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Don't say anything, Annabeth seems to say with her look. I nod, this is going to great. Percy places the food in his mouth. He makes a weird face. Nico couldn't keep it in, causing a cascade of laughs from all of us.

"Eww!" Percy yells and spits out his mouth full of food. I laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair.

"What, don't you like it?" Hermione asks, laughing.

"No it is disgusting and cruel! How could you?!You guys are monsters." This just causes everyone to laugh harder.

"I told you he wouldn't like it." Annabeth manages to say between laughs.

"I hate you guys, you are all fish murders!" Percy gets up off the table and storms down the hallway. Than freezes. A voice rings out amoung the crowd of people, stopping Percy in his tracks.

"They shall come from  the east." I turn my head to see Professot Trelawny pointing at Percy. A mystic aura floating around her. 

"And awaken the beast."

"Marching with the dusk." A prophecy, I realized.

"If he does what he must."

"Than all will be saved," 

"If not, a world of destruction will rage."

The professor snaps out of her daze and looks around the room confused. I glance at my friends each having the same look in there eyes. This is not going to be good.

Sorry if the prophecy is bad, it's the first one I have ever done. It is so hard to make it rhyme! How did Rick do so many!!!

Forever-Percy Jackson at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now