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When the Porkpie and Guido bowed to Percy I almost laughed my head off, his expression was priceless, but I restrained myself. We were walking through the corridors heading towards our next class Defence Against the Dark arts, Chiron told us to pay attention to this class so I wasn't looking forward to it.

"I can't wait for the next class," Hazel said next to me. She has been paying attention to every class so far, though I guess that's because she wants to find ways to improve her magic.

Magic the reason she was here, us six were all chosen for a reason, Hazel because she is exceptionally good at magic, Annabeth because she is really smart, Nico, he is our transportation, Percy, he is the best fighter they had and he wouldn't let Annabeth go if he didn't, Jason, he kind of holds the team together, like moral support and me well, they may need my fighting skills, and my amazing skills with a bow and arrow. Piper would of come if she didn't have some thing to do with gods turning into mortals.

"Well Snapes teaching so don't get your hopes up." We walked into the classroom, sat down and got our books out.

"I have not asked you to take your books out," said Snape, closing the door behind him as he moves into the class room, he turns to face the class and moves down the aisle, "I wish to speak with you and I want your fullest attention." His black eyes looked around the classroom, lingering the Americans for just a second.

"You have had five teachers in the subject, so far," Wow...five teachers, they must really go through them,"each with their own methods and priorities. Given this I am surprised do many of you scraped and OWL,"

OWL? What in Hades is that?

"I shall be even more surprised if all of keep up with the NEWT work, which is much more advanced." He paced around the room and kept talking but I wasn't really listening, being ADHD and all listening has never been my strong point.

As I sat there thinking about how boring this guy and being lost I my thoughts, I was woken back to reality when I heard my name. Unfortunately, it was at the end of a sentence. I looked up at the professor blankly, not knowing what the question was.

"You don't know?" He asked me in a cold voice, "shameful, dose anyone else here know?" Hermione's hand shot into the air, the Professor looked around the classroom making sure he had no other choice before saying, "Very well-Miss Granger?"

"Your adversity has no warning about what kind of magic you are about to preform, which gives you a split-second advantage," she replied, which made no sense to me considering I had no idea what the question was.

"Copied straight from the book, but nonetheless it is correct, "He replied back, "you will now divide into pairs. One partner will attempt to jinx the other without speaking whilst the other shall attempt to block it."

Oh Styx, here comes the moment of truth. Me and Nico pared up and prayed to Hecate that the spells that she put on us to allow us to do magic worked. We got up an stood five meters apart, first I waved my wand, (Having no idea what I was doing) and thought of a word that could Jinx Nico, in response colours flew out of my wand and went towards Nico, he then moved his wand across his body, obviously having no idea what he was doing ether, but it worked the spell was blocked, thank the gods, well actually not all of them just Hecate.

"Very good Thalia and Nico" said a cold voice behind me, I turned around to see Professor Snape, "much better than the students over there," he said whilst glaring at Harry and Ron.

"Would you mind preforming in front of the class?" I felt like screaming, 'Gods no!' but I held it in, knowing that wouldn't look good in front of my new associates.

"I thought so." He got everyone's attention, and the class was looking at us, waiting for a demonstration, among the crowd I spotted Jason's face glowing at me enthusiastically and kelp head laughing at me, I decided that I will kill him after I show to the class how awesome I am.


I was so surprised when the new students were able to swiftly move their wands, and without uttering a sound and have a spell come out, I had been trying to do that all lesson only to have to whisper under my breath. These guys are good, but a little to good, there is something unnatural about them and I was going to find out what.

As soon as Snape dismissed the class and everyone one was out of earshot, I started to talk.

"Ok, tonight, common room, we are going o find out what these guys are up to, and why they are here." The others nodded in approval, thank goodness they understood, I didn't have time to explain because at that moment Jack Sloper, a beater on the previous Gryffindors Quidditch team, was hurrying towards us with a parchment.

"For you," he said giving the parchment to Harry.

"When's the Quidditch trials?" He asked hopefully.

"Umm...I don't know, I'll let you know when I decide."

"Ok," he said a little disappointed, then left. Harry opened the parchment and mumbled.

"It's from Dumbledore." I peeked over his shoulder and started to read.

Dear Harry,

I would like us to start our private lessons this Saturday.

Kindly come to my office at eight p.m. Please if you see Percy can you bring him along. I hope you are enjoying your first week back at school.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore

P.S. I enjoy acid pops

Acid pops? Oh, the password to get through the gargoyles.

"Why does he want Percy?" asked Ron to my right.

"I don't know, we should go plan our thing for tonight, so we have enough time." The nodded in agreement and we headed down the hall towards the Great Hall for our dinner.

Some of those lines are from the book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and are the work of J.K Rowling, not me.

Forever-Percy Jackson at HogwartsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя