Fubuki Shirou X Reader X Fubuki Atsuya | Trick Or Treat! 🎃

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Hey guys! It's the first request of the Halloween specials! And first up we've got Fubuki Shirou and Fubuki Atsuya! Requested by the lovely Fubuki_SnowWarrior. Hope you enjoy!


Halloween. Its my favorite holiday. All the dressing up, and candy and trick or treating and the decorations, it's so cool! But this year, I'm a little ticked off. My best friends, Shirou and Atsuya, chose my Halloween costume. And it's this:

Now, I've got nothing against witches, it's the costume itself

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Now, I've got nothing against witches, it's the costume itself. More specifically, it's a dress! I hate dresses, but I lost a bet with them and now I've gotta wear it. Oh well, I'm getting them back. I'm giving them liquorice instead of regular sweets. They don't like liquorice, so that's my plan.

"Ding Dong!"

Oh, trick or treaters! I grabbed the bowl of sweets and headed to the door.

"Trick or treat Y/n!" It was Shirou and Atsuya. "Woah, that dress looks good on you." Atsuya smirked. He'd always been an idiotic flirt, and today was no exception. I glared at him. "Yeah, well it's not my choice, but I'm not a sore looser, like you Atsuya." "Hey, hey! Don't fight guys! Y/n, don't mock Atsuya, Atsuya, don't tease Y/n."

Ah, that's our Shirou. Such a little peacemaker. "Alright, you're lucky I love your brother Atsuya." "What?! You don't love me?! My feelings!" I rolled my eyes. "Shut up and take some candy, or I'll give you a trick instead!" I pushed the bowl towards him. They picked out the two lollies there.

Yeah, I changed my mind. I gave them lollies and everyone else gets liquorice. "Y/n, will you come Trick or treating with us?" Shirou asked, with those puppy dog eyes he knows I can't resist. "Ngh, not your puppy dog eyes, you know I can't resist them!" They tugged on my arms. "Come on, pleeeaaase?" I groaned. "Fine, now get off me!"

I wrenched my arms out of their grip. "Okay, let's go!" I sighed, and grabbed my cauldron to put candies in, and Shirou took my hand,and Atsuya took my other hand. "Let's go!" It was then that I thought to look at their costumes.

Shirou was wearing a cute ghost hood, and Atsuya was a cute pumpkin (Like in the picture above). We went to all of our friends houses, Endou's, Kazemaru's, Someoka's, all of the managers, etc... We ran into a lot of our friends as well, Hiroto and Midorikawa were going around together, Kidou, Sakuma, Genda and Fudou (or the penguin squad as I call them) were on their way to a party, and we were having such a good time.

Then, I found out why they actually dragged me out here. To take me to a haunted house. "Guys, did you really trick me out here so we could go to a haunted house?" I gulped nervously. I could hear screams from inside--screams of terror. "If you're scared you can hold my hand.~" Atsuya winked. "No, I think I'll pass." And I then took Shirou's hand instead, making him blush.

We entered the house, and the floor disappeared from underneath our feet. Turns out there was a trap door there. We landed on a soft pile of hay. "Ow...this was a bad idea." Atsuya groaned. "I agree, now get off me!" he'd landed on my legs, and I couldn't feel them anymore. I shoved him off and got up, helping the two boys up.

We walked through the maze like tunnels, with the occasional jump scare, but other than that it was just eerie. We eventually made our way out, and boy was I glad to get out of there.

We decided to head to my house after that, as we'd done as much Trick or treating as we wanted, and I was not going in another haunted house that night.

"That haunted house sure was bad, wasn't it?" Shirou spoke once we were safely in my room. "Yeah, not that it was scary, it was a major hazard on my opinion." I replied. "What do you think Atsuya? Atsuya?" Atsuya was nowhere to be seen. "Hey, where'd Atsuya go? Shirou?" Shirou had also disappeared. "Guys this isn't funny! Where'd you go?" I got up from where I was sat on the bed, and then the lights shut off. "Guys! You're freaking me out, you can stop now!" I stumbled around in the dark, trying to find the light switch, when something cold grabbed my wrist and pulled me backwards. I tried to scream but it covered my mouth with its hand. I did the first thing I could think off, and brought my foot down and stomped as hard as I could on their foot (If you remember which chapter this was from you are a legend. I'll give you a hint, you were running away from a certain red head). I heard a cry of pain, and I was let go. I found the lights, switching it on, to see a laughing Shirou and Atsuya. Shirou was holding a camera.

"Happy Halloween Y/n!"

Atsuya grinned, sat down and then winced. I think I did some serious damage to his foot but oh well, he deserved it. "Guys! That wasn't funny! You really scared me!" I folded my arms and glared at them.

"Oh come on, you did the something similar to us last year! You totally deserve it!" Atsuya pointed out. That's true, I did scare them silly last year. Okay, I guess I do deserve it. "Alright alright, now we're even." I sighed and walked over to the bed and sat in between them, wrapping my arms around both of them.

"You're lucky I love you too so much, if you were anyone else I don't think you'd have lived to see tomorrow." They laughed, and Shirou showed us the video he got, making us laugh even more.

That's how my Halloween went that year, and I wouldn't change it for the world, just how I wouldn't change the twins for anything. They may torture me sometimes and plague me a lot, but I love them, and they love me, so we're happy together.

What did you think Fubuki_SnowWarrior? Did you like it? I hope you did! Happy Halloween everyone! Halloween requests are open until tomorrow, so there's still some time to request! This chapter didn't have a hint in it because it was a halloween special, but I assure you the normal chapters and requests will have! That's all for now, Byeeee!

-Author-chan ⌚

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