Part Three

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Your POV

After gaining Ava as my queen we made it to a apartment complex. It was fairly cheap in human money. But money is of no expense for a heir. It was spacious enough for me to set my peerage in here. It had enough rooms for a whole peerage. And it was close to an academy that I sensed the other devils' presence. I had to deal with the pain of registering myself. Ava was already registered. And according to human time, it was Monday so I had to register today. So as of right now I was walking to what Ava called Kuoh Academy. I was dressed in formal attire. Ava was walking next to me as we both enter the school. I immediately felt the eyes of another devil on me. I turn to see a woman in glasses staring at me. Beside her was another woman with glasses. The shorter of the two has greater power than the other. 'Ah the King and Queen of another peerage.' I nod to Ava, signaling her to stay close to me. I approach the two devils.
(Y/N): "Excuse me, I am new here. Where do I need to go to get registered." They look me over before motioning for me to follow them. I follow them as does Ava. As we are walking down the hallway, the bell rings. Students flow out of the classrooms. And for some reason, their attention falls onto me.
Random Female: "Who's that hunk?"

Random Female 2: "Why is the loner next to the hot guy?" That comment made Ava feel sad.

Random Guy: "Aw Great more competition." This makes me arch and eyebrow.

Random Guy 2: "Wonderful we have another Kiba in the school." I roll my eyes and continue to follow the two. It takes a while to get through the crowd of people, but we finally make it to the office. When the door closes, there is an awkward silence.
(Y/N): "Alright, I know the question you are about to ask and I have answer so ask away." The shorter one speaks up.
Short Woman: "Alright, who are you?" I bow in courtesy.
(Y/N): "I am (Y/N) Oblitus, heir to the Oblitus House." Her eyes look me over is suspicion.
Short Woman: "Sona Sitri of the Sitri House." She gestures to the taller woman.
Sona: "Tsubaki Shinra, my Queen." I hold my hand out to Ava.
(Y/N): "Ava Diligitus, My recently acquired Queen." They look at each other before looking to Ava.
Sona: "And why is that?"
(Y/N): "I offered her the chance for revenge. And she took it." I look to Sona.
(Y/N): "The reason why I came here is to register into this school. To get to know the other peerage leaders better."
They seem to buy the lie but Sona seems suspicious of me.

Timeskip- One Hour

I don't know why I felt like that took forever. But at least I am registered now. They told me that right now it was a lunch break. I was sitting on a bench next to Ava. I was trying to figure out what her sacred gear. It was a mysterious one. I then feel Ira's presence enter my mind. 'This sacred gear is called The Arm Of The Ancients.' I nod and remove my hand off of Ava's back. The other peerage was keeping a close eye on me. 'Guess Rias' doesn't trust me that much.' I nod towards the member looking at me. When they figured out that I spotted them, they stand from the table they were at and walked off. I smirk at this as Ava turns to me.
Ava: "Master what is happening?"
(Y/N): "First, don't call me master. Second, how would you feel on meeting more devils?" She looks at me confused before nodding.


Me and Ava were walking towards the next highest concentration of devils. They were in a small building away from the school. I walk into the building and see everything look kind of run down.
(Y/N): "You would think they would repair this place." I walk around, not being stealthy at all. I find a set of stairs going up. I whistle to Ava and motion towards the stairs. I begin to walk up them as Ava follows. Once I get to the top of the stairs there is a double door. I walk up to the door and knock rather loudly. After a few seconds someone comes to open it. She was rather short and had white hair. I recognize her from my household.
(Y/N): "Hello little rook, is your master here?" She just stares at me for a few seconds before looking inside. 'Hmm, she thinks I am stupid. I know she is using her psychic connection to her king.' I debate on whether or not to interrupt but I just lean on the door frame. The girl looks back to me.
???: "She wants to see you." She spoke in monotone voice. I nod and she walks in, leaving the door open. I get off the frame and walk in. I see Rias and her peerage. I look around the room. It was filled with books on every bookcase.
(Y/N): "This is rather cozy." I walk towards the center of the room.
(Y/N): "And I want a quick discussion with you Ms. Gremory." She looks at me and speaks.
Rias: "About what exactly?"
(Y/N): "Oh you know, having your peerage spy on me."
Rias: "That is a precaution."
(Y/N): "I'm sure it is Ms Gremory." I walk towards a book case and take a book. I look examine it.
(Y/N): "It is in your best interest to not spy on me anymore Ms. Gremory." I shut the book and place it back on the bookcase. I turn to Rias.
(Y/N): "And it is better for you to have me as an ally, not a enemy." I then get a sense of distress. I turn to Ava and nods towards the door. She nods and walks out of the room.
(Y/N): "Ms. Gremory I'm afraid that our little meeting must continue later." I bow in courtesy before walking out of the room. Ava was waiting for me and walks with me.
Ava: "Master what is wrong?" I turn my head to look at her.
(Y/N): "We might have some one else join us." I stop and prepare a teleportation glyph. She steps in it as do I. I teleport us to the person in distress' location. We arrive outside of a house. I immediately sense Fallen Angels inside. 'Rather bold of them to kill someone.' I summon my sacred gear and turn to Ava.
(Y/N): "Until I have the time to properly teach you how to use your sacred gear, stay behind me." She nods. I turn to the building and walk up the stairs to the front door. I open the door and I am immediately hit with the stench of blood. On the ground near the door is a man, no magical energy found in him. He had a hole in his stomach. I look around and see a dead woman. Same as man in injuries and magic. A fallen angel gets thrown through a wall. He gets covered in rubble. He tries to get up but falls back down. I walk over to him and examine him. He sustained serious injury so I turn to the hole. Inside, a fallen angel falls over dead. The one who killed him is a boy. His sacred gear has a powerful aura. He looks to something on the ground. He falls to his knees and begins to cry. I walk in to see him crying over two other males and one female. I take a step and he turns towards me. He stands up and tries to attack me. I grab his fist and flip him over.
(Y/N): "I am not your enemy." He gets up and looks at me.
???: "Then why are you here?"
(Y/N): "I sensed your distress." I look at the dead fallen angels.
(Y/N): "And you seem like you don't need the help." I look to him.
(Y/N): "But the reason I am here is to recruit you to my group. It is your choice, but know if you join you can stop this from happening to other people." I hold my hand out to him.
???: "I accept your proposition." He takes my hand and shakes it.
(Y/N): "What is your name?"
???: "Shido, Shido Tategami." I summon a rook piece in my other hand.
(Y/N): "I, (Y/N) Oblitus, hereby take Shido Tategami as my rook piece. Rejoice for your chance to protect others." I push the rook piece into his chest as his minor injuries heal. He looks to the three dead people on the ground.
Shido: "May I have time to bury them?"
(Y/N): "Of course." I walk out of the room as Ava finishes examining the fallen angel.
Ava: "No idea which class they are."
(Y/N): "Well Ava, we have someone else in our peerage now." I walk towards the door.
(Y/N): "And I would advise you to wait for him to mourn and bury his family." She follows me out of the building.
(Y/N): "My peerage is growing in strength." I turn towards the building.
(Y/N): "Shido will not be the last."

A/N: And another one to the peerage. And it's pretty obvious which harem everyone wants. Shido Tategami belongs to @CandyDoeCat. I hope you all enjoyed this part.

The Fan out

The Forgotten House (Highschool dxd x male reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora