Part Fourteen

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Your POV

The training dummy I used snaps apart when I roundhouse kicked it. I growl and look around at all the destroyed training dummies littering the ground.
Me: "Another." The servant nodded and created another one. I punched the head off before punching through it's chest where the heart should be. Then I kick the dummy down. Doing this was a great anger reliever when I was younger, but now it barely helped.
Servant: "Lord (Y/N)." I turned to see a servant with black clothing. It was already time for the ceremony.
Me: "Get everyone ready, and thank you for bringing me my suit." The servant nodded and handed me my suit. When I took it, he ran off to collect the others.
Me: "Go get changed as well." I tell the other servant. He nodded and ran off as well. As I looked over the suit, sadness and anger welled up even more inside me. My breathing became heavier but I slowly calmed down. I replaced my training outfit with my suit before walking towards the funeral procession. After what happened yesterday, I contacted the Great Satans to inform them that my parents died. And under the advice of Lucifer and the captain, I tightened security. Everywhere you went, there was at least three guards. But due to the funeral procession happening soon, there were the combined guards of my house's and the Great Satans' that were attending. Which were Serafall Leviathan and Sirzechs Lucifer. Both of which brought condolences and excuses from the other two. And my servant in charge of planning this procession invited the the three heiresses, Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri, and Ravel Phenix. When I was told about this earlier, I didn't have any time to dwell on it because Ira wanted me to continue my training and learn how to harness my anger. Still, I can't help but find it odd that my servant invited the heiresses. But I can't argue because they are older than I am by about two hundred years. As I walked towards the graveyard we had, my emotions were struggling to show. This was not good. I had to keep my cool to not allow my emotions fuel my actions. But alas, I failed as tears began streaming down my face again. After a few more minutes, I reach the grave. All the servants were standing to the sides as the Great Satans and the heiresses stood in front of them. I exhale slowly before nodding to the servant in charge of this procession.

Timeskip, Your POV

As the procession ended, I place my hand onto my mother's casket. I closed my eyes as my breath quivered. When I slowly I removed my hand, I opened my eyes. Around me, my servants were bowing to me. If you want to know what happened, I just accepted my power and the responsibility of being the leader of my house. Then the caskets get lowered down into the ground as I stepped back. If there was ever of moment of defining, this was it. I was now the head of my house and now, I controlled the future generations' fates. My eyes instinctively close as the ceremony was being wrapped up. Black lightning strikes the caskets of both of my parents, forever sealing them shut. I step back and turn away before walking off as everyone began to disperse. No one dared to talk to me besides my peerage. Everyone else was giving me space for comfort because honestly I had no idea if I could control my emotions. But I course that was short lived as Rizer fucking Phenix decided to pop in.
Rizer: "Rizer gives his condolences to you half blood."
Me: "Go. Away."
Rizer: "Rizer is merely extending a show of sympathy to you half blood." I clench my fists in anger as I start grinding my teeth.
Me: "Get. Out. Now. Last. Warning." Rizer smirked and leaned in closer.
Rizer: "Shame your mother wasn't a pure devil. Rizer would've made sure she stayed alive if she was for so she could serve Rizer's purposes." This makes me snap and I punch Rizer in the stomach. He kneeled over and I grabbed his face and brought it down onto my knee. Rizer stumbles back before trying to throw magic my way. I raise my gauntlet and blocked the attacks as I stepped closer to him. He showed no restraint, so neither will I. When I was close enough, I kicked his knee and he falls over. Then I grabbed his arm and forcibly expanding it before punching the elbow in. As I drop his broken arm, he tried to crawl away. His regeneration was starting to kick in, but it meant I can torture him some more. I extended my right hand as a Fang of Ira manifested. The blade shined in response to my anger as I grabbed the pommel. I bring it down and slice Rizer's right leg off and cauterized the wound, temporarily halting the regeneration. His head shoots up as he yells in pain. And yet, he still tried to crawl away. I flip the sword and thrusted it into his left leg, halting his progress. Then I grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground multiple times. After about a hundred times, I stand up and pull the Fang of Ira out of his leg and sliced off his non shattered arm. I stand up and un manifested the sword and placed my foot onto the back of his head.
Me: "You will not dare to come near this house again. And you will decline to any forced marriages or I will kill you." Of course I heard about how he was 'forced' into this marriage with Rias. Now I just had to make sure he wouldn't do so with another heiress, such as Sona. So I grabbed his sorry ass and threw him through a fucking door.
Me: "I didn't hear a reply." I step through the remains of the door and walk over to him. By now we attracted the attention of my servants and the attendees. And oddly enough, Ravel seemed to enjoy this. I grabbed a handful of Rizer's hair and yanked him up to my face.
Me: "Do you agree?" He nods as blood streams down his face. I sigh then slam his head onto the ground, knocking him out.
Me: "Take this trash out." I stand up and fix my cuffs as two guards come an drag Rizer out.
Me: "I apologize for my behavior." I clear my throat before walking towards my room. But as I walk out the door, I hear a commotion.
Guard: "Ma'am, you can't go that way?"
Woman: "And why not?"
Guard: "This area is reserved for the high bloods of the house." I turn to see Ravel being stopped by a guard.
Me: "Let her through."
Guard: "Yes Lord Obliti." He steps aside and Ravel makes her way over to me. And even during times of pain, I have to admit she was stunning. I clear my throat and held my hand out to her.
Me: "If you insist on following me, you'll follow me to my room." She slowly placed her hand in mine as a blush appeared on her face. I smiled gently before leading her down the hall. As I lead her, she asked me simple yet annoying questions. But one was even borderline perverted, scratch that, it was.
Ravel: "So, how big are you~?" This caused my face to heat up ever so slightly.
Me: "I am not discussing this on the day of my parents' funeral." She pouted and finally we reach my room. I open the door and allow her to enter first. And when I stepped into my room, she closed the door and pushed me to my bed. Then she crawled onto me and straddled me.
Ravel: "My dear (Y/N)~. I think it's time you get acquainted with me~."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this part. And I need a yay or nay on the lemon. Also expect this to continue for the next few days. And as always...

The Fan out

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