[ explanation ]

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One of the most important things that you should have done was read the three dialogues in this book. They served as clues for the ending of Faceless. As you've noticed these shorts have been written in second person (you). The narrator in the dialogues was Taehyung and the "you" he kept on referring to was Maia. They were all Taehyung's flashbacks, when Maia was going around killing people, killing his family, when he finally decided that enough was enough and sold Maia to the police. 

Maia is the real serial killer. Everything that happened in the chapters was a dream, wherein she imagined Taehyung as the one who was killing everyone. Everything that Taehyung did in the dream Maia did in reality as well. It may not be very accurate when it comes to timing however, since in her dream, Taehyung killed his family first while Maia killed his family last, before she was brought into the mental hospital. Maia was practically lucid dreaming, which means she was aware she was dreaming and because of that was able to manipulate her dream into what she wanted. She wanted to be the one who was normal, she wanted to put the blame on someone else, she wanted to justify the deaths through her dream. She imagined Taehyung being the serial killer because he was the one who reported her to the police and caused her to placed in the mental hospital he visits her nowadays.

Now, you're probably wondering, does Taehyung love Maia in the real life? Yes, he does, but has a bit of doubt lingering. As I told you before, Maia killed his family. That's something you cannot easily forgive. Taehyung knew that doing all of this (reporting Maia and requesting the police to put her in a mental hospital) would help her get out of her condition and then maybe he could wholeheartedly forgive the girl for all the things she have done.

Honestly, Faceless wasn't supposed to be this complicated. It originally had fifteen chapters, with Jimin being the last one Taehyung kills before the big reveal. However, the book suddenly became a bit popular, so I thought of extending it, creating this bigger plot. 

I've been meaning to write a mystery book for quite some time now, and I found writing fan fiction easy to do because I already had a vision of the characters inside my head. So I incorporated the two genres and Faceless was born. 

Faceless wasn't even supposed to be called FACELESS. It was supposed to be Stigma, but then I thought it would be then too obvious on how the story would end. 

Moral lesson of the story? Love is faceless. You do not usually choose the person you fall for, and it could be anyone. It could be far from the prince charming you've been dreaming of, but despite not reaching that requirement, you then fall for that person and realize that we really love with our minds and hearts and not through our eyes and ears. What I mean by that is when we fall, what we see and what we hear from other people suddenly fades away, and what then stays is our own perception of our loved ones and our firm stand of how much we love them despite the flaws.

If you have any more questions about Faceless, please do ask! I would love to know your thoughts about this story, and your thoughts about me as well lmao. I'll see you on my thank you note, and who knows, maybe I have one last SURPRISE up my sleeve. Byeee

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