Part Sixteen

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Your POV

When I stated that I was glad that my emotions flowed out naturally now, I was not expecting school to drain them immediately. I was currently in class, trying not to pass out due to boredom. But I was prevailing and pushing on. I needed to set a good example to my servants. Oh and on top of all that, I was transferred to a new class. Apparently they discovered a 'discrepancy' in my transcript. Something about improper education. Now I was in the same class as Lillian and Shido. And next to them was Rias' pawn, bishop, and knight. For what purpose? I don't know. All I know is that when I did enter this classroom, almost all the female population inside swooned over me. I guess their expectations of a new male student are very, very low due to Rias' pawn. But back to the matter at hand, my head rested in my hand as I listened to the teacher. It wasn't like any of it was useful though since I already went through everything I needed to know through private tutors. A part of me did want to just get up and walk out, but as stated before I needed to show a good example. Then there was a knock on the door. The teacher went to open it and had a conversation with someone in the hall before walking back to their desk.
Teacher: "Mr. (L/N), the student council needs to borrow you from class." Ah yes, my fake last name. I stood from my desk and walked towards the door. Outside it was Sona's Queen, Tsubaki Shinra. The door closed behind me, the noise echoing slightly through out the hall. She leads me to what I presumed is the student council's office. When the door opened, I was met with Sona sitting by herself with a book. I stepped inside, hands in my pockets.
Me: "You called for me Ms. Shitori?" When the door closed behind me, Sona looked up from her book.
Sona: "I did. Take a seat Mr. Obliti." I decided to humor her and I sat down in the chair.
Me: "What is you want Lady Sitri?"
Sona: "Your words seemed to have fallen upon deaf ears when you spoke to... Lady Leviathan."
Me: "I see. I assume that she is trying to get your parents to arrange a marriage between us?"
Sona: "She is." I leaned my back up against the seat, crossing my legs.
Me: "Alright. But I must ask of you, if this marriage did go on, would you be interested in it?" As she opened her mouth to answer, a knock sounded from the door.
Sona: "Enter." I turned to face the door as Tsubaki walked in with someone behind her.
Tsubaki: "Sorry to interrupt you President, but I have fetched the transfer student." She stepped aside and then someone who I least expected was there. Ravel Phenex in a Kuoh Academy uniform. I sighed and once the door closed I rubbed my face.
Me: "Really Ravel? Following me to the human world?"
Ravel: "Well, it wasn't my idea, but I didn't oppose the thought of being close to you again."
Sona: "Nice to see you again Lady Phenex."
Ravel: "It's heiress actually. After what my brother pulled in revealing he sent the assassins to (Y/N)'s house, he was disowned by my father." I raised an eyebrow.
Me: "So they finally saw what he really was then?"
Ravel: "They did. The peerage was transferred to me with me as it's new King piece."
Me: "I must say that is quite the step up in social status." Sona closed her book and stood up. She walked next to me, a red tint on her face.
Sona: "Lady Phenex, I must politely ask you to leave my.. husband alone." Her face was basically burning up from heat.
Ravel: "Excuse me? (Y/N) is my man. Proof of this was last night." Ravel walked over and sat in my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck.

Timeskip, Your POV

As the day ended, my arms were basically held hostage by Sona and Ravel. It seemed that Sona did hold me in a certain liking. And this marriage only pushed her further. 'Lady Ira, what do I do about these two?' 'They stick true to their motivates. Use this to garner more offspring.' 'As you wish.' I stop walking and slide my arms from their chests.
Me: "If you two wish to start competing over me, then do it at different times. Right now all I wish to do is to return home." But Ravel persisted to follow me as Sona walked away.
Me: "Ravel-."
Ravel: "I have no where else to go."
Me: "Then where is your peerage?"
Ravel: "They're in my clan's house for evaluation over who was aiding my brother." I sigh and wrap my arm around her, bringing her close to me.
Me: "Alright then as of now, you're going to be one of my future wives. So you'll be under my watch watch from here on out." She nods and snuggled into my grip as we walked to my house. Inside everyone was already there. And I could hear Tyler and Jackson arguing about which subject was the most boring. Not that I could blame them. I release my hold of Ravel and walk inside, claiming their attention.
Me: "Alright, circumstances have been revealed today. One. Lady Sitri has informed me that her and I are in an arranged marriage. Two. Lady Ravel is going to be staying with us. Three. It's time to train." This last part caused all of them to back away in slight fear.
Me: "Oh but not with me. With the strays in this town. I will be supervising you all from a distance. Good luck." I form a teleportation glyph under them and teleport them to a different part of the town. A minute later I teleported Ravel and I as well. We appear above the peerage, out of view. A glyph was formed under us for more safety precautions. Ava managed to recollect them into following her lead. And immediately they meet a stray fallen angel. Or rather he ran into them. And since they were in a position unseen to the human eye, they effectively dispose of him. Not bad for normal standards, but low for my expectations. But nonetheless they dealt with him effectively. An half hour later they find another stray devil. This one had been brewing its power so it was a far greater opponent. But due to the power that Lillian gave, it stood no chance against them. Of course once again, was to be expected. Another half hour passes without incident. They search around in one more block when they encounter two stray devils. Each were powerful strays that could pose a problem if not dealt with swiftly. The twins decided to just rush in, using their sacred gears as brass knuckles in a sense. They effectively took down one, but the other launched magic at them, launching them into a building. Shido rushed it and got a few hits in, knocking one of the stray's arms off. But he was launched away as well. Fortunately for them, Ava finished him off. I decided they were done for the night so I teleported all of us back. When I arrived in the house, I held my arms up, catching Ravel as she teleported to us. She landed in my arms, surprised at how I knew she was going to end up like this.
Me: "Don't bother thinking about how I knew you were going to be there. You won't figure it out." I place her onto the ground and stare at my peerage.
Me: "Now, I would usually say you all did a good job. But out there was mediocre. You all lacked coordination even though I thought I had drilled it into your heads. And you underestimated your opponent. If this was a rating game, we would be eliminated within minutes. The next time I let you all out for training, I expect to see improvements. Now, go get a good nights rest, you have school in the morning." I walk past them, heading towards my room. Unsurprisingly Ravel followed me.
Me: "Ravel if you think that there will be more of what happened last night, you're wrong."
Ravel: "I just want to cuddle with my Prince of Oblivion."
Me: "I see. Well come along then. The nights beginning to creep upon the day." A few seconds later we arrive at my room. It was nothing too fancy. But it was similar to my room in the underworld. I immediately notice the luggage on the ground, which was obviously not mine.
Me: "Ravel, is this luggage yours?"
Ravel: "It is. I had no where else to put it." I sigh but ignore it as I change into my sleep wear. When I turn to face my bed, Ravel was laying on top, completely nude.
Me: "I already said I wasn't going to have sex with you tonight."
Ravel: "This is how I want to sleep with you since you're the first I've ever had sex with." I sigh and walked over to the bed and sat on it.
Me: "That doesn't mean you have to show off your body to me all the time. I care about you Ravel. Enough to realize what there is about you." I press my lips onto hers and she smiled into it. A few seconds later I separate and slide under the covers, Ravel immediately snuggling up to me. I smile and close my eyes, feeling the exhaustion of school kick in.

A/N: Bet none of you expected that huh? But who will be the next to join you for your di-. I mean personality. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this update. And as always...

The Fan out

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