Fideo Ardena X Reader | Maybe I Do Love Him After All 💘🇮🇹

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Me: So, I have decided to do a one shot about Fideo, because in my opinion, he isn't as popular as people like Hiroto, or Shirou, and he's one of my favourite characters!
Fideo: Thanks, I'm glad I'll be able to spend some time with (Y/n). Enjoy the story!


Hi, I'm (Y/n)  (L/n), and though I live in Japan, I'm not actually from Japan. My family moved here because of my parents job. The only way you can tell I'm a foreigner is my name, and the way I pronounce some things. I'm also manager and close friend of Inazuma Japan, which has proved fun. We've just arrived on Liocott Island, and I'm helping Mark find a tire. We were running after a truck that had several old tires in it, when we ran straight into someone. I went head first onto the ground, and Mark stumbled backwards. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking!" Captain started apologising to the boy, completely unaware of me laying on the ground. "Are you alright?" the boy asked with a thick Italian accent, and helped me up. "H-hey, you're from Japan's team, right? You're Mark Evans, and you are...?" he trailed off, not knowing who I was.
"(Y/n) (L/n), I'm a manager of Inazuma Japan." I introduced myself. "Forgive me if this sounds rude, but that's an unusual name. Are you foreign by any chance?". I sighed. I hate explaining this to people. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm any different to anyone else." I explained. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just like that there's a lot of diversity on Liocott island. For example, I'm Italian." he said, smiling kindly. "Hey, your soccer ball!" Mark exclaimed, running after the truck, which the ball had fallen into. The boy and I ran after it to, but all of a sudden he took a turn into an alley. I followed him, as I realised what he intended to do. He ran in front of the truck, and yelled for it to stop.


It turns out the boy was called Fideo Ardena, and and was the captain of the Italian team Orpheus. I was glad that he wasn't trying to offend me, and I think he was glad I wasn't doing the same to him, with him and I both being foreign. I wanted to spend more time with him, as he seemed like a nice guy. Plus he was kind of attractive, and had a rather gentlemanly personality. I had taken a rather large liking to Fideo, it seemed.


I was exploring the island, as I wasn't needed at Japan's training area at the minute, and I decided on the Italian section. I'd always wanted to go to Italy, but I'd never gotten the chance, so I would at least be able to see what it was like. I'd been wondering around for a while, before I realised I was lost. Uh oh. I sighed, looking around for any familiar surroundings, but to no avail, so I sat on a nearby bench and thought about how to get back. I could ask someone for directions, but there's no one around. I sighed again, and rested my head in my hands. What should I do? "Excuse me, are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice, and looked up to see Fideo standing there. "(Y /n)? What are you doing here? I thought you would be with your teammates?" He asked, concerned. "Well, I had a free afternoon, and I wanted to explore the island, so I decided to look around the Italian section, and I guess lost...." I chuckled nervously. "You really are something, (Y/n). C'mon, I'll take you back." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him, taking me back to the Japanese section.


"(Y/n)? Fideo? What are you doing here?" Fideo explained the situation to Mark, and then he grinned. "You know, you should keep an eye on your manager, Mark. She's a real cutie, you wouldn't want to loose her." he winked. "Well, I'd best be going now. Take care (Y/n). And Mark? Keep an eye on her. Addio.~" (That's Italian for goodbye).

(Y/n) POV

Fideo left, leaving Mark to shepherd me inside. Everyone was worried, and I was crushed in a bear hug from the other managers. I excused myself to go to my room, claiming I was tired. I shut the door and flopped down on my bed, exhausted. My mind wondered back to what Fideo said, and I blushed. "She's a real cutie, you wouldn't want to loose her." His words echoed in my mind, which made me think. Cutie? He finds me cute? Does he have feelings for me? That's impossible. We've not known each other for that long. Although, it is scientifically proven that it only takes 4 minutes to fall in love. (This is apparently true BTW, idk). I don't really have feelings for him, I mean sure, he's attractive-ish, and his personality is alright, but he's not really my type. I'm not really wanting a partner right now anyway. I'm more focused on helping the team and my studies than on finding love. I realised I had thought myself wide awake, and that I couldn't sleep. I decided to take a stroll outside, maybe that would help me.


What the-? Is that...? I saw someone sat under a tree, sleeping. I could see that they had brown hair, and a blue long sleeved uniform from the distance. Their eyes were closed, because of them sleeping, but as I got closer, I could see that it was Fideo, and that I didn't need to see them to tell that they were Fideo's deep blue eyes. I sighed. I could see his soccer ball next to him, and it had a few scuff marks on it, and he had a few bruises and whatnot on his arms and legs. Poor boy must have practiced so hard he fell asleep the moment he sat down. I sat beside him, and gazed at his sleeping face. He was quite cute for a boy, but I wasn't really focused on that. He had a cut on his cheek, perhaps from a branch or something. Not only had he practiced himself to his limit, he'd also injured himself quite a bit as well. "Silly boy..." I muttered, and pulled out clean tissue from my pocket. I pressed it gently to the cut to stop the bleeding, and gently cleaned it to stop any infections. If I'd have had my fist aid kit, I'd have been able to do a better job, but I had to compromise. I guess it hurt when I pressed on his cut, because use he groaned in his sleep. I'll need to wake him up soon, he can't sleep out here. I don't know my way around the Italian section, but I can't let him walk alone, something bad could happen! "nngh... (Y-y/n)?.... What am I doing he- nngh!" he asked, but groaned again when I continued to clean the cut on his face. "Sorry. I found you asleep under a tree. You had a cut on your face and you seemed exhausted. I wanted to clean your cut to stop it getting infected, and then I was gonna wake you up. I was worried about you." I explained, finishing up with his cut. "Thank you." he said, and sat up properly. "I should probably get back, I'm sure the team is worried." he smiled at me. "Do you want me to come with you? I know you'll probably be fine but I just wanna make sure you're fine." I offered. He chuckled. "I'm glad you're worried about me, but I'll be fine. Besides, a cute girl like yourself shouldn't be worrying about a boy like me, it should be the other way around.~" He grinned. "Cute...?" "I'll be going now. You should head back too. I'm sure your team is worried, (Y/n).~" He leant forwards, kissed me on the cheek, and walked off.
"Addio, (N/n).~ I look forward to seeing you again.~" he said as he walked off.
Maybe I do love Fideo after all.


Okay, it sucked, I know. I don't know why the reader is Foreign, I just decided it because Fideo's Italian and I wanted them to have something in common, so I decided that they would both be foreigners. Fideo was kinda OOC in some parts, but it's fine. Hope you all enjoyed! I haven't updated or done the requests recently because I needed a break from my book for some time because of personal reasons. Don't panic though, I'm not about to discontinue the book! Hope you all enjoyed. The requests will be  next. A Nathan Swift x Reader and an Axel Blaze X Reader. How exciting. That's all for now, byeeee!

-Author-chan ❤️

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