Part Eighteen

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Your POV

With a growl I ripped out the ethereal Issei's heart. His body collapsed as I looked around at the other ethereal versions of him. Many were strewn about without a lower body or heads. I crushed the heart in my hand and tilted my head to avoid Ascalon. With my right fist clenched I turned and punched through his chest. He coughs up blood as I yank my arm out. The body collapses as it emits purple smoke.
Me: "How many are left?"
Ira: "One. But he has achieved juggernaut."
Me: "Understood." I thought about going into my own juggernaut but it would prove that I am too unreliable. While walking up to the juggernaut Issei two Fangs of Ira manifested in my hands. The armor roared at me, out stretching it's wings. Then I rushed at it as it did the same. With a effective slash of my right hand, it's left wing tumbles to the ground. I turned and ducked to avoid it's right hand. For being so big, it was quick on it's feet. Raising my swords, I jump at it. While it tried to slash at me with it's claws, I thrust my sword into it's chest. It growled and coughed up blood as I pulled my swords upwards, cutting it's upper body, head included, in half. It's body falls onto it's back as I jumped off. Just like the others, purple smoke flowed from the wounds.
Ira: "You did very well (Y/N). I believe you could maintain your juggernaut form in its fullest potential."
Me: "Thank you for training me. I will use this power you have granted me to it's fullest."
Ira: "Your father and mother would certainly be proud of this accomplishment." I close my eyes, feeling the swords disappear. That was the hardest part to understand about them dying. They could never say how proud they are of me. Just like they would when I was younger. A smile appeared on it's face.
Me: "I won't let them down. And I never will!" Ira chuckles and the world began to fade.
Ira: "It seems your time here is up. You can return here to hone your powers." The world faded to black and it began to peek white in the center. It seemed I was waking up. Meaning more of that hell they call school. But I will push my way through it.

I open my eyes, a yawn forcing it's way out. To my right laid Ravel, snuggled up against me. Pressing my lips to her forehead, I remove the blanket from atop my body. Slowly I crawl out of bed and make my way to the closet. I put on the school's uniform begrudgingly. As I buttoned up the jacket, arms draped around my neck. The palish skin told me it was Ravel.
Ravel: "Good morning my prince."
Me: "Good morning Ravel, how did you sleep?"
Ravel: "Good since I snuggled up with you." As she said this, she placed her head into the crook of my neck. I smiled and turned to face her.
Me: "I love waking up to you too. I hope that moments like this last." I pull her in for a hug as my lips pressed against hers. She places her arms around my neck, pulling me in closer. While a smile formed on my face, I pulled away.
Me: "While I would love to have sex, not now. We have school." She groaned and unwrapped her arms.

Timeskip, Your POV

I was called to the student council's office again. Sona's newest piece, Saji I think his name was, escorted me. He tried to make small talk with me, but he seemed just as bad as Issei. But at least he was a little more tame on it. Emphasis on little. When we arrived at the student council's office, I walked in alone, the door closing behind me. In the center was Sona and Tsubaki, both playing chess.
Me: "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"
Sona: "Not at all husband." So it seemed she full placed her mind into the thought.
Me: "I see." I walk over to see Sona place a bishop near the edge of the board.
Sona: "Checkmate."
Tsubaki: "You always win president. But I'll be going now. After all your husband and you need to speak." She stands from her chair, bowing to the both of us before walking out. I look to Sona and slide into the unoccupied chair.
Me: "What is it you need to talk about Sona?"
Sona: "Well... it concerns you and Ravel."
Me: "I never took you for the jealous type." She blushed slightly but kept a stern gaze onto me.
Sona: "I want to be able to stay at your house just like she is." I raised an eyebrow at her and placed my elbows onto the table, putting my hands together.
Me: "Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't we?"
Sona: "It'll give me the chance to know you better, and to learn what your peerage is like behind closed doors."
Me: "Ah. You just want to make sure that I'm not going to do something idiotic. Alright, you may stay at my peerage's house. But I don't want to hear of any competition between you and Ravel."
Sona: "Thank you husband. You will not regret it."
Me: "No problem. Now, if that is all you wished to talk about, I must be getting back to class." Before I could walk out, she pulls me into a kiss. This surprised me slightly since this wasn't like her. But seeing her eyes closed with a blush rapidly forming, she was embarrassed about this. I kiss back, pulling her close to me. After a minute we separate.
Sona: "That... that was my first kiss..."
Me: "Glad I could take it. Now, I'll see you at home then?" She nods and I proceed to exit the student council's office.

Timeskip, Your POV

After another semi-successful training with Issei, I was on my way home. But something had stopped me in my tracks. I could almost sense the death near me. Turning my head, I see a fallen angel smirking at someone. In this person's gut was a sword of light. In response I run over and punch the fallen angel away while manifesting a Fang of Ira in my left hand. As the fallen angel retaliated I caught their newly formed light sword in my hand as I shoved my blade through his gut. He coughed up blood as I slashed upwards, splitting his upper body in half along with his head. As the body fell I turned to the dying person. I dissipated the sword and kneeled next to them. His mismatched eyes stood out significantly.
Me: "What's your name?"
Dying person: "A-Alex, Alex Hyoduo." He coughed up blood as the sword in his gut disappeared.
Me: "I can offer you a second chance at life if you wish for it." He grunted but nodded.
Me: "Very well. Alex Hyoduo I offer you a second chance at life. You will no longer be human but a devil. And you will listen to my orders as a subordinate, not a slave. Do you accept?"
Alex: "I do..." I hold my right hand over him as a purple pawn piece formed in it.
Me: "Then you will become one my pawn pieces. Rejoice in your chance at a second life." I placed the pawn inside of his body. His body doesn't reject it as his wound began to heal. And as to why I saved him. Well the emotions slipping back out were a part of it. But the other reason was because he held a sacred gear within his body. And Ira has yet to to tell me. I picked him up delicately as to not disturb the healing process then teleported us home. When I appeared in the living room, all eyes were on me. Sona and Ravel were talking with each other as Tyler and Jackson were arm wrestling. Ava was no where in the living room as Lillian was watching TV. I placed Alex onto the couch.
Me: "Meet the newest pawn in our peerage. His wound is healing but a little help won't hurt. Lillian come here." She nods and walks over, outstretching her hand over Alex's unconscious body. I placed my hand onto her shoulder, releasing magic into her body. Her sacred gear greedily consumes my dark magic and the byproduct was the healing magic. The healing magic flowed out of her hand and onto Alex's body, which absorbed it with out incident. Almost immediately his wounds began to heal faster. A minute later I stop feeding the magic into Lillian.
Me: "Alright, time for dinner because I am hungry!" This caused everyone to either laugh or giggle.

Timeskip, Your POV

I sat on the couch, waiting for Alex to wake up. It was later in the evening and everyone was asleep. But soon he began to stir in his sleep. It long after, he woke up, sitting up from the couch.
Me: "How did you sleep Alex?" He jumped slightly at the sound of my voice.
Alex: "Where am I?"
Me: "You're at my house. Your wound is healed. After all, your parents as well as brother would be worried about you."
Alex: "Oh... right. Thank you by the way. For saving me."
Me: "It was my pleasure Alex. Oh and my name is (Y/N) Obliti. But in front of any human, I am called (Y/N) (L/N)."
Alex: "I got it."
Me: "Good. Tomorrow I will be training you on how to use your magic. And you'll meet the others in my peerage." He nods and stands up. I wave my hand in a circle at him, causing a teleportation glyph to form under him.
Me: "Have a nice trip home." I smile and the teleportation glyph activates, teleporting him home. Once the flash vanished, I stand up and walk to my room. When I get there, Sona and Ravel were lying there, awake. At first glance they were waiting for me so that they we could sleep together. But based on their apparel, they wanted to have sex. I smirked and closed the door, locking it behind me.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed part eighteen. Let me know if you enjoyed the satisfaction of killing Issei's beyond your wildest dreams. Let me know if you want me to write down the lemon. But it is going to happen. Oh and what club do you want your peerage to be disguised as? And as always...

The Fan out

The Forgotten House (Highschool dxd x male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin