Loner! Reader X Kirino Reader | Headphones

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[Yeah, i haven't written about Kirino in a while, and I guess he was good for this chapter concept. Enjoy!]

"Kirino, you're staring at her again. Why don't you just talk to her already?" Kirino sighed. There was a girl who was at school everyday. Always, she was reading, with her headphones on. "I don't know why, but I can't." "Well if you won't then quit staring at her, you look like a creep." Shindou said to Kirino. "Fine, fine..." He said, still staring. The girl's name was Y/n, and to be honest she didn't even know Kirino existed. She didn't have any friends, as she didn't like others company. She just wanted to listen to her music and read- alone. She quietly hummed along to the song, flicking another page over.


Kirino was shocked. That girl wasn't wearing her headphones for once. Or reading. She was actually talking for once too. To none other than his best friend, Shindou. She smiled at him and then began to walk off. Shindou saw Kirino and grinned at him. "Unlike you, I actually talked to her, and her name is Y/n. Maybe tomorrow you should do the same." Kirino sighed. "Fine."

"Oh, hello. Need something?" Kirino was nervous for something. "N-no, I just wanted to a-ask you something, actually." "Go on, I'm listening." Y/n smiled at him. "Do you enjoy being a-alone or something? Because you're always alone, r-reading." He tried not to stutter but failed. Y/n laughed. "Yeah, I actually prefer my own company, although It's not like I won't speak to people. Is that all?" "U-uh, yeah. I'm K-kirino, by the way." "Alright, K-kirino." She teased. "H-hey!" "Are you cold or something? Weird kid...." She chuckled. "Hmph." "I'll see you,K-Kirino." She put her head phones back on and picked up her book, continuing to read. 'Well that could have gone worse...' He thought as he made his way back to where Shindou was.

"Wow, you actually did it. Didn't think you had it in you." Kirino elbowed him. "Shut up! At least I did it." "With loads of stuttering. 'Are you cold or something?' Honestly." Kirino blushed in embarrassment. "Not you too! Geez, you're so mean." Shindou just laughed

Everyday from then on, Kirino tried to make some form of communication with Y/n. And slowly, he realised that he was actually in love with this loner girl. Y/n began to realise that even though he stuttered a lot, he was still pretty cool. [Lol I'm writing this in my maths class right now] Y/n soon made her first friend group with the football team, as Kirino introduced her to them. Things were looking pretty good-- until one fateful day.


Y/n was just chilling on the rooftop, without Kirino for once, when a group of girls came up to her. "Hey, Y/n, can we talk to you for a minute?" Y/n took off her headphones and looked up from her book. "Yeah sure. What is it?" "Well, you know that Kirino boy you're always hanging around with?" "Yeah." "Well, you know he's got a crush on you right?" "You what?" "Uh huh, it's true. You should totally ask him about it tomorrow."

[End of flashback]

"Hey Kirino." "H-hi Y/n." Kirino blushed slightly. Y/n was slightly sceptical, but ignored it. "Um, I have a question for you. Yesterday, some girls said you liked me. Is this true?" Kirino blushed rather drastically. ".... C-can we go s-somewhere more p-private? I c-can tell you t-then." Y/n nodded, and they found an empty classroom. "So, Kirino? I'm waiting." Kirino sighed. He had to tell her somehow. "I...I...lo--mph!" Before he could say anything more, Y/n had already crashed her lips into his. Just before Kirino swore he was gonna faint, from he didn't know what, Y/n pulled away. "You love me. I know." She grinned at him. "Wh-what?" "It's obvious. I'm not thick." "W-well, in that c-case, do you f-feel the same way?" "Of course. I love you too, K-kirino." "Hey!" Y/n laughed and without warning crashed her lips into his. And to think it all started with a pair of headphones.

Nothing to say on this one. The last and final chapter will be out soon. Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan ❤️

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