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In the middle of the night, Maia's beautiful dream was disrupted by a loud ringtone that could only belong to her phone

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In the middle of the night, Maia's beautiful dream was disrupted by a loud ringtone that could only belong to her phone.

The girl groggily opened her eyes to find herself alone in her bed, but with the thick blanket covering her for warmth. She figured Taehyung must have tucked her to bed before leaving to ask Jungkook about the guest bedroom he was supposed to sleep in.


She groaned as she tiredly walked over to her phone that was on the desk opposite from her comfy bed. She pressed the "ACCEPT" button without even checking the number.



"What's wrong Namjoon?"

"Did they call you?"

"Who called me for what?"

"J-Jin's parents," he stammered.

"Ani. Why? What's going on?"

"It's J-Jin..."

Maia was growing impatient. "Speak up, Joon."

"His suite was set on fire," he told her. "Maia, J-Jin's dead."


Red, orange, and yellow seemed to dance with extreme passion in front of their wide eyes for ten more seconds before their fiery tango was put into an end by a huge stream of water. From the ground outside of the building, Maia, Jungkook, and Taehyung could see that the flames that once engulfed Jin's penthouse suite on the top floor were now extinguished and was now replaced with a heavy fog of black and gray, the smoke an aftereffect of the sudden tragedy.

Then caught their ears was the sound of rolling wheels. Facing the building's entrance, they saw two paramedics wheeling out a body covered with a white sheet on a stretcher.

Jin, Maia thought. The fire was so intense that his charred body was reported to be an eyesore.


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