Part Seven

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Your POV

I was walking to my Father's throne room. Rizer's blood was still on my clothes. I was struggling to keep my emotions in check. The two guards at the door salute. I stop and they open the doors. I walk in to see my peerage, Father, Mother, Serafall and one other person. It was Sona. 'Did you bring her here?' 'No I did not.' I sigh before walking to them.
Me: "Father I demand that the Phenix clan never has entry here ever again." I had slight anger in my voice. Father nods before I look to the others.
Me: "I apologize for my outburst. But what do you need Ms. Leviathan and Ms. Sitri?"
Sona: "We, well my sister, wanted to say outstanding performance." I look to Serafall and she nods happily.
Serafall: "Yeah! I saw you fight and I have to say that I've ever seen someone beat a Phenix like that."
Me: "He got what he deserved. And I believe he won't be coming back anytime soon." I look to my three pieces.
Me: "Go rest, the servants will show you to your rooms." They nod and walk out and when the door closes I sigh.
Me: "Why are you two really here?"
Sona: "My sister dragged me here. Even though I did not want to come. No offense."
Me: "None taken. So Ms. Leviathan, why did you come back here?"
Serafall: "I thought I would be a nice sister and got my little sister someone to be with." I raise my eyebrow and look at a now blushing Sona.
Me: "Are you implying that I get into a relationship with your sister?"
Serafall: "Yes, because she deserves someone of your mannerism and caliber in combat."
Me: "Then it is her decision to make, not yours even if you are her sister." I turn and walk towards the door.
Me: "And Ms. Leviathan please remember that you are just as susceptible to being in an arranged marriage like Ms. Gremory." I look back to Father and nod. He nods back and I leave the room. I walk ahead of my peerage and turn to them.
Me: "And that is what happens when someone tries to insult my pieces. And I hope you learned just how powerful I am." They look at each other and nod.
Me: "Good, now a servant should be here in a bit to escort you to your rooms." As if sensing that they were being summoned, a servant appears.
Servant: "Right this way." I nod to them and they walk away. I sigh and walk to a painting. It was a painting of Ira. I grab it and carefully take it off the wall. On the wall was a hole in a diamond shape. I summon a Fang of Ira and put the tip at the edge of the hole. I push it in as it slides in easily. When it reaches the end, something clicks and a part of the wall nearby slides in and moves to the side. I pull the sword out and replace the painting. I walk inside of the hole as the wall moves back into place. Inside was a set of stairs that went down. I walk down as torches on the walls lit behind me, each meeting off a black flame. I reach the bottom of the stairs where a door lies. On the door is my family's crest. I raise my right arm and activate my gear. I place the palm of my hand on the door and it opens. I walk inside, showing off a meditation room. I walk to the middle of the room. I exhale before getting onto my knees and clearing my mind. I close my eyes before chanting.
Me: "Ego paratus sum mei reverentia." I feel a presence enter the room. The magic shifts drastically in the room as well. I open my eyes to only see black smoke everywhere.
Me: "Ira, I wish to know how I should proceed?" An pair of eyes open in front of me and raise up. Ira looks down at me.
Ira: "Child, everything is falling into place. Rumors are already being spread through the underworld. And you have caught the eye of someone crucial to my plan."
Me: "Is it a case of that I will know them when I see them?"
Ira: "Yes. And I want your opinion on the Sitris."
Me: "I will believe the rumors of Sitris in battle when I fight Sona."
Ira: "You do know those rumors are generations old?"
Me: "Hmm, then who would be a worthy opponent for our strength then?"
Ira: "Perhaps a duel between you and a Great Satan."
Me: "Which one?"
Ira: "Hmmm that will be decided later, but now, time to touch up on your magic training."
Me: "As you wish." I stand up as a group of figures emerge from the smoke. Each one was holding a weapon of sorts. I raise my fists as my gauntlets appear. They encircle me, raising their weapons. I breath steadily as I hear one run at me from behind. I duck and turn, shoving my fist into the attacker's gut. It stumbles back as I punch it again, this time in the face. I turn and grab a sword about to slice me. I gather magic up in my right hand and punch the figure, disintegrating it. I side step to dodge a greatsword. I grab the blade and elbow it, breaking it. The shards go everywhere as I launch magic at the wielder. It disintegrated as well. There were only three left. One had another sword, one had an ax and the other had a whip made out of metal. I look to the whip wielder only to get struck in the face by the whip. I fall to the ground before rolling to the side to avoid a stab from the sword. I jump up as the ax narrowly missed. I turn to the trio as they advance. I open the palms of my hand, purple and black flames coming off them. As they get closer with their weapons raised, I launch my magic at them. They get disintegrated as they are launched back. I look to Ira, who was watching me.
Me: "Anything else?" I hear a crack and the sound of rushing air. I jump to the side as a club hits the ground where I was. I look to see a troll growling and looking at me. I raise my fists again as the troll picks it's club up. It roars at me before stubbly running at me. I run at it as well. It swings the club at me as I jump over it. I land on the troll and kick it in the face. It grabs my leg and throws me. I hit a tree with a loud crack. I stand up as the troll makes its way over to me. I spit blood out before raising my fists again. A flash of light occurs as I enter my balance breaker. I look into its eyes as we are the same height now. It roars again before running at me. I punch it with incredible speed before it could swing its club. The troll flies across the clearing and into another tree. I grab the club it dropped and dragged it to it. I pick the club up and raise it above my head. I release magic into it as it begins to burn. I brink the black and purple club down onto it's head. It smashes but the troll disintegrates. I get out of my balance Breaker before looking towards Ira.
Me: "Is that it now?"
Ira: "Perhaps. But you have shown great strength, meaning you have grown in power. Enough for me to grant you another portion of my true power."
Me: "I am ready." I get raised into the air as purple lighting strikes me. It sizzles through my clothes as I feel power enter me. I get dropped to the floor as smoke rises from me. I stand, but I wobble a bit. I look at my gear to see it covering most of my arms now. And there is a purpleish glow to go with the purple energy moving through it.
Me: "Now, what is your plan?"
Ira: "With you gaining more of my power, it is time for me to decide which noble woman is suitable for you."

A/N: There you go readers, after almost a month this part is released. I apologize for the lack of updates, but I hope you enjoy this part.

The Fan out

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