The discussion

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Later that night around 6:30


"So," Hermione started to say, "What are we going to do?"

We were all sitting around the common room fire, the 6 Americans are with the rest of Gryffindor eating dinner in the great hall.

"Well there is something wrong or different about them," I exclaim not knowing what else to say.

"Thanks for stating the obvious Ronald." Oh great she is in a bad mood.

"Hermione, have you come up with any ideas or suggestions about who they are, or what they are talking about," Harry speaks from beside me.

"Well yes, but it's completely outrageous."

"Well tell us because I don't know about you, but I am used to outrageous ideas," I say thinking about all the stuff we have come up with like Harry teaching DADA last year.

"Well I was reading this book in the library," I grunted, of course she was. Hermione glared at me than continued, "and there was this one book about Greek gods and goddesses, and we'll it goes on to say things about how they would have children with muggles and they were called demigods, as I said completely outrageous."

Um...that's very random. How could there be such a thing?

"So you think that they are demigods? What proof do you have?" Harry questioned, completely confused about the idea.

"That time on the train, Percy almost said mortals,  and how they all laughed at Malfoy's face when he said he had powerful parents, after looking above them like they were going to be shot done by lightning or something.I know it is not much but, well it was the only explanation that I could come up with, and it's probably really false. It's ether that or they could be vampire's...though that wouldn't explain the looking up thing."

"But gods are not real?" I thought, "making this impossible."

"It's all I got for now, even if it has an a million to one chance, until we learn more about these Americans I will probably not be able to come up with something better, and more realistic."

"Wait so are you telling me that we have to spy on our new friends?" Harry said shocked.

"Yes Harry I am afraid so."

"This doesn't feel right."

"Not at all," I put in, I feel my stomach grumbling, "now lets go to dinner before my stomach makes its own music."

Laughing we all walk out towards the great hall.

Jason : During their discussion.

Where are Harry, Ron and Hermione? They haven't showed up for dinner.

"Where are they?" They all seem to know what I am talking about, even Percy who has a mouth full of blue food.

"I don't know," Annabeth say, uncertain of herself. Percy spits out all his food, which I must say is a bit disgusting.

"Wise Girl doesn't know something," we all start laughing, "are you feeling ok? Is everything alright?"

"Oh shut up Percy," she says playfully, a smile creeping on her face.

"No, seriously where are they?" I am getting a bit worried about them.

"Maybe we can go look for them," Hazel says

"It will be just like a hunt, only we are not trying to kill them! ...I think," Thalia exclaims, we can all tell that she misses her hunters.

"I'll go," Nico says, " it will be quicker for me anyway." We all nod our heads, so Nico gets up and walks down the hall only to turn the corner and disappears into the shadows.


Where would they be, the common room maybe, I think I'll go check. I glance around to make sure no one is looking then I walk through the wall and into the shadows. I come out in the corner of the common room, I see the three I was, as Thalia said "hunting" for but decide to listen into their conversation.

It's been ten minutes and they still haven't noticed me. I have just stood here and listened thinking "oh no their on to us."

Hermione could easily be a child of Athena except for the fact that she has two parents. I have to get out of here and tell the others. So without a sound I return to the shadows, and run into the great hall.

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