Suzuno Fuusuke X OC | Jokes

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Ac: Hey! This was requested by Shadowkitty01. This chapter is an X OC, so here's the OC's details: (I don't have a pic since they didn't give me one)

Name: Spider Evans
Appearance: Long black/red ombre hair, pale skin, red eyes, average height, slight hourglass figure.
Misc: Marks adoptive sister.

Let's get started! [Warning: contains really graphic Smut. You've been warned.]


It was Christmas eve, and Suzuno was staying around his girlfriends house for the night so he could spend Christmas with her. However, he was feeling really really really horny, so, naturally, he crept into Spider's room.

"Hey spider? Are Y-you awake?" "Mm? What is it sweetie?" "I'm horny." So they fucked.

The end

Yes, this entire chapter is a joke. Sorry Shadowkitty01! I'll release the actual chapter later, but for now this is what you get. Have a nice day/night! Bye!

-Author-chan ❤️

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