too big to be inside he wall and yet it was here.

"Amazing," I whispered.

"Come on," Percy said and we held hands as we walked towards the others, who were looking at the big train. When we were all ready to board we started to walk towards the Hogwarts Express as a group when Hermione whispered something into Ron's ear and his eyes shot up as if just remembering something.

"Got to go," he said in a rush. Before we could ask, he was off with Hermione. I looked over to Harry to ask why when he answered my question.

"Prefects," he explained, "come on lets find a cabin."

We all go forward, walking down a narrow hallway full of compartments, when Harry said that this one is free so we all shuffled inside. It was a bit cramped but I didn't mind. Five minutes later we were off, and I was going on my first ever long train trip.

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