Part Twenty Six

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Your POV

I tied a blindfold over my face as I moved to a hand to hand stance. Moving my head to the left, I dodge a sword. With a smirk on my face I palm strike my opponent back. He grunts as I jump back to avoid an explosion of magic. Then I grabbed a fist that was about to hit me. A small shockwave erupted from the contact. He tried to remove his fist only for me to kick him back. Then there was silence. But I could hear them moving around. I jump and roundhouse kick someone to my left. She grunts and a sword clatters against the ground. I kick the sword up and grab it to block another blade. The clang that resulted after was deafening and I push my attacker back as the sword I had disappeared. I smirk as I stepped back, one hand held behind my back. There was more silence before I heard running. Shifting my body to the running, I do a low kick towards it. But I was only met by a scythe pushing me away. Then a burst of magic hits my back. I stumble a little, a smile on my face. As I held my right hand up, I removed the blindfold.
Me: "Congratulations you hit me." Blinking a few times I look at my peerage sprawled out across the ground. Alex grunted and stood up, sword in hand.
Me: "Still up huh? Very well, hit me with your best shot." With a yell, Alex runs at me, slashing his sword. It was over in seconds as I kicked the blade out of his hand and grabbed it, pointing it at him.
Me: "Match point." I flipped the blade, holding the handle out to him. Also I infused some of my magic into it to hopefully boost his progress to unlocking his balance breaker. He grabbed it and it vanished.
Me: "As I stated before, I am proud of the progress you've all made. Even with implementing the two newcomers. But as someone who I respect deeply said, 'There's always room for progress.'"

Timeskip, Your POV

Slowly my eyes opened, releasing me from my dream like state. Well it would seem like I was meditating. But only Ira and I know that there exists a parallel universe very, very, similar to our own. The difference is my state of power. Where I am the one leading the Adherents. And that alter me has the same power as the Adherent leader here, Foresight. With a smirk on my face, I stood up. And unfortunately I had to release Issei's soul yesterday. Due to a 'morale' thing. What ever keeps the other devils willing to fight for us. And I had to release his dragon's soul as well. Meaning that someday he might come back for me.... pfft yeah right. He would never be on the same level as me. Leaving the room, I was met with Ailiel about to knock on the door.
Me: "Ah hello my former angel, what do you need?"
Ailiel: "I wanted to say that I'm sorry."
Me: "What for?" I raised an eyebrow at her and crossed my arms. She looked down and fidgeted.
Ailiel: "For this." She looked up again and slammed her lips onto mine. This caught me by surprise but I smirk and kiss back. Slowly she pushed me back into my room. But two other people followed behind her. I separated from the kids to see Ravel and Sona. Oh boy. This was going to be a long afternoon. But that's ok.

Timeskip, Your POV

Closing my door, the quiet snores of the ladies inside were muffled. I wiped off the sweat that had built up on my brow.
Me: "That was certainly time consuming." Looking at my watch, I see that it was time. I walked to my meditation chamber, the one I had the others mediate in as well. This chamber can copy and store your magic inside of you for later use. And it can get into contact with others with a chamber of similar design. Which was what I would be doing. Kneeling down, the lights turn off and the windows became blocked. A purple mist covered the floor as I entered my meditative state. As my knees touch the ground I closed my eyes. When I open them, I was in a black void and someone else was there. Me, but in angelic armor.
Angelic me: "Ah you've arrived. And on time as well."
Me: "You know that we like to be formally on time." He nods and walked up to me. Our auras clashed very visibly, purple versus gold.
Angelic me: "So tell me what you want."
Me: "Simple really. I want you to tell me what the weakness is of angelic Raziel and I'll tell you the weakness of demonic Raziel." Angelic me rubbed his chin in thought. To be expected of course. Both of us were very cautious with deals.
Angelic me: "Very well." He sticks his hand out as did I. Our hand clasp onto each other's forearms and we transfer the knowledge to each other. After a minute, we let go.
Me: "I appreciate the cooperation, like always."
Angelic me: "As do I." We bow formally to each other as the meditative state ends for both of us. Blinking a few times, I was met with the rest of my peerage trying to meditate as well. This brought a smile to my face as I stood up. Sure they were having problems, but it was nice seeing them concentrate.

Timeskip, Your POV

I flip my sword and hold it to the neck of the shade I was fighting. It dissipated and I did a back flap to avoid one thrusting a spear to where I was. As I landed, I vertically cut it in half. More shades manifested around me, each holding a sword or spear. A smirk came onto my face as I manifested another Fang of Ira into my hands. These shades decided to ambush me during my three mile jog. They all rushed me, each using their own technique. One by one they fell to my blade. The sounds of swords clanging and bodies hitting the floor filled the air. As the last body hit the ground, one more shade manifested.

 As the last body hit the ground, one more shade manifested

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It stood to ten feet tall. Looking down at me, it growled. I grip my swords as it lunges at me. With a sidestep, I dodge it's first claw. However I was met with the other claw slashing my shoulder. With a grunt, I flip to avoid its wings. It growled and lunges at me again. With ease I flip my sword and cut through its arm. The arm thuds against the ground and dissipated. However it proved fruitless as the shade simply regenerated its arm. With a roar it lunges at me. Infusing my blades with magic, I slash at the shade. My magic burns through shade's arms and cuts the body into pieces. But as expected, it reformed. Except it was no a weak little bastard. Flipping my swords, I thrust them through it's wings and arms.
Me: "I will only ask this once, who sent you?" It growled it response and attempted to bite me.
Me: "Fine. I'll ask again." I grab its left and and broke a finger. It growled in pain and tried to reel back.
Me: "Who sent you?" Still no response. I go to reach another finger when it spoke.
Shade: "Nal riik Raziel. (My Master Raziel.)" Interesting.
Me: "Go on."
Shade: "Vad gro veh ek. (He has the same power as you.)" So alternate Raziel decides to enter the fray? Very well.
Me: "I see." I wrap my hands around its head and pulled back. With a sickening crack and the sound of flesh reading, it's head came off into my head. Then it dissipated along with the body. Standing up, I look at my shoulder. Then with a sigh, I teleport home. My peerage and I have work to do.


A/N: I hope you all enjoyed. Tell me, do you wish to remain allies with your alternate self? Or do you want to cut it off and betray him? Anyways, as always...

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