Time To Fly

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 I looked at the car I wondered how was everyone going to fit in it, it was way too small for 10 kids and an adult. Giving up on trying to find an explanation, I do the most reasonable thing I can think of; ask.

"How are we going to fit in there" I questioned.

"Oh well after Ron and Harry had a little accident we decided to add some upgrades, now it's magically enchanted so it is bigger on the inside," said the girl...Hermione that's her name...or was it Ginny?

"Of course it is," I heard Percy mumble to the left of me, but no one heard it because when Annabeth got into the car she started talking about the architecture drowning out his voice.

I walked in and felt my jaw drop it was a mini van but on the outside it looked like one of those small five seat cars.

Once we all sorted out seating arrangements the engine was started. I sat next Nico which was fine with me, ever since Italy that guy just doesn't seem as freaky to me. Hazel sat next to Thalia and of course Annabeth with Percy.

The car started to move and we were off in no time, and when I say off, I mean off the ground. Percy started freaking out, Nico and Hazel turned pale, and as we got higher so did my sister.

"Get me out of here!" yelled Percy.

"Land!" Nico screamed.

"Get lower" Thalia said quietly, to afraid to raise her voice as if it would make the car fall to the ground.

"It's alright kids this car is perfectly safe," said Mr Weasly from up front.

"Yeah Seaweed Brain. Calm down, I'm sure the big guy upstairs wont hurt us with his two kids in here," Annabeth told him reassuringly.

To be honest with you I wasn't scared, I can fly so why should I be? I was worried for Thalia, she is terrified of heights and this is probably giving her a heart attack. Our altitude started to drop after a few short minutes and Thalia, Percy, Nico and Hazel were all going a bit less pale. The car landed and we got out, and a smile crept onto my face.

"Get me out of here!" I said in my best Percy imitation.

"Shut up Sparky," He replied, Annabeth and I started to crack up. We couldn't help ourselves.


The car trip was horrible, the Americans behind us kept on yelling and screaming. I get it, people are afraid of heights but the way they were going on, but they acted like they were going to be blasted from the sky.

"So you guys don't like flying?" I asked them, although it was a silly question. Of course they don't like flying.

"No,"said Percy Nico, Hazel and Thalia all at once.

"I love flying," said the blonde hair dude, Jason is it?

"That doesn't matter everyone is afraid of something, like Ron with spiders" Hermione and I starred to laugh when we recalled our memories of how he screamed when a small spider crawled onto his bed. Our laughter is short lived when we noticed Annabeth's face and stopped, she had gone completely pale. Almost the same colour as Nico.

"Don't talk about the 'S' word when Wise Girls around, okay," Percy told us, comforting his girlfriend.

"Ok," we said in unison, but still wondering why she hates spiders so much. She must have a major cause of Arachnophobia.

"Come on everyone just through here," said Mr Weasly.

"But isn't there a brick wall through there?" asked the one with frizzy, brown hair, who until now had been quiet the whole time.

"How do you know there is a brick wall when you haven't even gone through there yet?' Asked Hermione curiously. Her expression changed as if she said something she shouldn't have.

"Her family once lived in England and came here once didn't they Hazel?" said Annabeth. Hazel nodded and continued to be silent. I have a slight feeling that Annabeth just made that up, why though, I have no idea.

"So about this wall, how are we going to get through?" said a voice to my right. I jumped in surprise. I completely forgot that kid was next to me, he was just blending in with the shadows so well I didn't even notice him.

"It is simple, you have just got to tap the bricks in the right spot with your wand," said Ron. Just to prove his point when we got to the brick wall he pointed his wand at the right bricks and the wall, just like always, opened up revealing Diagon alley. Annabeth gasped.

"It's amazing, the way everything is arranged and designed, the format...wow..." her voice trailed off as she was looking at the wonders of Diagon alley, which to be honest with you isn't the most prettiest place in the world.

"Why are we here I thought we were going to a train station?" asked Annabeth, snapping out of her day dream.

"Well we have to get your books and robes and wands and well...we need to get you guys your supplies," said Hermione.

"Yeah," I said, "welcome to your first shopping trip through Diagon Alley."

"Wait, did you say Diagonally?" Asked Percy.

"No, Diagon Alley, don't get it mixed up."


"It can cause some minor problems but anyway come on."

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