Part Twenty Two

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Your POV

Leaning back, I watched the clock. It was the last day of the week and I was prepared to arrange this meeting with Sirzechs. This meeting is supposed to be business with the other devil kings. About what? Still hasn't been disclosed to me. The bell rings and I file in behind the students and exited the classroom. I had already informed my peerage today was an off day so there should be no unwanted ears in this meeting. When I arrived at my club room, Sirzechs and Serafall were inside.
Me: "I thought the other two would be joining us."
Sirzechs: "This meeting isn't for them to hear." I raised an eyebrow and closed the door.
Me: "What is it?" Serafall cleared her throat and looked at me.
Serafall: "There have been reports from Devils, Fallen Angels, and Angels alike about someone or something killing them."
Me: "Go on."
Sirzechs: "Asmodeus and Beezlebub have already decided that they would devote their focuses to making sure this person or thing isn't in hell."
Me: "And I have to make sure it isn't here." He nods but placed a picture onto the table. I walked over and looked at it. A smirk formed on my face. I knew exactly what was killing them. After all, he was obsessed with purifying Ira and her sister. The angel of Purity, Aithel.

One of a select group of Angels

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One of a select group of Angels. They called themselves the Adherents Of God. Each were vastly strong and could rival Ira herself. But when god met his untimely demise, they disappeared. It seemed one had returned and had begun to make quite an infamous name for himself.
Me: "I know who this is. And I know exactly what he wants."
Sirzechs: "And what is that?"
Me: "Either me or Ravel. He was seeking to 'purify' us of our corruption. And he is most likely going to seek out that same goal." Sirzechs rubbed his chin in thought as Serafall looked at him.
Serafall: "We can't let this angel roam around any longer."
Sirzechs: "I know. (Y/N), I am tasking you with killing this rogue angel. Michael already has condemned his actions, saying that he is not one of the heaven." I nod and exit the room. I had planning to do. After all, he probably knows where I am.

Timeskip, Your POV

In front of me lied a Fang of Ira. My power was being absorbed into it. It's blade pulsated purple as it absorbed my power. However further in front of me, someone approaches. His white armor and sword was a dead giveaway to who he was. I grab the Fang of Ira, standing up. The white armor reflected the lights around us in an annoying fashion.
Aithel: "You are a fool to face me alone, spawn of Ira." I chuckled lightly.
Me: "It would be wise to see that I am not like the people before me." Aithel unsheathed his sword and placed it onto his shoulder.
Aithel: "It is irrelevant. I am Aithel, angel of Purity. One of God's Adherent. And I will not fail against you." I get into my stance, a smirk forming on my face.
Me: "Bring it then, angel of purity."

Third POV

Aithel dashes at (Y/N) with immense speed for someone in armor such as his. However (Y/N) was tailored to counter the Adherents. So he dodged the sword and slashed at Aithel's back. Aithel growled and used his momentum to turn himself around and slashed his holy sword at (Y/N). However it was met with the Fang of Ira. The two conflicting elements created an explosion of smoke. When the smoke dies down, both were locked together. Each pushing against the other in a show of strength. Aithel pushed (Y/N) back and socked him in the face. In shock, (Y/N) stumbled back. Aithel kicked his stomach, causing him to fall to his knees. The Fang of Ira flattered against the ground as Aithel lifted his sword above (Y/N)'s head.
Aithel: "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Unfortunately for Aithel, (Y/N) was never alone. Two blasts of magic impact his chest. Aithel hits the wall behind him, shattering it and causing the rubble to fall onto him. (Y/N) stands up, grabbing the Fang of Ira as his peerage walks up behind him, weapons at the ready. Aithel adjusts his helmet, swinging his sword onto his shoulder.
Aithel: "The more the merrier." He holds his sword out before running at the peerage. But as the sword made contact, the person disappeared. Aithel turned around only to be punched by (Y/N)'s gauntlet covered hand. Aithel's armor dents and he stumbled back.
(Y/N): "Shame. I expected you to recognize an illusion spell." Behind (Y/N), a figure in a cloak and holding a scythe steps up next to him.
(Y/N): "Once again, I appreciate the help."
Cloaked Figure: "Of course. It's not everyday that the wielder of the dragon of death approached me. But remember your end of this deal."
(Y/N): "I will." (Y/N) looked back at Aithel, only to catch the holy sword. Steam arose from (Y/N)'s gauntlet as his grip tightened.
(Y/N): "I didn't expect angels to take cheap moves." The holy sword shatters from the pressure of (Y/N)'s grip, sending shards everywhere. Then in a fluid motion, (Y/N)'s right hand grabs Aithel's neck and hoists him into the air.
(Y/N): "I have studied you and your fellow Adherents for most of my life. Meaning, I know how each of you fight." He slammed Aithel onto the ground, cracking the concrete. (Y/N) raised his left hand, clutching it into a fist. Aithel struggles to break free.
(Y/N): "Oh what was it you said so long ago? Oh yes. 'Death to the impure.'" Then (Y/N)'s fist slams through Aithel's chest plate. Blood splattered everywhere as Aithel took one last breath. Then his head goes limp and thuds against the ground.

Your POV

I pull my hand out of his chest as his body explodes into feathers. That truly meant he was dead. I look at the person next to me.
Me: "Pleasure to have your assistance." He chuckled, adjusting his hood.
Grim Reaper: "It was my pleasure. As I stated before, I've always wanted to meet a wielder of Ira."
Me: "And I shall keep my end of the bargain."
Grim Reaper: "Good, she should be here soon." A glyph forms on the ground. It was similar to the one Grim used. Once it flashed and died down, a female was present in it's place. In her right hand was a scythe similar, if not a exact copy of the one in the Grim Reaper's hand.
Grim Reaper: "Right on time Isabella." Isabella nodded at his statement and walked up to me. Her eyes examined me, looking at every detail.
Isabella: "Pleasure to meet you Master (Y/N)."
Me: "I can say the same to you as well Isabella Líthi." She nods and the Grim Reaper chuckled.
Grim Reaper: "Keep her safe. She is my greatest creation."
Me: "I will. Or else you would come and reap my soul."
Grim Reaper: "Exactly." He tapped his scythe onto the ground, creating a glyph under his feet. Then it flashed and he vanished. I look at Isabella.
Me: "Time to introduce you to the rest of my, or rather, our organized chaotic family." I create a teleportation glyph under us before we teleported home.

Unknown POV

I sighed annoyed at what I saw. Aithel, one of my fellow Adherents, had died. Now I was stuck with the other five of us.
Turiel: "May I suggest that we inform the others of what has happened?"
Me: "Not now. Not while we have one other member missing." Turiel nods and walks off. Turiel was the Angel of Justice. And he was the second strongest angel of God's Adherents. Right behind me.
Anael: "So, Aithel is gone?" How many eavesdroppers do I have?
Me: "Unfortunately so." She sighed rather sadly. How could she not. She was the Angel of Love. Whether or not she knew someone, she will feel sad at their deaths.
Anael: "But who will be the one searching for Apollyon now?" I look to Anael, narrowing my eyes in thought.
Me: "Perhaps Ailiel will." Ailiel, Angel of Valor.
Anael: "She will be quite angry finding out her brother died though."
Me: "I know. But we need to find Apollyon first."
Anael: "Should I inform her then, Raziel?"
Me: "No. We need her fully focused on finding Apollyon first, then we tell her what happened." Anael nods before exiting my chamber. I sigh and look to the right.
Me: "No point in hiding, now is there Gabriel?" She walked out, her blond hair reflecting the light of the room.
Gabriel: "I suppose that we need to accelerate the plans." I nod and look back at the pile of feathers that was Aithel.
Me: "We do. We need to find Apollyon now. And we need to make sure Michael is none the wiser. That is our main objective now." She nods and looks at Aithel.
Gabriel: "I'm assuming that Ira's wielder killed him?"
Me: "He did. And I have to hand it to him. He studied everything about our fighting techniques. Aithel didn't stand a chance. But luckily for us, Aithel's soul will remain in limbo until Apollyon and the Grim Reaper decide what to do with him."
Gabriel: "Meaning we need to "persuade" the Reaper to return Aithel back to the living."
Me: "Correct. For the glory of God."
Gabriel: "For the glory of God."

A/N: And that my readers, are the main enemies of you. I hope you enjoyed this part. Leave any comments and/or criticism you had about it. And as always...

The Fan out

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