Afuro Terumi X Reader |A Pair Of Broken Glasses 👓

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Ac: Hey, I'm back with another chapter!
Afuro: And we care because...?
Ac: hush child, this chapters about you so go get ready.
Ac: hope you enjoy! Oh yeah, in this chapter you have glasses. 👓 Enjoy!

I rushed through the halls of Zues Jr, praying to the gods we were named after that I wasn't that late. I raced around a corner, only to crash into someone. I staggered backwards, and realised that the person I had crashed into, was none other than Afuro Terumi. Yeah. The guy who as literally every girl at school wrapped around his dainty little finger. Except me. I'm not into girly boys, and he just radiates "feminine". "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologised to him, before realising something. I can't see. Well, more accurately, everything's blurry. "Hey, where are my glasses?" I looked on the floor, and there was my blurry glasses, broken on the ground. "Oh..." I picked up the pieces and stuffed them into my glasses case. "I'm sorry, it's my fault your glasses are broken." Afuro finally spoke. "No, they're my glasses, they're my responsibility." "If you say so. How are you going to see, by the way? Do you have a spare?" I groaned. "Those were my spare. Yay, I'm officially blind until I get new ones. First I'm late, and now I'm blind. Could this day get any better?" I complained. "How are you going to get around? I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure people with glasses need their glasses in order to see." he chuckled. "This isn't funny, Afuro. In case you haven't noticed, I can't see anything!" I snapped. "Well, would you like me to lead you to your class? It's the least I can do for running into you and breaking your glasses." I paused. "Is this a trick?" "Not at all, I was just trying to be helpful. So, your answer?" He held out his hand to me. Well, I think he did. Like I said, everything is all blurry and distorted. "Alright. Thanks." I took his hand (I was right) and he pulled me along. "Class 1-A right?" "Yeah." "Oh that's good, I'm in that class too." We arrived at the class and Afuro opened the door. "Terumi. (Y/n). Care to explain why you are 10 minutes late?" "Sorry, Miss. (Y/n) here ran into me on her way in and her glasses were broken. She had a little trouble navigating so I helped her." Afuro explained. 'Thank you, Afuro' I mentally thanked him. "Oh, I see. (Y/n), can you see more than 10 inches in front of you?" I shook my head. "No miss, everything is extremely blurry and distorted." "Very well, Afuro, you will be helping her with school work until she sorts her glasses out." "Of course. I'd be happy to." I may not be able to see it, but I could just tell he was giving his famous 'Heart-stopping' smile. Ew. Boys like him are so perfect it makes me wanna throw up. Afuro lead me to my seat and sat in the empty one next to me. This is gonna be fun, my glasses don't come from Japan. They take at least 4 months to arrive, and another two to sort out. Well, looks like I've got a new desk buddy. Yay. "Okay, take out your books and turn to page 153. Terumi, help (Y/n)." This is going to be a long lesson.


It was lunchtime, and Afuro and I were sat together on a bench outside. "Don't you have football practice in-" I squinted at my phone clock. "-45 minutes?" He laughed. "Yes, which means you have to hurry up and eat your lunch. Unless you need help?~" he teased. "I can eat my lunch perfectly well, thank you." I picked up my chopsticks and glanced at my bento. Wait a minute, I can't actually see what I'm eating. Oh fu- "Um, Afuro?" I laughed nervously. He chuckled and pulled my chopsticks from my hand. "Yeah, I thought it might end up like this. Open wide, (Y/n).~"I nervously opened my mouth, to which he proceeded to place a small such roll inside. And I though t has lesson was bad. The rest of lunchtime went roughly the same as that. With him feeding me, and me dying of embarrassment. But little did I know, the torture wasn't over yet.

After lunch finished, most people had a free period. The soccer club used that for practice, and since I was blind as a bat, I had to go with Afuro. ;-; why does this have to happen to me. "Okay, (Y/n), sit on that bench there. I would say watch, but..." he burst into laughter. "Grrrr. It's not funny girly boy! How would you like being blind for ages?!" This minor argument had alerted the team of our presence, and they had hurriedly walked over, to see what the fuss was about. "Captain? What's going on? And why is (Y/n) here?" Medo asked.

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