[ 22 ]

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Park Jimin may have had the motives, but he didn't wield the knife at those thirteen people

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Park Jimin may have had the motives, but he didn't wield the knife at those thirteen people.

He may have had the hood, the mask, and the gun, but he was never meant to be the serial killer.

Jimin may have had seem like the culprit for a good amount of time, but looks could always be deceiving.

With the right words, right bribe, right props, and right time, everything becomes deadly and cunning.

The words "YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED" echoed in Maia's ears minutes after the turn of events. The letter, the flashdrive, and the news was enough to trigger the girl to go into some frozen state of shock. The events processed slowly but surely in her head, and not a moment till soon did everything sunk into her mind.

Jimin wasn't the serial killer.

Jimin was used.

Jimin was dead.

Maia and Jimin have been best friends for more than a decade. They have always been there for each other throughout the years. Jimin was there when Maia had to go through her parents' divorce and Maia had been there for Jimin when he and his family were having financial problems. They made a pact when they were younger, and that was to forever be by each other's side, to never let the other walk the challenging path ahead alone.

Unfortunately, Jimin broke that promise.

Days have passed after the revelation. Maia stood in front of his grave alone. No one was there to comfort her for losing such an important person in her life, because the one who always did that was already buried six feet under.

But what Maia forgot was that despite losing someone, there was always one person who would come in return.

She felt something wrap around her shoulders, pulling her against another body.

"I'm here, noona."

Finally she broke down. In her stepbrother's arms, she let the tears fall down her cheeks. Jungkook had her in a tight hug, as if hoping to protect her from anymore of the sadness that the corrupted world reeks of. He wished Maia could stay safe in his makeshift cocoon, but he knew that the dream was too good to be true.

In the end, it was proven that Park Jimin wasn't the faceless murderer. Therefore once again, the case of serial killer has remained unsolved.


The flashdrive was the key to solving the whole mystery. It was the key to make sure that Jimin didn't die in vain, that no one in their town died without proper justice. The flashdrive was the final key to the puzzle, and Maia was going to make sure everything will finally make sense once and for all.

Maia immediately plugged the flashdrive into her laptop after visiting Jimin's grave. Unfortunately, Jungkook wasn't there so that they could watch the truth unveil together because of important reasons, so she had to look at the flashdrive by herself.

Upon clicking the flashdrive, several files filled her screen. Numerous were document files, and there was a video or two in it as well. She chose to look at the first file, which was a video labeled "BEGIN."

Maia pressed "PLAY" and silently watched.

It was the CCTV footage from the back porch of the Kims. According to the timestamp of the video, it was 10:30 pm on April 16, 2017, just like the clip they found that shown the front view of the Kims and Jungs' houses. The lit rooms in the Kim house that were shown from the front view footage, could be also seen from the back view: the one upstairs, and the one downstairs. A black motorcycle was parked by the back door of the house as well.

Similar to the first video, not much was happening. There wasn't really any vehicles passing by either, since it was a back street and it was already pretty dark outside.

Then at 10:50, the upstairs' light went off. A few minutes after, the downstairs' light was turned off as well.

After that came a scream.

The familiar screams that Maia heard from the previous video played, proving the authenticity of the clip. At 11:06 the screams had stopped.

The back door opened.

A young man came out, clothes tainted with blood.

Maia leaned closer to the screen, trying to see through the grainy effect of the footage. But she did not need to worry, for after a few seconds, the man looked straight into the camera, revealing his face.

Kim Taehyung grinned wickedly.

Out of his pocket he produced a blood-stained knife, glancing back and forth at the dangerous object and at the CCTV camera. Seconds later, he swung his arm and threw the knife at the lens.

Then everything went black.

Kim Taehyung.

Maia's hands were shaking.

He's the serial killer.

Anger, shock, disappointment, and fear simultaneously corrupted her brain like a Trojan virus.

He killed his own family.

It all made sense but it did not at all as well.

He killed all those people.

But the footage was there, played in front of her, slapping her with the hard, cold truth.

Kim Taehyung. "Kim Taehyung is a-"

"Are you calling me a sinner?"

"Are you calling me a sinner?"

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Helloooo! I'm in a good mood because I don't have much homework this weekend. THIS MEANS I CAN SLEEP FOR AS LONG AS I WANT OMG.

Anyway, yes, about the Dialogue C and Chapter 22, well...I can't say much hahaha. Just get ready for Chapter 23, I guess? And I always keep on saying that Faceless is ending...well, it really is. A few more chapters to go and an epilogue. You might be shocked with the final reveal...unless you've been really trying to analyze every single part of this story.

And as always, thank you for the never-ending support for Faceless. Whether I have commented on your comment before or not, know that every single one of you is important. I love you all and don't you ever forget that.

Talk to you all on the next update!

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