What Are You Afraid Of?

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"Shh," I whispered, everyone was gathered around as I leaned in to work my magic. A yelp confirms that it worked.

"Thalia! Don't do that!" I smirk.

"Then don't sleep on the couch Kelp Head." Percy grunted and he got off the couch with Annabeth.

"What's the time?" Asks Annabeth.

"5 minutes past breakfast," I reply. Percy's eyes widen. "Don't worry, I took some breakfast for you Annie."

Annabeth glared at me as I passed her a plate of breakfast. Percy looked hopefully at me. I just smiled and walked away to prepare for our next class. I can tell Percy is angry at me and as I up the stairs to the girls' beds, he yells at me.

"I will, get my revenge, mark my words Pinecone face, I will have my revenge!" I couldn't help but laugh as I disappear from his sight. I look at my timetable.


10:30-Divination (which we all dropped so...FREE TIME!)





5:00-Finish Classes


Yay, such a fun day. Not, I grunt as I walk down to the common room where everyone is about to leave for DADA.

-Line Break—

I sauntered into the classroom, not really wanting to be there. Professor McGrump Face, paced into the room and started to bark things at the class.

"Today we will be doing Boggarts." He grumbled.

"But sir. We already did Boggarts," Hermione blurted.

"You are to raise your hand when you speak Miss Granger, minus 30 points from Gryffindor, and as I was saying we are doing Boggarts because the teaching of this class has been disruptive and this is an important topic for your NEWTS in the year to come." What the Hades are newts? I doubt it matters anyway.

"What is a Boggart?" He asks the class and two hands pop up, Hermione's and to my surprise Hazels, I guess she is really enjoying this magic stuff.

"Yes Miss Levesque."

"No one knows what a Boggart looks like because it appears to the person looking at it as their greatest fear." I have a feeling this wont end well, but...who am I to judge, I spent half my life as a pine tree.

"Correct, now if that horrible teacher taught you well I am sure you all know the counter spell for a Boggart, but I highly doubt that so just to teach you properly it is, Riddikulus. Now let us get right to it, form a straight line in front of closet."

Once the line was formed I ended up near the back. The first student stepped up, and out of the closet a giant Python slithered out. I would have been terrified if I haven't faced scarier monsters than that. I start to think of all the monsters I have hunted when Annabeth bumps me telling me it is my turn. Wow time fly's when you aren't paying attention. I step up in front of the Boggart, wand ready, now I get to see my greatest fear, I wonder what it will be?

The Boggart changed, my blood stopped pumping, my brain beating against my head. It was just me and it, everyone on in the room vanished from my sight as I looked ahead at what lay before. I way standing above the ground, I sharp, rocky, steep cliff in front of my eyes. I stood there unable to move, thinking if I did I would fall to my death. I didn't even recognise anything as a blonde head moved in front of me and shouted a Latin word.

"Thals, are you all right," It seemed to speak to me, I slowly unfroze, my body moved as I nodded my head.

"Come, sit down." She said and dragged me to a seat, I sat down slowly. I have never told anyone but the reason I was so afraid, was each time I am above ground images of me and Luke hanging above that fire, the cyclops grinning at us like we were its lunch. Not like, we were its lunch.

One cut of the rope we were hanging off would of lead us to be roast beef.


After Thalia froze, I started to worry about what I was to see. What ran through my darkest thoughts. Annabeth left Thalia after checking she was alright and returned back to the line, Snape didn't look like he cared about Thalia, actually I thought I saw him grin.

Harry walked towards the Boggart, Ron and Hermione went before Thalia, it shifted. A black cloaked, cold creature appeared. A dementor, I realised. Harry looked terrified at first, then he pointed his wand and said the magic word. It turned into a coat hanger. Harry walked towards the rest of the class and Jason took to then line. Thalia lied before him, dead. He fond his courage and pointed his wand and said Riddikulus only for the body to be replaced by Piper's, he tried again this time it worked and Piper turned into a sack of flour.

Oh no, I think as I move to be in front of the dark creature. This is it I think and take a deep breath. It appeared before me as my worst nightmare. Sammy.

"Why did you leave me?" he said, "How could you." As he said those words, I knew it. My worst nightmare is the regret I feel about him. About how I left him, broke his feeling, his heart. It wasn't your fault, my mind tells me, you didn't leave him, you died. So I lifted my wand and carefully pronounced the word.

"Riddikulus," Sammy's legs turned into ice and he slipped and fell over, he tried to get up but a failed. I light chuckle escaped my lips and I walked towards Jason. I turn around and see Nico standing before it pale. A bronze jar now placed where Sammy had been, inside a girl. No, a special girl. Bianca Di Angelo, his sister. Lying dead in the jar. I can't even imagine the horror he is feeling as his raised his wand, not wanting to bare the site any longer. It turned into a jar of popcorn, caramel I might add.

When Nico walked over to me I saw tears in his eyes. My attention went towards the two people left, Annabeth and Percy. Percy being a gentleman asked Annabeth if she wanted to go last, but she refused and wanted to face her fears. She paced forward, without fear in her eyes, but that quickly changed when a spider loomed over her, Arachne, I hear her whisper.

The weaver (This reminded me so much of ACOTAR but anyway, continuing) clutched to a body, covering it with spider silk as if she is to eat it later. Annabeth looked white as she stared at Percy's face in the weavers arms, lifeless, but she pointed her wand thinking that she has beaten this thing once she can do it again. After she finished Percy hugged her, so that she knows that he is alive and safe. Than she walked towards me. Percy faced the Boggart. Nothing can scare him, so what is it going to turn into? It changed and Percy who I have never seen look terrified, paled than fainted out of fear of what lay before him. A man, with purple skin and battle armour. With a head of someone I didn't know snapped, and a cat's body along with one of a giant underneath his feet. But worst of all the body of a blonde girl.

Annabeth rushed to Percy, she looked at the Boggart and instantly froze. I rushed out.

"Riddikulus!" I shout, then run to my friends. Jason comes over and picks up Percy, grunting at the weight, he than walks out Annabeth following him.

And that was the only interesting thing that happened for the rest of the day.

Forever-Percy Jackson at HogwartsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz