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Noella's POV

I woke up next to Harry. Such a beautiful little kiddo with his beautiul brown hair. I have to admit, he wasn't the first guy i fell in love with when i first saw a video of 1D. Zayn caught my eye first. HAHAHAH Harry is gonna cry when i tell him. Kinda awkward lol.  Maybe i shouldn't. "Are you gonna stare at me all day?" He suddenly said. Scared the crap out of me but okay. "Eh.. Maybe yeah.." I laughed. He kissed my lips and stood up. "Where are you going?" "Make some breakfast. You stay here." He walked away. Wait what? What am i.. His dog? I stood up and walked downstairs. "I told you to stay upstairs right?" Harry said while making food. "Am i a dog or something?" He burst out of laughter. "No! I wanted to make you breakfast in bed." He kissed my lips. "Oh.. Well i'm heading back to bed then." I laughed and went back upstairs. I waited.. and waited.. and waited but Harry didn't come back. Did he fell asleep? I went downstairs and heard a familiar female voice. I looked around the corner and saw Harry talking to Caroline. CAROLINE FUCKING FLACK. *vomit* I walked up to them. "Look who we have here." I said and Caroline looked at me like 'Do i know you?' "No you don't know me. I'm Noella, Harry's girlfriend. Nice to meet you Caroline." I gave her a fake smile. BIAAAATCH. No i don't really like that girl. SHE IS FUCKING 32! Find a man of your own age. Harry continued talking to her and i looked at her like she was trash. She looked at me. "I'm sorry.. Are you mad at me or something?" "Oh no no no. Just that you're talking to my boyfriend while i was waiting for him. But continue." I said and walked upstairs again. After 5 minutes Harry came upstairs with my breakfast. I looked at him. "Why were you so mean to Caroline?" He asked. "How dare you to ask me that?" 

Harry's POV

She  stood up. I wasn't really angry but she was annoyed by the way i talked to her. I just stood there. She slammed the tray i was holding in my hands. My eyes went huge. After a silence for a few seconds we both burst out of laughter. "Why did you do that?!" I was now crying of laughter. "I don't know i'm sorry!" She yelled and laguhed. I attacked her and we both fell on the bed. "HAHAHHAHAHAH YOU'RE SO FUNNY!" I yelled. After 10 minutes we were done laughing. " You know... Caroline is been stalking me for the last few years. I don't even like her." I said and she turned around. She started kissing me and i immediately kissed her back. She pulled back and stood up. "I'm gonna change." She said. I looked at her. She waved like i needed to get out. "Why do i have to get out? It's not like i've never seen you naked. I'm just saying." I said and lied my head back down on the bed. She changed her clothes. She was so beautiful. She looked really pretty with these clothes even though i rather see her without. Hehe. I know i'm a pervert. 

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