Part Two

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Your POV

I stare down Hyoudo as he does the same. I rush at him and get as close as I can. It turns out his reaction time is bad because I was already half way to him when he reacted. I jump and try to punch him. He blocks and tries to push me off but I hold my own. I use my other hand to punch his stomach. He reels back in pain before I kick him. He tumbles yo the ground a few feet away. I walk closer to him, building up my magic. 'Only ten seconds and I already have him on the ground. Pathetic.' I pick him up by the collar. I hold my gauntlet to his chest.
(Y/N): "Do you yield?" He respond by kicking me. It loosens my grip enough for him to kick himself out of my grip. But he lands on his butt when he flies out of it. He gets up but I kick him back to he ground.
(Y/N): "Whats the matter Dragon of domination? To prideful to admit defeat?" 'I just have to keep hitting him to disrupt his sacred gear.' I get ready to punch him, but he had a surprise for me.
Hyoudo: "Ascalon!" A sword extends from his sacred gear. I recognize it because of the history behind it.
(Y/N): "The dragon slayer? Now this is going to be a good fight." He swings at me and sidestep him. He slashed right and I sidestep him again. 'Looks like I got my hopes up.' He slashes at me again and I catch the blade. It burns but I pull him closer and head but him. He gets disoriented and I grab his sacred gear. I examine it and it's magical power.
(Y/N): "You still have a lot of training to do Hyoudo." I let go of his sacred gear.
(Y/N): "But having the dragon slayer is impressive. You have gained some respect from me. And if you ever need someone to train you, don't hesitate to ask." I hold my hand out for him to shake. He looks at me before taking my hand.
Hyoudo: "I certainly hope I can best you one day." I smirk at that.
(Y/N): "Nothing is impossible." I pat him on the back before walking out of the arena. 'You spared him, why? Dragons fight to the death.' I look back to Hyoudo. 'I would rather not upset the Great Satans my grace.' His peerage walks up to him. 'And besides, his peerage might make a great ally soon.' I turn and walk into the household.

Timeskip- One Day

I was standing in front of my father's throne. He summoned me for something pretty important. He was looking over something before looking over to me.
Father: "(Y/N), I believe it is time for you to get a peerage. And I have already discussed this at our meeting yesterday." I nod and a servant hands me a case full of chess pieces. I grab the case and see that each piece has my house's symbol on it.
(Y/N): "When do I leave Father?"
Father: "As soon as you are prepared." I nod and close the case. I turn and walk out of the room. 'Well, time to pack.'

Timeskip- Three Hours

I was checking over everything I need. It took a while but I got everything I needed packed. I only had three bags. And it took a while to pack them because I enchanted them to be as light as feathers. Mother wanted me to see them before I leave. I was walking into the throne room for the last time for a while. Inside was my Father's peerage and servants. Mother was sitting in her elegant throne. Father was standing in the center of the room. I walk to the center of the room.
Father: "Are you ready my son?"
(Y/N): "I am ready Father." Everyone bows to me as Father prepares a teleportation glyph. He looks me dead in the eyes before placing his hand on my head.
Father: "Clavae gerulus Oblivionis, ut fatum sit in gratiam." I clutch my bags as I am teleported. I appear in the outskirts of a town. Immediately I sense other devils here. 'They must've sensed me by now.' I walk onwards towards the center of town. This city was quite active in the day. I still sensed the devils and their presence was getting closer slightly. Once I was in the center of town, there was no sign of the humans leaving. As I was walking, I spot someone sitting alone in an alley. I stop and examine them. She was wearing tattered clothes and she looked like she was injured. I look around to see if anyone else will help her. That is when I sense a strong magical aura from her. 'She wields a sacred gear..' I walk into the alley. She doesn't look up at me. I stop at the end of her feet.
(Y/N): "Excuse me miss." She looks up at me and I see her tear stained cheeks.
???: "Y-yes?" I kneel down to her.
(Y/N): "Tell me, why are you here alone? And why are you injured?" She looks down.
???: "You wouldn't believe me." I put my hand on her chin and lightly pushes her chin up.
(Y/N): "Try me." She explains how she lost her family to someone with wings. And how she was left with the present wound.
(Y/N): "I can give you a chance to get revenge on this house." She looks up to me and her eyes show rage.
???: "What do I need to get my revenge?" I take my queen piece out of the case. I hold it out to her.
(Y/N): "But if you accept it you will become a devil. Are you sure you wish to give up your humanity?" She nods.
???: "Anything to get revenge on those bastards." I smile and push the piece into her chest.
(Y/N): "I, (Y/N) Oblitus, hereby take you as my queen piece. Rejoice for your chance to get your revenge." A flash of white occurs and I see her wounds heal and she stands.
(Y/N): "Tell me your name my queen." She looks at me with a smile.
???: "My name is Ava, Ava Diligitus."
(Y/N): "Welcome to the beginning of a new life Ava."

A/N: And the first piece has been revealed. Many more will follow. A question I have to ask of all of you. Do you guys want a harem with characters from the show? Or the female members in your peerage. Let me know.

The Fan out

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