"Gee I wonder what these orbs are."

Okay you Sarcastic ass choose one then.

Reward: New Ally





"Ha I knew it! It's alive and mocks me!" This semblance is really weird. "Alright so these are self explanatory."

"Actually I want to try something Water and Air!"

Are you sure?

"Yes." Both the Blue and Green Orbs expand and shine then three lines fly through the void which was actually taking a yellow hue now.

Bonus Skill accessed!

Path of Ice!

Water and Air progression paused! Gain the permission and friendship of a spirit to continue through the skills!

"Path of Ice!"

Are you sure?


Ice progress Paused! Gain the permission and Friendship of an Ice spirit to continue through the tree.

"Guess that is good for now." I feel my mind return to my body and I see Eden looking at me as I stood in place.

"How long was I out?" I asked

"A few seconds. I'd recommend you access your skill tree when you are either asleep or when you know your safe."

"Alright I need to make a few new friends." Eden looks at me.

"By all means don't let me stop you." I sit down and I can feel the power of my skill tree activate.

Passive Skill activated!

Spirit Affinity LV 1/10: Can befriend up to four spirits. The closer you are to your spirits more spirits will be willing to join you.

"Oh your cute!" I look up from the screen and see a girl around my age, she was entirely made of water.

"Uh hi..." I said.

"Hi~! My name is Aqua I'm a Water Sprite. Who are you~?"

"Uh F/N...Nice to meet you." She places her chin on her hand and I saw a smile appear on her face.

"So you want to use my abilities huh?" I quickly pull up my titles and swap Eden's Hand for Stud... God I hate these titles. Though I felt as though my confidence has been boosted drastically.

"Now it just wouldn't be fair for me to not give you something for your trouble." I smiled at her.

"Well maybe we can think of something later~." I grab her hand with both of mine and held it gently.

"Why don't we discuss it now?" I said.

Seduction successful!

Aqua has become Flustered

"Oh uh... Uhm... I guess spending time with you is good enough." I kiss her hand and I felt her hand get warm.

"Can I rely on your help as well."

Critical Seduction! Aqua wants to stay close to you!

"I'll protect you... with...with my life."

"Please don't sacrifice yourself for me, I couldn't bring myself to find another water spirit to pair up with."

Due to your silk words your starting relationship with Aqua is Friend with 80/100 affection.

Broken Gamer (Abused Reader X Rwby) 18+Where stories live. Discover now