Kazemaru Ichirouta X Reader | Hate Can Turn Into Love 😊💘

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Next request is up! Again, sorry that it took so long to write, I have been a bit busy with personal reasons lately, but it's here now, so yay! Hope you all enjoy!


Hi, I'm (Y/n) and I'm a good friend of Endou Mamoru, the goalkeeper of Inazuma Japan. I get along alright with the team, except for one person. Kazemaru Ichirouta. I don't know why, I just hate him. I think it's because of the first day I met him. He hit me in the face with a soccer ball. He didn't mean to, obviously, but it's left me with a horrible scar going through my left eye. I'm so self conscious of it, even though most people don't care about it. I blame him for it, even though I know that it was an accident. I'm watching them practice now. Endou a great guy, and an even better goalkeeper. I'm actually sat with the mangers of Inazuma Japan, who are preparing drinks. I offered to help, but they said they didn't need any. However, I am on first aid duty. I usually am. "(Y/n)! We need you!" I was yelled over by Tsunami, who was supporting Shirou. He had sprained his ankle, and was gonna sit out for a while. I sat him on the bench and began treating it, when out of the corner of my eye I saw Kazemaru, who looked....jealous? No, it must be my imagination. As if he read my mind, shirou spoke. "If Kazemaru looks jealous, it's not your imagination." he chuckled. "Huh?" "Kazemaru is jealous. He likes you." Shirou explained, smirking. "You're kidding. There's no way." I looked up at him. "I'm not joking, he's in love with you. He's not the only one..." he muttered the last part, which I didn't hear. "Ever since the day he did that to you." he pushed my hair from in front of my eye, revealing my scar. I instantly tried to hide it but he cupped my head in his hand. "Don't hide it. It makes you unique. You should be proud of it." he smiled, then frowned and pulled his hand away all of a sudden. I wondered why, but my question was answered when Kazemaru appeared. "Shirou, when you're done coach wants you back on the field." he said through gritted teeth. Shirou put his shoe back on, ankle now treated and got up. He smiled at me and walked off. "(Y/-" "Don't talk to me." I said, bluntly and walked off. I saw him give a sad frown as I walked off, and for the first time ever I felt kind of....guilty? No! I'm not guilty! It was his fault I'm like this now. How can I feel guilt for that? I must be ill or something. Yeah, I'm ill.

(Kazemaru POV)

"Don't talk to me." I frowned as (Y/n) walked off. I wanted to apologise again! Why can't she see I'm so sorry for what I did, and that I love her! She's beautiful, scar or no scar. I blame myself entirely for what happened, and I take full responsibility. We used to be so close, now she hates me! I sighed, and headed back to training. All throughout training I was distracted, all I could think about was (Y/n). I think people picked up on this, because after practice everyone asked if I was okay. I said I was fine, and everyone looked convinced. Nearly everyone. Midorikawa didn't look so convinced, but didn't push any further.


I heard a knock on my door, and yelled "It's open!". It was Midorikawa. "What do you want?" I asked. "You were thinking about (Y/n) today in practice, weren't you." It wasn't a question. I blinked in surprise. "How'd you know?" "Your emotions aren't complex. I can read you like a book." he stated. Damn. Why is he such an intellectual? "You got me. I just wish she didn't hate me, that's all." I sighed wistfully. "Then find out the reason she hates you. There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out." he quoted. Him and his stupid proverbs.... "You're gonna turn into a proverb one day." I smiled weakly. "Thanks for the advice, Midorikawa. I'll find out tomorrow." "Don't put off what you can do today until tomorrow." "I walked right into that one, didn't I." he laughed. "Yup. Go on, you have some answers to find." he got up and left. I followed after, and headed to (Y/n) 's room.


I arrived at her room,took a deep breath, and knocked. "Come in." I opened the door, and entered, closing the door behind me. "Oh, it's you. What do you want?" she glared at me. "I want to know why you hate me so much." she got up, and walked towards me. "You wanna know why I hate you so much? To put it bluntly - you ruined my life! You were the cause of my accident, you were the reason I had to undergo expensive, painful surgery, and you were the reason I have this hideous scar on my face! For a lot of my life everywhere I go I'm called a freak, hideous, ugly, unattractive, scary, unlovable. You single has caused all this chaos in my life, and I know it was an accident, but it still ruined my god damned life!!!" she was sobbing now, and after listening to that I feel so guilty. I knew she hated me, but I didn't really know it was to that extent. "... I knew you hated me but I didn't realise....i really ruined your life?" I asked, sadly. "Yes! It's thanks to you that I'm a hideous freak! Everyone thinks I look horrible. It's pathetic." she continued to sob, her anger fading to pure depression. "I'm so sorry. Words can't explain how sorry I am. And you don't look hideous. You're a beautiful girl, you should be proud." I pulled her into a hug, and to my surprise she actually returned the hug. I sat on the bed, pulling her with me, and she continued to cry into my shoulder. Slowly, her sobs ebbed away into nothing, as she calmed down. "I'm sorry I hated you. I just wanted to make myself feel better, but instead I hurt the one I love the most." she looked up at me. "You love me?!" I asked incredulously. "Mhm. I just realised that I've always loved you, and pushing you away was the worst decision I've ever made. So Kazemaru Ichirouta? Will you be my boyfriend?" I answered her by pulling her into a passionate kiss, which she gladly returned. "I thought you'd never ask." she kisses me again, a little rougher thus time. "You know, we have Midorikawa to thank for this. He was the one who convinced me to find out why you hated me." "I don't hate you, not anymore."
It just goes to show. In less than a minute, Hate Can Turn Into  Love.



YAAAAYY!! ALL REQUESTS ARE DONE! I tried to stick with the theme off the reader hates Kazemaru but his friend convinces him to get her attention and find out why, but it kinda strayed a bit. I hope it's good enough. If you want me to write another one, just comment something like: can you do it again? And I'll redo it for you, no problem. Midorikawa was a bit of a proverb nerd in this one, but that's how he always is. Speaking of proverbs and Midorikawa, check this out:

 Speaking of proverbs and Midorikawa, check this out:

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I laughed for so long at this. 😂😂😂 Anyway, that's all. Byeeeeee!

-Author-chan 💟

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