XXIII. Their move.

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"Why in the world is there a note? Who put it here?" I was thinking to myself out loud. It was neatly folded a few times. The handwriting was not neat, but it was really easy to read, but the ink was making me slightly uncomfortable... It was red, but not pure red. I had a bad feeling about this little surprise. I started reading it.

I'm sorry about what happened to you. It was my fault, but I didn't mean to do it. P.S. Do not go to the music room and please carry this with you at all times. You're going to need this.

What the hell was that note all about? Oh, and should I mention that IT WAS ATTACHED TO A FREAKING DAGGER?! What's wrong with these guys?! Why would they give me a dagger, that

P.P.S This can kill vampires.

COULD LITERALLY KILL THEM?! What was I supposed to do with this thing?! And what's up with the 'I'm sorry' part? What was that person apologizing for? He needed to be more specific. Way more specific. Was it for threatening me? Biting me? Degrading me to an object? Almost feeding me to a bear (yes, Ayato, I haven't forgotten)? Making me sick? Yes... Now, when I think about it... Nah, that's probably just my imagination and unrealistic scenario that my head came up with once again. I mean, no one could have caused that ice to break. Or maybe? Maybe it was Subaru who liked smashing stuff? And this white rose was an obvious indicator that Subaru did, indeed, leave these things here.

And they had a music room! I couldn't wait to see if they had a piano. Actually, to hell with it! I was feeling better now and I decided to find it on my own. After a few minutes of wandering around, rejecting the rooms I already knew, I came across the wooden door that had a note carved on it. So it had to be it.

I checked if it was locked and it wasn't. When I stepped in, the room gave off this sweet scent. I couldn't put my finger on what was that, but it made me feel safe, as if I was home again. Near the window I spotted it. The piano. Heavenly choir started singing in soft high notes. Was I finally in heaven? I wrapped my bathroom robe a bit tighter around myself. I was wearing it now because I didn't want to change out of my pajamas and it was a bit too cold to wander around without anything on top of them.

I sat down on the bench, opened the piano lid and brushed my fingers against the white keys. I almost cried out in joy when I heard the sound of the notes. Figure skating wasn't the only thing I adored doing. Music, especially playing the piano and singing was my secret pleasures. I was sitting there for a while, thinking about which song I wanted to play. Oh I know! 'Secrets' by Onw Republic!

Whenever I was listening to this song, I would get this sensation of melancholia and hope. This melody reminded me those happy moments and days that were over, but it also reminded that happiness was waiting for me in the future.

Very first accords of this song was already giving me frisson of happiness. My fingers were running from key to key, my body was swaying together with the melody. I used to play this song so much I could play it with my eyes closed. Music was caressing me as if it was my most beloved lover. Butterflies were trying to make their way out of my chest and belly to fly all over the room together with the sound of music. I couldn't hold it in - I started singing the chorus.

"This time, don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away."

I sang the entire song from then on. When I finished, I couldn't believe I was feeling this good. Without music life would be a lie. Now I understood these words. Then I wanted to play another song, but I needed a partner for that. 'The piano duet' from The Corpse Bride. I knew all of the notes, but it was impossible to play a few parts alone. Oh what the heck, I'll just play what I can. This song was sad, full of sorrow and pain. When I was playing more and more, the loneliness came back again. I was just like bride - not wanted, abandoned and useless.

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