Quidditch Trials

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With Jason and Thalia gone now there is only four of us demigods. I hope they succeed in their travels. I am sitting in the common room classes have just finished and Harry is preparing to go to the tryouts. I am not flying, especially on a piece of thin wood.

"I don't have a broom." Annabeth points out.

"There are spare ones, though they aren't any good."

"Okay, can we go now so I have some time to practise on them?"

"Haven't you ever ridden a broomstick?"

"No, we use Pegasi at our school."

"Ok, then we better get going. Ron are you trying out this year?"

"Arr...sure" He says, uncertain of himself.

"Ok, come on then." The three leave the common room and leaves Hermione, Nico, Percy and me sitting in a circle.

"So..." Hermione says, "What's up with Annabeth lately?" she asks

"I know right. She has been acting so weird." I told her, it is true she has been weird lately.

"I am sure he she has a perfectly reasonable explanation for it." Percy says determine to defend his girlfriend.

"Yeah, but she has been stealing food off the table and always going to the dormitory." Hermione says.

"Well...I don't know, if it bothers you that much Hermione I will ask her, but to be honest it is none of your business." Percy comments. "Now come on, I want to watch my girlfriend kick some ass." I chuckle and then get up to walk to the Quidditch field.

We got there just in time. Harry was about to start.

"Ok so if you are trying out for keeper, line up here, chasers here and beaters over here." He says whilst pointing at specific spots. Annabeth goes to the chaser area while Ron goes with the keepers.

All in all, the trials went fairly smoothly, there was a little dispute over with the keepers, but besides that it went well. Just like most things she does, Annabeth was excellent. She was able to read the play amazingly and strategized her every movement to work. It was quite satisfying to watch.

"I will pin the final results up on the Gryffindor notice board by next week. Thanks everyone for trying out, see you around." Harry says, dismissing everyone.

"Wow, Annabeth you were amazing. " Percy tells her, than gives her a kiss. A blush forms on her face, than goes back down.

"And Ron did well too." I say not wanting him to feel left out.

"Yeah that was a fantastic fly." Harry tells her. Another blush creeps up on her face and she smiles.

"You both were amazing," I truthfully say.

"Thanks guys." Annabeth tells us.

"Thanks, now can we go eat before my stomach starts to play music." To prove his point Ron's stomach starts to grumble. We all laugh than head to the great hall.

"Harry!" I kid yelled out, we were just leaving the hall after dinner. The kid who I assume is in Gryffindor runs up to him and hands a sheet to him, "Professor told me to give this to you."

"Thanks." Harry replies. When we got back to Gryffindor Tower he opens the envelope.

"It is from Dumbledore." He says. "He wants to meet tomorrow night."

"Does he want me to come?" Percy asks.


"Well than let's hope this time I don't have to sit on a chair for the whole lesson." Harry smiles and Percy returns the smile.

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