Part Thirteen

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Your POV

I stepped out of the glyph and into the familiar forest. Not much has changed from the books. Though this place seemed emptier than described. Lillian seemed like she had been here before. Ava and the twins along with Shido were flabbergasted at the sight. The forest seemed like it was able to fall apart at any time, yet it remained standing. I began walking in a random direction.
Lillian: "(Y-Y/N), where are you going?"
Me: "Think of this as a field test. If you manage to gain a familiar without the use of magic, you pass." I walk into the brush of the forest. And if you readers are asking why the familiar master isn't here, well he  was annoying so I told him to send a letter so that I can read it to my peerage. And the author was too lazy to look up rhymes or try to even create them. As I walked around, I had to admit that the forest seemed endless, though it was probably very effective illusion magic. After a while, I come across a coven of familiars. This causes words from my father to echo through my mind.
Father: "A familiar seeking companionship will try to fight you to make you prove your worth. The rest will flee."
I walk through the coven, making the familiars scatter. Except for one at least. It raised it's six heads and stared me down. This elicited a small smirk from me as I place my hands behind my back.
Me: "Hello hydra. I'm assuming you want to prove my worth to see if I am worthy of being your master." Without notice, one of it's heads shot at me. I sidestep to avoid the mouth full of teeth. Another shot it's deadly fire at me and I sidestepped again.
Me: "Your attacks are fast. But I am faster." The whirring of air alerts me to an attack so I sidestep again. I turn to see a head tearing a tree from the ground before snapping it. This hydra wasn't the brightest, but it certainly wasn't the slowest. One of it's mouths open and it shot out electricity. I raise an eyebrow at this and jumped back as the ground under me exploded. The explosion created a crater so it was certainly very powerful.
Me: "At this rate, you'll over extend yourself. Let's start with introductions. I am (Y/N) Obliti, heir to the Obliti house. And I wield the dragon of Oblivion, Ira." When I mention Ira, it launched more attacks, faster than earlier. I jumped and landed on one of the heads and backflipped off onto another as a head smashed the one I was just on. The heads weren't good at cooperation so it was in my advantage. I slid down the head I was on and towards the body of the hydra. Though it shook my off as if I was an ant. I landed on my feet as all the heads stared me down. This caused another smirk to form on my face as I slid my foot across the forest floor. Each began to charge up a power. Though from reading the auras, they were each weaker than my attack, but put together? They would probably kill me here now. I raise my right hand as my gauntlet appeared. They all shot out hellfire, and only one shot electricity. Meaning that one was the dominant head of the bunch. However, I had more pressing matters about to impact me. I clenched my fist and closed my eyes. Then I drew my fist back as I used no magic in my fist as I threw a punch. As my fist soared through the air, it connected with the magic attacks. At first it was a stalemate until I began to gain the upper hand. The attacks began breaking off and deflected off my gauntlet and into the forest and the sky. Slowly I began approaching the hydra as the attacks were slowly rising in power. So they were better at longer attacks than short and quick attacks. It took me a good five minutes to reach the main body of the hydra. The dominant head snapped at me, but I didn't falter. It growled as it sniffed the air in front of me before slowly lowering it's head. I placed my hand onto it's head as I begun the contract.
Me: "I, (Y/N) Obliti, place this familiar under the contract of binding with me until either I or it perishes. And I will use it's power in my upcoming battles." I remove my hand as a flash of light appears. When it died down, the spit where my hand was now donned the insignia of my house. I let the hydra as all the heads surrounded me and began purring. Basically it was like multiple puppies seeing their first person ever. I stepped onto the dominant head and pointed in the direction I came from. The head rose to meet just above the tree line before the hydra began walking. On the way there, many trees were being destroyed but they were being replaced seconds later. So I was right illusion magic is at play here. When we reach the location where I teleported is here, I stepped off the head. I impacted the ground but left no crater. That was called balancing your center of mass. While looking around, the forest became alive with animal noises. But there was no one else here. Anxious, I closed my eyes to sense for their auras. Ava was doing fine, as were the twins and Shido. Lillian seemed lost but had something next to her. And by the looks of it, it was trying to guide her. I couldn't make out what it was but it was correctly trying to lead her to us. This caused me to exhale in relief and I opened my eyes only to be met with a pair of brown orbs. The orbs jumped back in surprise as I stepped back in surprise. Ava fell to the ground, holding her heart. It was obvious she arrived while I was searching for their auras. And she thought I was in trouble or something. Or I am being narcissistic again. Either way I reach down and pick Ava up.
Me: "Are you alright?"
Ava: "I'm fine master."
Me: "As I told Lillian, you don't need to call me Master."
Ava: "But it's the only way I can show gratitude for you saving me and giving me a life." I sigh before patting her head. Then I hear Shido laughing from the side.
Me: "Fine. But don't you dare let it get to your head." She nods as a blush covers her face. I remove my hand and look to Shido then saw he had no familiar.
Me: "Laughing while you have no familiar?" He grinned and lifted up a scorpion. I smirk then I looked to the forest as the twins step out.
Me: "Anything?" They lifted up an arm respectively to show a snake coiled around them.
Me: "Good job."
Tyler: "It was a problem getting them to trust us though."
Me: "Each familiar is different."
Jackson: "Where's Lillian?"
Me: "She's coming." I look back to the forest as a hawk lands on Ava's shoulder.
Me: "While we are waiting, form the contracts with your familiar if you haven't already." They each began contracting their familiars as Lillian stepped out the woods. And atop her head would be a lizard the size of a cat. I nod my head with a small smile.
Me: "Good job Lillian. Form your contract if you haven't already."
Lillian: "I already have (Y/N)." She picked the lizard up to reveal the insignia on it's chin. The hydra placed one of it's head under my arm and I began petting it. After about another minute or two, the other three finished their contracts.
Me: "Now, un-summon your familiars so that you may get used to calling them in at will." I turn to the hydra and held out my fist.
Me: "My familiar, I recall you." It disappeared in a flash of white. I still sensed it's presence meaning it worked. And judging by the flashes of light behind me, they each un-summoned theirs. I turn while forming a glyph.
Me: "Our trip is over now." They each nod and stepped closer to me. A flash occurred and we teleported to my household. Though immediately something was wrong. Servants were running around and the guards were on the defensive. I grab a hold of the shoulder of one of the servants.
Me: "What is going on?"
Servant: "Lord (Y/N). Y-Your parents have been assassinated." Everything became silent as my world shattered. I let go of her shoulder and fell to my knees as tears filled my vision. Then I looked up and let out an agonizing yell of pain. It felt like my heart was ripped out. The guards looked at me with sympathy before the captain approached me.
Captain: "Lord (Y/N). I am sorry to ask this of you, but what are your orders?" I grab his hand and push myself up and wipe the tears streaming down my face.
Me: "Who did this?"
Captain: "We have already killed the assassin sir. He didn't make it less than twenty feet before being killed. But we don't know if he had any accomplices."
Me: "Let no one in or out unless it is one of the Great Satans. And make sure that their bodies are ready for a funeral as soon as possible." He nods and steps back before slamming his spear into the ground in a salute motion. The other guards repeated the motion as the servants stood straight. I nodded and they began moving around. Anger filled my mind as I began walking to my room. My peerage has gone to their rooms, except for Lillian. She had followed me all the way to my room. But I payed no mind as I slam open my door and walk inside. I punch the wall, leaving it cracked. Then I fell to my knees again as the door closed and Lillinan rushed to my side. She didn't say anything as she held me. Either way, it helped smooth me as the pain continued to set in. And the realization that I was officially the head of the Obliti house now.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed part thirteen. Now, I need familiar names. And I've decided that hydra will only change into one person, but will have different personalities. The concept will be explored in later parts. And as always...

The Fan out

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