5 Questions

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I still need to make a decision on that name, and can't update after this until that happens, well I can but it wil be like "him/her needed to go to the toilet," or something like that so...please give me suggestions on wich one.


I can't get any sleep, I lay on my bunk sheets spread out. I am feeling very stressed, I have so many subjects and NEWTS are in only in a years' time. I know I shouldn't worry it is a whole year, but time goes really fast most days and I don't want to fail. Also, most of the stuff we are learning now is going to be in our NEWTS. I hear a noise coming from down stairs, probably just someone going to the bathroom. Footsteps are heard coming towards my room. I see three silhouettes come through the door. They come closer and I am able to tell who they are, Hazel, Thalia and Annabeth. They put stuff that I can't make out the shape of into their trunks than grab what I assume are clothes and start to get changed, I being a nice person look away, even though I can barely see anything, just in case. They lie down in their beds and go to sleep. I wonder what that was about. What if they are having parties and stuff without me? All I know is that it didn't help me go to sleep, all it did was bring more questions to my mind.

-line break-

It turns out I did manage to get sleep; how else would I be able to wake up. I glance up to see Thalia awake sitting on her bed. I yawn, then stretch my arms out, alerting her that I am awake.

"What's the time?" I whisper, not wanting to wake up any of my friends.

"6" She replied. 6! As in 6am in the morning! That's so early. I was going to try and roll over and go back to sleep, but I was already awake and I new it would be hard so I just got up and walked over to Thalia.

"Do you normally wake up early?" I ask wanting to know more information about her. She nods her head.


"I am used to it," So short of an answer.

"I barely know anything about you, tell me something, in return I will say something about myself," She looks unsure, "oh I know we can play that 5-question game, where I ask 5 questions that you have to answer truthfully than you ask 5 questions that I have to answer truthfully." She still looks uncertain than nods her head.

"Ok I will go first," I pause to think of a question, something that a person would normally ask in these sorts of games, "Do you have any crushes?"


"Come one I am sure you like someone."

She shakes her head, "I don't. My turn, do you like Ron or Harry," Her question surprises me, though I guess it was a pretty obvious question.
"I like Harry as a friend, like a brother," I answer truthfully.

"And Ron?" Was that apart of the question? I think it was.

"Maybe," she glares at me, her eyes staring intently at me it was very intimidating and slightly scary, "ok maybe a bit," she smirks.

"Umm do you have a family? Any siblings?"

"Yes," I wait for more, "I have a youn.... older brother, named Jason," Wait what?!

"Jason's your brother!" Oops, that was a bit loud. She nods, "but you look nothing alike," she shrugs her shoulders.

"How long have you known Harry and Ron?"

"Wait a second you didn't finish my question, I said family not just sibilings."

"I only have a sibling, my parents both died," I look down, now I feel really bad. "Don't worry they were horrible parents, my dad left me as a child, my mum went into a depressed stage and ended up getting drunk and dying in a car crash. Now answer my question."

"Umm...5 years," I am feeling really guilty.

"How long have you known your friends." She thinks for a long time.

"I have known Annabeth for 11 years, Hazel for 1 year, Nico and Percy for 3 years," I wonder why she has known Annabeth for so long.

"I think we should take a break," I say, she nods her head. We walk down into the common room and wait for the others to be ready, as always Percy and Nico are last. We all head out the portrait for breakfast.


Breakfast was as usual, massive. I thought about what Percy said last night, was it true? Was Kronos really returning? And if so is he planning to join Voldemort? If he does than I don't know if we will be able to defeat him, what if someone has to sacrifice themselves again? What if Thalia dies, if Percy... I get rid of the thought, I think too much, so I continue to eat the delicious food in front of me and enjoy spending time with my friends, even if it is short.

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