Thank Gods My Mum Is Athena

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Ok I have decided to join this book to fit in with ToA so there will be some spoilers, just warning you.


I screamed, I didn't care that I was around people, I screamed until my voice went dry. Only after I finished I realised Thalia was also screaming. Oh no. this is not going to be good. I sat on my bed frozen in shock of my dream. I felt strong arms wrap around me. The sent of the ocean filling my senses. I calm voice telling me it will be ok, but it won't. They died. They all died because of me.

"Annabeth it isn't your fault, it will be alright." No, it won't. It is my fault. In the distance I can hear Jason talking to Thalia, who just hugged him, like it was the last time she was going to see him. Percy cradled me in his arms, I was clinging on to his warmth. 

It took me a good 10 minutes to calm down. Percy asked me a simple question.

"Was it the normal?" I nod. He hugs me tighter in understanding. 

"Thalia?" I ask,realising that she is not in the room.

Percy answers me,"Jason took her downstairs to calm down, she will be alright." He assures me. 

"I want to see her." I say and slowly get up off the bed. Percy nods and follows me down stairs. I see Jason sitting on the red couch talking to Thalia.

"We have to go back to camp." She says.

"I am sure they can sort any problems out without us." Jason replies.

"You don't get it. There is something going wrong there, we need to help them." Jason nods.

"I will IM them tomorrow."

"But, they need us now!"

"Calm down Thalia, it will be fine."

"No it wont,,"Thalia bursts into tears. I run over and hug her. 

"Shh," I whisper with a calm voice.

"Percy IM camp,"

"Not, here." He drops his voice. "Others may see."

"Than we will tell them it is a form of advance magic. IM camp." I say with a demanding voice.

Percy looks shocked, than recovers himself and creates a rainbow. He gets out a drachma and throws it into the rainbow.

"Oh Fleecy accept my offering, show me camp half-blood." An image appeared.

Camp Half-Blood was a wreck. Cabins were destroyed. Mess everywhere, and that was only the damage I can see. 

I see Piper walk past looking like a zombie.

"Piper!" I yell. She turns around surprised. 

"Annabeth." She says seeing the message. I smile at my friend, but it quickly disappears. 

"What happened here?" I ask.

"Big, naked statue."

"What?!" She chuckles.

"This alive statue came and destroyed some stuff, but Apollo managed to destroy it." 


"Didn't you know? He is a mortal now, by the name of Lester Papadopoulos."

"We need to come back." Percy says.

"No, Chiron sent you their for a reason right?" I nod my head and decide to tell her about the whole Kronos thing.

"Oh Styx." I nod at her reaction. 

"You guys can't come back." She says.

"But, you need help."

"We will be fine." 

"What if we just send one person back." She debates it for a while before nodding her head slowly.

"I'll go." Jason volunteers. "I am not needed here, unlike the rest of you."

"NO!" Thalia shouts.

"Thalia, you need to be here, and so does Percy, Annabeth, Hazel and Nico."


"No buts, I am going." He says, certain of himself. "Piper tell Chiron, I am coming. Expect me to be there late afternoon tomorrow. I will ride Porkpie." Piper nods than says her farewells before putting her hand through the mist to cut of the Iris Message. 

"Jason please don't go." Thalia begs.

"I have to." he pauses. "Now come on I want to go back to sleep." Thalia looks like she wants to argue some more, but she realises it would be pointless. So she goes upstairs with everyone else. 

---------line break--------

After about an hour of attempting to go o sleep I give up. I decide to do something to pass the time until morning. I get off my bed, not making a sound and lean down underneath my bed. I open the box and see a resting puppy. I gently pat her back to awaken her. 

She looks up at me and wags her tail. I smile at her than lift her out of the box to have a walk around. I then get to work.

I sneak downstairs and grab a thin but strong blanket. I then find a toothpick in the bathroom and a ball of string near Hermione's bed for some reason. I use my knife, that I got back from Sadie and cut a 2 centre meter line across the blanket. I then wrap the string around the tooth pick and cut the string off the ball, and tie a knot. Than I curve the strip of blanket I cut out into a circle and thread the toothpick through like a needle. (Pretend this would work) Once the round shape is made I grab Bella and test to see if it works. I put it over her head so it goes around her neck. I then make a few adjustments to make it stay there. 

The collar is done. Now the lead.

I get a longer strip of blanket and than loop the end for a handle. I then go down stairs and look for something to attach the lead to the collar. I find a clip. With a hole at the top. I then poke a hole at the bottom of the lead, and thread some string through it and the clip to join them. I then sit there and admire my work for a couple of minutes before testing it out.

I clip the lead onto the collar that Bella is now wearing and walk her downstairs. So far so good. After a while I get used to the way Bella walks and decide that the lead and collar work good enough to take Bella for walks. As she grows I will have to do adjustments but for now this is fine. I smile to myself than start to walk back to Gryffindor tower, after taking Bella outside to go to the toilet. 

I put her back in her box than sit on my bed waiting for the sun to rise in half an hour.  I have a feeling of accomplishment flood through veins, thank gods my mum is Athena or this would never of worked. This whole dog situation might actually turn out alright after all. 

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