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Dear Kim Taehyung:

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Dear Kim Taehyung:

Congratulations! We would like to inform you that you have been accepted for the scholarship grant to Seoul Academy of Medicine. Your tuition, books, uniform, and miscellaneous fees shall be given to you free by the school. We only advise you to maintain an average of 95 and above for all of your subjects per semester to keep the scholarship. We will be seeing in Seoul two weeks before the start of the year.

"Eomma! Appa! Yoona!" Taehyung barged into the house through the back door, interrupting the family's peaceful moment in the living room.

"Kim Taehyung, quiet down," his father hissed.

"Mianhe, appa. But look, I got accepted to S.A.M! I can go to Seoul, appa, eomma!"

Daehyun and Taeyeon read the letter silently while Yoona continued scrolling through social media on her phone, not even bothered that her brother might leave them here in Daegu.

Eventually, Taehyung's parents placed the paper down and faced him.

"You can't go to school."

The boy's excited face crumbled. "W-what?"

"Haven't you read the letter? Tuition, books, uniform, and miscellaneous fees. What about your living accommodations there, Taehyung? Your transportation fees? Basically your allowance?"

"You can provide me with that...right?" Taehyung asked, his voice small but with a tinge of hopefulness.

But every bit of hope had vanished with just one word.


"But appa!" Taehyung protested. "We can afford it-"

"No, we can't!"

"Eomma please..."

"Aren't you already pleased with your medicine course here in Daegu? You're already interning for the local hospital!"

"But there are better opportunities in Seoul-"

"No, Taehyung! You will not go to Seoul. Cancel your scholarship. Give it to someone else."

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